Night Elf heritage Armor Wish list

It’s really so hard to create a heritage armor for the Kal’dorei. The skimpy armor would look hilarious for the highborne/night elf mages and priestesses.

It’s better to give them variations for specific classes

feathery for hunters and warriors
furry for druids with lots of leaf designs
elaborate dresses for priests and mages

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Not enough fire.

Well that one’s certainly cheeky. :wink:


I leveled a NE Hunter to 120, but just now changed to NB. They were too slow to offer NE heritage armor.

I moved my BE pally from BC to alliance LF draenei, so moved NE to keep my balance in factions.

I play every class, but not every race.

I hope we get Night Elf heritage Armor soon :confused:

I mean… that’s kinda the point of heritage armor, bro.

The OP had the best idea, why not use Ravencrests sweet armor for NE Heritage?

I think if there’s even going to be a NE heritage set (which I doubt), then it will be something really bulky and out of place, probably golden.

The males just get a sleeping bag. It’s what they do.


That’s probably accurate! :joy: give em moonkin woolies and a sleeping bag for a cloak.

This is excellent! And to avoid being too druidy for classes that aren’t druid we could get a second color of the same armor in metal or something. That helm, I NEED IT SO MUCH

Why the doubt? I thought that every race would get an exclusive gear that can’t be used by other races…

well I was just considering blizzard’s stance on the race. Even if they make NE heritage armor, it will probably be something completely out of place, like the worgen heritage armor just worse

For the most part the darkshore armor was well done, so even if they put the same effort into the NE heritage armor, it should be acceptable, idk if any of the other races’ heritage armor has been groundbreaking. They all look good, besides worgen haha.

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I understand some people want Slutmogs Heritage Armor, there are also those of us who want real Kaldorei representation Heritage armor. Perhaps the devs will actually look at the Kaldorei and take the time to research real Kaldorei Armor & come out with something traditional and not made up or what they think it should look like as they did with the Worgen’s hideous set.

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I loved the Darkshore set think it was the best armor thus far for Kaldorei, The artists that worked on that set deserve allot of kudos, they actually brought in some really good looking Kaldorei Armor to the game after so many years we asked for it.

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Most of the definitive Kaldorei gear from WC3 was skimpy. Wardens, Huntresses, and Druids of the Talon were basically the only units that were fully covered. Priestesses of the Moon wore what’s basically Tyrande’s HotS outfit, Demon Hunters were shirtless and barefoot, Druids of the Claw wore baggy leather that left their chest exposed, etc. You’d have to go back to the Kaldorei Empire to get anything heavier.

Here’s the nelf loading screen from Reforged’s beta:


The first one is too convoluted for any elf, and the helmet is too big.

I like the other two suggestions as a foundation better.

The Kaldorei loading screen from Reforged’s beta is allot different then the Loin cloth crap armor we had seen Nazmir. Perhaps the further they go back the better it is suppose to be heritage armor & suppose to be a representation of the whole Kaldorei heritage. I am really not expecting nothing to spectacular anyhow, think we got the best they could do in the Kaldorei war front armor.

It differs a fair bit from the archer set in the original game, which didn’t have the leather stockings, the draping cloth, or a lot of the padding around the breastplate. The NPC set is honestly a lot closer to the original, though it doesn’t have the cloak or the left pauldron.