Nice new HUMAN starting armour you made there!

Want this so badly. I’d honestly love if the Jailer “won” and the next expansion was a nice restart thanks to him or something.


I always thought they should do it so said big bad wins and as you put it . it would lead into the next expansion.

So much potential with zovaal wanting to remake reality.

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We cant transmog them :cry:


A lot of potential. Having an end boss win and with his goals… You can do some fun over arching story.


I mean, he’s Thanos. If they go with that or this was kinda just a dream from N’zoth, i’d be happy, and Accolonn (big lore content creator) had a good point in a recent video. Why do they not use the Caverns of Time more? They could easily have that as a hub to go play older content and things as they once were! The biggest thing Blizz must do is revamp the story completely. Make it easy to follow and don’t treat it like you have to have played 15 years ago to understand who anyone is, etc etc.

THIS is the best chance to do all that, though. If they don’t revamp WoW now and do some major changes. They never will.


Something I love to imagine is what Azeroth would look like with modern graphics. I know it would be a large undertaking, but I personally want to take a step back from these cataclysmic villains and just…go home for a while. See how the world has changed with everything that has happened.

While this is WAY too much effort, I would love the Caverns of Time to be how we access other expansions (sort of as you mentioned) and have a massive expansion that makes use of the whole world, and not have things be stuck in time.

I know, that’s far too much work, but man that would be amazing.


Really don’t like how they are all just recolors of each other. While a hunter and shaman wear mail armor, what’s the purpose of them wearing the same exact style? Doesn’t make sense thematically. At least they are high resolution. :man_shrugging:

Kinda like how all hunters got the armor dwarven mountaineer/rifleman wear. :sweat_smile: It is fun to run around on my High Mountain Tauren RPing he’s an Ironforge Mountaineer though. :smiley:


It dampens the fun because horde get the armor as well?

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100% this is what they should do. Have an expansion where we take time off destroying big bads, have the Jailer go off and disappear for a while. Work on the old stuff a metric ton! Reinvest in the world and all. It’s time Blizzard. Please.


All that work, Immediately garbage.

Cannot be transmogrified. What a joke.



That takes time and why spend time creating unique sets that fit each race when you can just make 4 and give them different colours and just convert them to all races :slight_smile:

He’s just misunderstood :rofl:

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Yeah would be nice transmog. You can transmog the stuff from the path of exile island starting area, why not these?

Yup I’ve seen some accolonn stuff… and I agree. It’s a perfect time to do big changes in 10.0 for Azeroth. I’ve also been a big fan of N’zoth’s stuff and feel they really gave that the bad end of the stick so to speak, lol.

Great potential for 10.0 and a great potential for a pre patch event on a global scale.

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Why? What is the point of this?! Pandaren can’t mog their starting gear, either - and it looks dope!

What the hell?

I agree, blight them all from here to the shoreline.

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With a large portion of players using heirloom gear, this really looks like an answer to a question no one asked.

Extremely lame. What If I want to look like just a plain vanilla Shaman?


I was really hoping for heritage armor in 9.1.5, especially for nelves and forsaken, but nope… instead we get weird human starting gear that replaces all of the old starting sets that look wayy better than this. :roll_eyes: