Nice Interview

With each other. The results showed “consistently” that diversity was beneficial.

I never said they were.

What I said.

By manipulating data or skewing test results and by not adhering to the scientific method - yeah. But even if you expect results to be one thing you can conduct experiments and studies in a legitimate way. Often what scientists expect and what they get are very different. That’s why true science adheres to the scientific method.

It can, but we’re not talking about a fictional society we’re talking about this one. In this society diversity is generally defined using gender, race, and age. Diversity is also defined, but less so, by religion, background and disabilities. You can’t randomly choose traits such as eye color or shoe size to define diversity because every person is different. That’s a given.

Diversity is defined by those traits that have been used to discriminate against entire groups of people that share those traits.

People don’t trust science regarding climate change because they’re ignorant. Full stop. They’d rather believe their FB feed than learn what the scientific method is and what the data shows. Manipulating data isn’t science - it’s called psuedo science.

At the risk of this thread going off the rails even further, we know sea levels are rising and oceans are warmer. We know the polar caps are melting. We know climate is changing across the globe. We know how carbon and other molecules interact with infrared radiation. We know the amount of infrared radiation leaving the earth’s atmosphere has markedly decreased because we’ve had satellites since the 1970’s that have been measuring the amount of infrared radiation leaving our atmosphere.

We have measured and collected data and observed how matter reacts with stimuli on the molecular level. We know how carbons react to infrared light in the same way we know how water reacts to freezing temperatures. Claiming climate change doesn’t exist is like claiming water doesn’t change its molecular structure when exposed to freezing temperatures.

I’ve read those articles trying to discredit the science of climate change - yammering on (ignorantly) about solar flairs or how the earth’s climate has drastically changed in the past. “Did you know we had an ICE AGE?” Yeah, yeah I did - after the earth suffered a cataclysmic event. Large asteroids hitting a planet have that kind of effect. The earth didn’t suddenly move further away from the sun and then back again. Inherent properties of matter don’t suddenly change for no reason.

At any rate… studies show with data that diversity in the work place is beneficial.

That’s okay I felt like replying to what you said, just like I did the first time I replied to you in this thread.

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I see your perfect raid composition and raise you lack of diversity.

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The fact that the test was even garnered around the desire for conformity to a philosophical presumption rather than the presumption having been the end result is the problem. It’s the problem rife throughout modern science–people starting at the conclusion and working backwards.


Da, comrade.

No it isn’t. If I think water won’t freeze if I place a slice of banana in it, the water will still freeze regardless of what my assumption is. If a study is legitimate, what possible difference could it make what the presumption is? Studies are conducted ALL THE TIME that prove the initial hypothesis wrong.

That’s nonsensical.

You keep bringing up this weird pique you have with hypotheses being disproved. That’s what science DOES. It supports or disproves hypotheses. In the case of Page, he set out to prove that diverse groups would not do as well homogeneous “very able” groups. His own studies proved that assumption wrong.

That’s EXACTLY what science does.

People who ignore data and fact are ignorant. People who don’t “believe in” climate change are as ignorant as people who don’t “believe in” a spherical earth. Neither of these facts require belief at all.

If you conduct the same experiment 50 million lightyears from the Earth, will you achieve the same results?

The hypothesis is based on a presumption grounded in philosophy.

Unless you want to argue that somehow science somehow “cares” about demographics.

This isn’t about ignoring data or facts, this is about questioning them on the basis that science is a human construct and, therefore, is as flawed as the people who invented it.


That’s interesting considering the articles written by women about women only workforces that fall apart. Perhaps there’s something you can show us that tells everyone that it’s a complete myth.


Are you actually using the term Incel unironically? Really? People who toss this term around sound like the goofballs who call people cucks or gay when they come across opinions they don’t like even when the labels don’t fit in order to dismiss the opinion without any debate.

A person’s sexual activity or lack there of doesn’t inherently make their opinion right or wrong, also using shaming language is absolutely tacky. Be better.


Soada is smarter than yall.

That is all.

It’s really no different than “woke” or “triggered” or other similar such things.

Also I’m really not obligated to meet some kind of bar for argument quality, especially not Tuskadero’s.

If you can’t absorb the intended meaning of the post because you see a word you dislike I daresay that’s on you. It’s the internet, pal, maybe read between the filth a little bit sometimes because no matter where you look there’s a lot of it.


This is kind of interesting. So it’s not only just that people from a “more diverse background” have a unique perspective. But their perspective changes the perspective of those around them which elevates the critital thinking abilities of the entire group.

You literally just defined a hypothesis.

Are you suggesting homogenous workplaces are less effective than diverse ones? :thinking:

No, no saying woke and triggered is not the same as calling someone an Incel. It’s exactly like calling someone gay, cuck, etc to dismiss their opinion. Woke/Triggered implies to a political/ideological leaning, Incel is a pejorative to not only shame a person but to dismiss their opinion without so much as addressing it.

I’m not asking you to meet my bar, I’m asking you to meet your own bar you set for others. Nothing annoys me more than a Religious person or someone who goes around pretending to be on the side of “good” yet doesn’t meet the criteria of their own rhetoric. So yes, be better.

I read between the lines which is why you got called out. Hey, maybe you can call me an incel, cuck, gay etc instead of actually making any sort of valid points or practicing what you preach. As for filth, it seems you been in it so much you’re apart of it.


Your genius Soada made the suggestion, you should ask them on it. I only know from what I read about female only work forces that they tend to be toxic messes which seems to fly in the face of what Soada implied. The contradiction would be with them I’d imagine.

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I don’t know if that’s actually true but if it is than it just proves his point that diverse workplaces are that much more effective than homogenous ones. And it can be true that women are more effective in general at collaborative tasks but that the disadvantages of creating an artificially homogenous workplace outweigh the relative advantage women typically have over men in certain tasks.

So the take away is… diversity is a strength for companies. Thus its logical for companies to hire women in male dominated fields because it improves the diversity of their workplace which we have shown provides a distinct advantage over a more homogenous one. The whole of a diverse workforce is greater than the sum of it’s parts.


That’s kind of the whole point though… The two are related. The workplace they created not only inevitably drove away talent, it had to have had an impact on the game they created. You can’t tell me people who are in fear of being constantly harassed or targeted because they’re from a different background… or people participating in “cubicle crawls” and harassing their co-workers… are doing their best work.

Funny because the kind of people who would do cubicle crawling are usually the same kind of people who pushes for social justice, diversity and inclusion.

Guess what, when you hire people based on the color of their skin, their gender or sexual orientation, you end up with people not suited for the job.


Are you the Hunter who posts on his Druid for no reason?

You’re like that guy who enters a conversation thinking he has something useful to say, but doesn’t.

Go find some thread to derail, alt.

Umm. Citation definitely needed.

I doubt there is any job on the planet so specialized that you can’t find applicants of a diverse background. It’s certainly not the norm. So we’re not talking hiring someone who is “not suited for the job.” It’s usually simply a matter of hiring someone who may have graduated from a less prestigious college, or worked at a less important company, or who has slightly less relevant experience.
You guys like to pretend like “diversity” means hiring people to do programming work who’ve never seen a computer before but the reality is that’s every bit as silly and far from reality as it sounds.

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No need for citation, you just need a pair of eyes and more than single brain cell.

Diversity is just veiled racism and sexism against white males. There is no talks of diversity in female dominated jobs, no one complains about the NBA or the NFL being over 2/3 black.

Your whole “lesser but still qualified” statement is bull.
You don’t make quality products by using lesser quality parts, you spend money for the best you can get, not because you want to meet a stupid quota to make activists, who have no parts in the making of your product, happy.

And when it comes to programming, no, you can’t just find applicants of a diverse background because there is a massive shortage of programmers in every industries requiring them, especially in the video games industry. So you end up with only the worst applicants you can find and when you do find a good applicant, they just so happen to be white, or asian, and male because that is how demographics work. White and asians males are the most likely to go into programming and suceed at it. That’s just a fact backed by statistics. You being offended by facts doesn’t change reality.

Why are white and asian males more likely to go into programming and suceed at it?

  • White and asian people are more likely to have 2 parents to help them suceed professionally.
  • White and asian people are more likely to have parents who work in technological fields, making the kid more likely to grow up with an interest and knowledge in technology.
  • White is the majority in North America.
  • Males are more likely to be interested by jobs related to logic rather than emotions. It’s the same reason why most of the females in the video game industry work in Art, Human resource, Writing, etc. rather than programming, IT or management.

Stop trying to force people where they shouldn’t be. If you want your “diversity” than work from the bottom, not the top, and fix the issues plaguing minority communities like the lack of two parent households.
You aren’t gonna fix anything by forcing companies to hire people that are less qualified. Stop telling people that the reason why they aren’t getting hired is because companies are evil, racist and sexist. People don’t get hired because they aren’t qualified for their job, not because of their skin color, gender or sexual orientation. Companies are there to make money, it would make absolutely no sense for them to not hire someone who is highly qualified just because they are a color or gender they don’t like.


Theres a lot wrong with everything you just said. Give me a minute and Ill get to it… but wow… What a wall of just nonsense

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