Nice new HUMAN starting armour you made there!

Also don’t forget about the missing Rogue Tier 21 boots. The LFR and Mythic appearances are STILL unobtainable AND they’re apparently not even putting the appearances on the Legion Timewalking vendor.

Come on, release the heritage recolors and the missing Antorus appearances, like the Rogue boots.


It doesn’t look like what horde would wear as starter stuff. Most horde races are more tribal. That is why I am disappointed.
Racial outfits then poof, one set for alllll races.


Man, I sure love all the Horde bias, from our leaders being turned into loot pinatas, to being forgotten when it comes to starting armor.

Sweet, sweet Horde bias.


As good as it looks, this should not pass the testing phase. It’s not …immersive? It’s human.

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The good looking part it’s debatable.

They look very plain from a design perspective. Like, very bland.

It’s quite fitting for humans, but within the “bland human” category, absolutely.


i don’t understand why they’re doing this. i mean, i get that the old armor was low quality but like… why do this? starting armor is there just to be replaced! seems like a waste of resources to me.


They forgot they updated the starter gear in cataclysm so, considering the current streak of “quick! think of something, anything! We need subs!”, this is one of the outcomes.


ah… it was a panic decision. sounds about right.

i would’ve just made these new armors into boe leveling armor. like, from random drops in loch modan, silverpine forest, etc.


No, it is not great for the Alliance.

The following pretty much sums up my thoughts on the subject:

The least they could do is make the old stuff transmoggable before they implement such a stupid change.

Which is why I said ‘probably’ because it’s still a matter of opinion.
I do agree with your thread though!

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Which is why I kept your ‘probably’ in when I copied you post :slightly_smiling_face:.

Also I discovered afterward that the starting armour is varied across the Alliance races so the race flavour is disappearing along with the class flavour.

I don’t care what anyone says, the people working at Blizzard are not MMORPG people.


I actually dislike how fussy most sets look. They don’t look like armor an actual fighter would wear. I like these, but…why bother?

Ion doesn’t do transmog. Start with that.

Sadly, they design armor sets around the living blocks of tofu humans.


Come on, that’s mean to the blocks of tofu.

Just call them what they are: Hairless gorillas.

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Thats mean to gorillas.

Just call them what they are. huuuumons. -tries not to gag-

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Wow, that’s tragic.

WHY DO THEY EVEN BOTHER THEN IF WE CAN’T EVER TRANSMOG ANYTHING ANYMORE :pensive::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::pensive::pensive::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
It makes me so mad

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