Night elf fans, don't buy

As if 8.1 wasn’t enough of an example for what I just said.

Horde can destroy everything the night elves have, take their lives and send them to the maw forever but the night elves can’t deal a single small blow to the horde.


Once again, the Night Elves won the Darkshore Warfront. Practically by themselves with basically just the help of the Gileans.


Ah okay sure them saying that at a Q&A makes up for:

All of that for getting 1 of their 3 zones back from the horde… and only after asking it at a Q&A. yea seems balanced to me


If you removed the word “forever” from your self-quote, I would agree with your bullet points.

I can’t see Blizz letting us free those souls, it would undo the actions of the horde PC in BfA and the pre patch. Maybe they let alliance players do it, but given that there’s no faction specific content I’m not going to believe in it.

Just imagine the complaints that will arise if they force horde players to do it.

And if you’re wrong I’ll be here to celebrate it with you.

I also don’t have to imagine it. I was here when Horde posters complained that Val’sharah went live.

Also, here, with some modifications:


Oh come on, you are comparing tens of thousands of innocent night elves to a few zandalari that were actual fighters. The night elves surrendered and the horde still burned all of them and sent them to hell, Rastakhan was only killed because he didn’t surrender.

Again, Rastakhan was atleast a raid boss while Tyrande and Malfurion were taken on by the Horde PC alone along with Nathanos.

Not by the other faction, we actually fight those in Nazmir, for example.

And Night Elf players had to ally with the Horde, with the same horde that killed tens of thousands and sent them to hell forever while the alliance only killed a few soldiers and their king after they joined the horde that previously commited unthinkable crimes against the alliance.

I don’t remember that quest too well so I guess I’ll give it to you.

I doubt Bwonsamdi would do the same thing to the souls that the Night Elf souls are suffering in the maw forever now.

And they still got to kill quite a few alliance characters. I don’t see why the Zandalari would be out for the Alliance only either. The Horde commited one of the worst crimes in wow history and knowing that the alliance would eventually have to strike back, they went to the Zandalari and used them as cannon fodder. Also, Zul set fire to stormwind in the stormwind infiltration which was essentially home to many refugees from cities the horde previously destroyed, including worgen and Night Elves. I’d assume that some of them died there, too. And it also sort of answers this point:

Listen here, I never denied that other races have it bad too, but atleast the Zandalari have the honor to be part of the horde and you simply can’t put the never ending suffering of the night elves on the same level with other races.


You are also choosing to ignore all the innocent Night Elves that got evacuated on time.

You are also aware that no one knows that the Shadowlands are broken right now except Sylvanas, and the Horde didn’t know during the War of the Thorns, nor did any player at the time, either.

At least Tyrande and Malfurion were not a raid boss, and both live.

And no, I do not believe either will be a raid boss in Shadowlands. And no, you are not determined to be correct if you believe they will be.

We have War Campaign quests and Faction Assaults in all three Zandalar zones.

We allied with Saurfang, who did lead the War of the Thorns, which by your standards is just “a few soldiers” and an attempt on Malfurion. We did not side with Sylvanas or Nathanos or, as far as we know, anyone who launched the catapults. So, no, we did not side with the Horde that burned Teldrassil.

We’ll probably see in The Other Side dungeon one way or another.

And we got to kill Horde soldiers at Darkshore. Twice. In A Good War the Night Elves killed even more Horde soldiers than the Horde killed Night Elf fighters.

Those Horde soldiers also went to the Maw.

At least you acknowledge that.

Then you listen here, too. Never ending suffering is a myth you are perpetuating. Whatever excuse you have of “it’s not even in beta,” “it can always change,” and “people will complain about it” applies exactly the same to your doom-saying.


Which are still “far too few” according to Elegy.

Oh that makes it better that they only wanted to burn them alive and butcher down civilians even before Teldrassil, but not necessarily send them to hell to suffer forever.

They would be way too weak to stand against 30 players, anyway. Atleast they keep portraying it this way.

It was literally the exact same horde that burned Teldrassil though? Just because Sylvanas abandoned them in 8.2.5 doesn’t redeem them of their crimes.

and yet not a single named character other than “horde soldier 1”, “horde soldier 2” etc… We weren’t even allowed to kill death camp running Belmont and he’s just chilling in orgrimmar right now and is forgiven because he pretended to change his mind in 8.2.5 like every other loyalist.

The problem is that atleast I have history to back it up, and something else that I always wanted to mention (and might make a thread about in the future) is this:

How am I supposed to expect anything good coming from this?


Which is not actually a number. Nor an indication of the race being at any risk to its existence.

The Horde did not want to burn them alive, nor butcher them. The Horde wanted as few civilians left in Teldrassil so they would be more easily managed as hostages:

    Sylvanas tapped her fingers on the table, thinking. “Let us make sure Tyrande does not return. The kaldorei evacuation—it helps us if they use every resource to get their people off the World Tree before we arrive, correct?”

    “I believe so, Warchief,” Saurfang said. It would reduce the number of prisoners the Horde would need to care for, it would take fighters off the line to guard the evacuation, and it would mean that most of the Alliance’s magic wielders would need to remain on Teldrassil to assist instead of joining the battle in Ashenvale.

Hence why it is a good thing they were not raid bosses.

Unless you remember questing Sylvanas, Nathanos, Catapult Operator X, or Pyromaniac Shaman Y, no, they are literally not the exact same Horde that burned Teldrassil.

I do not disagree with you on this. I am also upset that Belmont lives. I hope at least with Sylvanas gone that Belmont will be her Thalen Songweaver and just disappear and never be seen or heard from again.

No you don’t. You actively ignore any Blizzard history that shows you are wrong, like Val’sharah.

I already have a thread up on this: Tyrande, Beloved Character [Spoilers].

By focusing on these lines:

I won’t tell you to be optimistic. You don’t have to be. But, no, you’re not being realistic by yelling that the sky is falling.



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Perhaps I’m remembering wrong but wasn’t the “far too few” comment made by Tyrande herself? As in, it’s her opinion that there are far too few night elves and not a canon fact that there are far too few?

Not that population numbers are ever given or matter in the slightest, but still.


Also, would the sentiment that “far too few” are left stay the same regardless of how many survived? Like just about every other playable race, the Night Elves have suffered a lot of losses since the events of WC3, even before the War of the Thorns.


Also remember when a leader last said their people were few:

    IconSmall Maiev.gif Maiev Shadowsong: Kael, where are your high elven brethren? Do they not fight the undead as you do?
    IconSmall Kael'thas.gif Prince Kael’thas: The Scourge devoured our ancient homeland of Quel’Thalas. The once proud bloodline of my people is nearly spent. The few of us that remain now call ourselves blood elves, in homage to our murdered people.
    IconSmall Tyrande.gif Tyrande Whisperwind: I grieve for your people, Kael. But you must not allow rage and despair to poison your heart. You may lead your people to a brighter future.


That was with the help of the Horde Champion. (just like the way the Alliance Champion solos out the remaining Forsaken forces later.) And Astranaar wasn’t a city, not by even New Jersey’s stretch of the definition. The only city the Night Elves had was Darnassus.

Remember that Arthas had slaughtered 90 percent of the High Elf population.

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And now we have so many Blood Elves that they could provide the Alliance with another new offshoot in the Void Elves.


Oh dip I forgot that Tyrande specifically warned not to allow rage and despair to “poison your heart.” We getting some Kael and Tyrande parallels now?