Night Elf Customization in Shadowlands

Incorrect. They can be both new and older. Here’s the lore:

One of the new race-class combinations in Cataclysm is the night elf. These are returning Highborne attempting to make amends, as foreshadowed by Mordent Evenshade. They may also be night elves willing to learn the trade of the arcane once again under Highborne tutors


Oh. Even better.


That’s a blurb from a fansite without a source.

That was told to us by Blizzard day one of their announcement. It’s also in the novel.


They never said that playable mages were Highborne.

It’d make the fact that you start out the game as a complete and utter novice of your chosen class a touch more odd if you were also a mage with ten thousand years of experience.

Either way, I’m sincerely struggling to see the harm done. If it’s feasible that a significant portion of the existing night elf magi are Highborne or that their apprentices might have fashioned themselves in the manner of the Highborne, is it really such a leap to expand customization in that direction to appeal to mage players?


I suppose not, tbh I don’t have an issue with them getting arcane bibs and bobs, I just see the claim that nelf mages are Highborne getting thrown around a lot and it’s become a bit of a pet peeve.

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That’s just silly to say. We do that with AR in old content. It’s a gameplay mechanic.

Wowpedia didn’t make up what was stated. It came from Blizz’s announcement. And the novel even tells us mages were both Shen’dralar and Nelfs learning. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Not much more I can say on this. I don’t understand why it’s such an issue.


Not sure if I want the Highborne aesthetics or not, I guess I’d wait and see how it’s done. Can it be done without being too much like the Nightborne?

Hopefully main focus is making the Night elves what we thought they were in WC3 and then some highborne aesthetics afterwards


Nightborne aren’t Nelfs. So they won’t look remotely the same. And while I can’t for the life of me figure out how Highborne are supposed to look different from Nelfs (because they don’t), I suppose perhaps purple eyes and some earrings with moons on them would work.


Yeah, I feel like I may have accidentally implied I wanted some broad sweeping changes to night elf customization to give Highborne new features they’ve never had before. In my mind that just meant more regal hairstyles and jewelry options, maybe a few arcane trinkets.
There’s no question it’d take a backseat to Druidism and Elune worship.


Yeah, that makes sense. KT got necklaces, so maybe they could have a moon necklace and some earrings like that. And I’m always up for more hairstyles. I want more long hair ones. I keep using the same two all the time.


Wait…is this a trap? I mean we do have a trust issue with Horde for sure.

None tbh because they already got some in BFA.

You can have a mohawk as a male Night Elf already.

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: We got one skin tone change that also changed the eyes. That’s it. There’s no “some.”

And the fact that anyone would try to be against more options because someone got one thing is ridiculous. That just screams of pettiness.


Ya know, I cant speak for other players, but honestly in my opinion they didnt need to waste the time on a new rig for an allied race that just boils down to fat humans. I dont see why I am supposed to be impressed. If the numbers mean anything it sounds like a lot of players arent wasting their time on them either. So no… I am not going to feel better because they took the time to make an allied race as unimaginative as that from scratch.

But I bet vulpera blow all the other allied races out of the water. Know why? They arent just tauren with antlers or draenei with different horns… They are a truly new race and they arent just reskinned goblins. Reskinned goblins would be the gilgoblins or whatever from Naz.

Well, I did that with allied races and instead of vrykul they did KT. They could have spent that time making vrykul a decent size to play. Instead of the elf that wont be named they did VEs which are also a complete letdown. Then the only one that even showed promise… went to the Horde. So from my humble perspective I would rather see Blizzard own up to what they did than waste time and ask for black hair on NEs and be let down again because they gave that to the demon hunters, or NB customization because they handed that to the Horde.


I agree. They originally used the panda model. And that should’ve been enough. Especially when the entire point they originally made for AR was that the reason they’re different is because they were just reskins they could release quicker. I’m not happy about it either.

I never said you should. My only point was that Alliance did get the only unique rig, regardless of how we feel about it. We can’t call bias.

KT could have easily just been Drust. It would’ve been cooler and also made more sense with Druids.

Blizz will never “own up.” And I’d rather see more customizations than just be bitter. I understand exactly how you feel about the AR. But I want to push Blizz to not screw this up again.


I dont know what to call it. They had the opportunity to make vrykul as the human AR and I am pretty sure more players would be satisfied and playing them. So… Who in their right mind looked at KT and said “thats going to make a lot of players happy for sure”?

Clearly you have a lot more patience than I do. Since blizz has a 50% or less success rate (just my opinion) when it comes to them “learning from their mistakes” I think players should give negative feedback often. Since they decided to make customization into allied races instead of making actual races, it is related.


LOL I have no idea. I feel like some intern was fixated on “BUT DIFFERENT VOICES AND PEOPLE WANT HUMAN DRUIDS” and no one ever thought about how they could’ve easily made it better with Vrykul.

That whole obsession over “I want my human to have a different accent and I want my Worgen to fight in human form” crap came back to bite us all in the butt.