Night Elf Highborne Customization

The Highborne joined the Night Elves in Cataclysm, and while there might be not too many (as most of them have either mutated or given to the Horde in the term of Nightborne), they were a core part to introduce the Mage Class to the Night Elves and while there have been a Highborne every now and then in the game, like in the Mage Class Hall or Feralas, it looks like this aspect of the race has been forgotten by Blizzard.

It feels like they only brought them to unlock the class for Night Elves and that’s it, with less cameos than the High Elves around, despite being a vast and very important part for the Night Elves in the past. Even turning the Elves of Aszuna to aid the Alliance, with them being all Highborne ghosts.

Would be nice if Blizz unlocked some Highborne focused customization in Shadowlands. That can come with jewelry, a different skin tone, golden eyes for the females, hair color/style.

It’s hard to come up with something seen in game as the Highborne, like I said, have been forgotten and everytime we see one, is using an exact NE model/color without any kind of different aspect that’d lead us to notice the difference between a Highborne and a Night Elf.

But some “regal” customization might do wonders.


The Highborne joined the Horde in 2007 and 2018.


The Highborne are actually the Night Elf Mages that rejoined Night Elf society on Cataclysm.

That’s why Night Elves can roll Mage.


No, these are the Blood Elves, who proceed to change their names for everything that happened to them.

“Hey, we ate pizza today and it was delicious. We’re now called, Piz’dorei.”

I want the real Highborne.


Right. Because Highborne are just a caste of Nelfs.

I’m all for more customizations and approve of all the ones you listed, but Highborne aren’t any different than other Nelfs. So let’s not use that as an excuse just to get some fun jewelry and new eye color for females.

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Those are the Shendralar. Blood elves and nuigbtborne are highborne elves.

I prefer Nightborne culture and attitude and preservation of their culture. But night elves deserve something so if they wanna be Highborne I say I want to voice my support for customization for my NE friends

This is gonna be one of those things where yes, they did, but lore also states that they’re part of the Alliance as well.

You know… like High Elves…


But anyway, I feel like the current iteration of the Nightborne is supposed to be evocative of the kind of posh style the highborne were known for. The nightborne just had a better way of preserving that culture because they were literally trapped in a bubble for ten thousand years.

The Shen’dralar are Highborne.

Your Belfs are High Elves. There’s a difference.


Not using anything as an excuse. I think bringing this aspect of the race as a visual customization would be nice. More diversity.

I’m not seeing how this is confusing.

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Excuse was poor word choice. My point is, Highborne are Nelfs. We don’t need to ask for those just because Highborne. We can ask for them just because they’re cool options.

It’s not, thank you.

Could you give ideas or we’re going to debate things not related to customization?

I admit it’s my fault for mentioning it. Guess I should’ve said “give Highborne customization to the NE” to avoid this.

The Shendralar are Highborne. Blood Elves and Nuigbtborne are Blood Elves and Nuigbtborne. They became a different species.

“Still, we Highborne know much of the arcane.”

" Whether the residents of this young tree come to accept us or not, the Highborne are returning to light, and we will not turn our backs on what we are"

" You show some nerve coming to Teldrassil, Highborne."

“Watch yourself, Highborne.”


You would’ve just been better off to ask for the customizations without the guise of Highborne at all. Nelfs are just Nelfs, regardless of caste.

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Agreed. However, if they are a part of the NE society finally joining after thousands of years, I think some little custom that let’s people play as “one” visually would be nice.

We’re given Chinese humans. Why not Highborne custom? They did nice with the Nightborne giving them jewelry. And we even have a Highborne set with a crown.Customs based on this would not be bad.


Didn’t trust 'em before, when they refused to quit playing with the Arcane…still don’t. Yes, I know these are the Dire Maul survivors who bailed on Azshara and hid out instead of going Naga or going with the exiles who evolved into Thalassians. Still don’t trust 'em. :slight_smile:

I don’t see why this would be controversial. This is a part of Night Elf culture and lore


The Shen’dralar were highborne. They just didn’t hide in a bubble or go with Anasterian.


They hid…they just hid in Dire Maul instead of under a dome. To the point though; what definitive physical differences are there between the two Night Elf castes?

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