Night Elf Customization in Shadowlands

That skin tone already exists.

Ah ok. So i think those who are asking should phrase it as "Both male and female should have the following eye color options: [list options]

I rarely see male nelves so didn’t know that about the eyes.

Kept reading it as like “boys wear blue and girls wear pink” kind of request.

I read that as pale blue.

The old high elf models were NE bodies with the ears twisted up. Mostly.


No, shes distinctly more blue in the one instance, where you get a good look at her.


Looks exactly the same to me as what I use on one of my Nelfs.

Looks bright saturated blue to me.

Might take another look at NE customization but it reminded me of Ysera being a shade of purple you couldn’t get.


Sure the color is the same but they have more of a variety and shades of blue.

Saying “give them one option” is a downplay.

Look at Mag’har Orcs compared to normal Orcs. That can be how they make Highborne to Night Elves. I don’t want them as a new race, but those cool options I hope are there.

I’d also like some more druid-like customization options for Night Elves.


 the OP did. I guess the rest of us were just splitting up the two because they don’t currently have those colors. Hehe

Id like customization to make them appear more savage. Maybe something like the early concept art.

I would love to have a female Night Elf that looks like that! Gimme the leaves in the hair, that cool braided hairstyle, and everything else she has!


I want the Kaldorei who struck fear into Grommash Hellscream to look the part. More savage customizations please!


I am bitter because they made allied races that were a waste of time as “races”
 Except the one that was actually new. And of course they gave that to the bloody Horde. Now they want to take all of the allied race ideas that players have been hoping for, giving feedback and ideas on, after failing with NB and VE, and giving the Horde an actual race, and NOW they decide to put the time into customization?

One actual race. One. Everything else was some copy of something already there. So yeah I am not going to sit here and cheer them on as they go about yanking players around some more. Oh and did you hear them mention Night Elves? I didn’t. Where is our heritage armor by the way? How long are we going to be waiting?

So no I am not going to hold my damn breath or be hopeful or excited.


Knowing Blizz’s stance on the race I bet it will be something really underwhelming


Horde didn’t get a brand new unique rig and model. Alliance did. Foxes are just Goblins with fur.

 I think AR were a waste of time, as well, and would have been happier with more customizations. I mean, Wildhammers are a customization, but Dark Irons are a separate race— when they used to be a customization?? Yeah, dumb. So I get it. I spent months trying to tell people around here that they didn’t want subraces, they just wanted customization and we should get that for all races. But no
 they kept clamoring for separate subraces. Now look where we are.


We’re talking about moving forward, giving the older races more stuff now. Which is a good thing, because at least they’re not being ignored anymore. We still don’t know what they’re doing for everyone. So I think we just need to keep posting what we want to see and hope Blizz pays attention.

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I think you’ve confused “struck fear into” with “got their demigod murdered by”.

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There are a lot of subcultures in night elf society that I would really like to see recognized in the new customization options: namely druids, Elune worship, and Highborne.
For the latter two I would like to see more jewelry, something like what we see on the Nightborne. Moonleaves in the hair, arcane runes, symbols of Elune, that sort of thing.
But for Druid-leaning options I’d really like to see antlers.


Night elf Highborne aren’t playable. The mage trainers are Highborne, but the actual player mages are regular night elves taught their skills.

Grom’s forces initially had to run the hell away while he said they were the perfect warriors. Cenarius didn’t take the field until later, and Grom and his forces were desperate enough after being incapable of harming Cenarius that they all drank Mannoroth’s blood again.


Cool? I know this. The option to customize a character in the fashion of a Highborne might still be visually appealing to people.


The Shen’dralar came back into the fold. No reason why people can’t RP as one.


He said that right before he burned his way through multiple camps. I dunno where you’ve gotten the idea that he ran away.

I mean, sure. But being concerned about Cenarius is very different from being scared of night elves.

Of course not, but then you’re talking about entirely non-canon customisation options.

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