Nice Interview

I just want a good game

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here’s a link to a HuffPo article which proves all Roman architecture was actually designed and built by the Kangs and Slay-Kwangs of Egypt, who were all sub-Saharan ebony BIPOCs but those jerk Roman oppressors just took credit for all of it.



Emphasis added for the portion you didn’t read before you started responding.


I realize that you are one of many in my anti-fan club who really wish it to be true, but Fasc simply doesn’t bother me at that level.

The only way I’d actually use the report system on this forum is probably to report flagrantly inflammatory stuff or outright inappropriate material, but that’s pretty rare (in fact, I’ve never reported anyone so for me, basically non-existent).

→ gets a post 150+ posts deep mostly whining about the mention of diversity in an article
→ thinks they’re coming from a neutral position

alright guy.

You vastly overestimate yourself if you believe you have any type of “club” whatsoever here. :rofl:


idk from the way you talk about me seems I’m estimating myself about right.

You go on and believe whatever you need to get through the day sweety.

Nuance for me but not for thee?



However, the consistency is at least notable.

They’re actions reflect their words and vice versa.

I personally don’t see any good arguments that any focus on diversity in the workplace somehow is contributing to a worse product other than the common incel’s inclination to hate anything not exclusively designed to appeal to them.

Is Blizzard a shnozz-show right now? Yes. Is there any reason to believe it is at all related to pride in diversity at the workplace? No.

In fact I think this is giant distraction when we could be discussing actual, practical reasons they are sucking. Like bettering their community outreach (not this community council garbage), and so on.

Are you speaking from experience? Or lack thereof?


No elaboration about what they have been consistent nor why it is deemed of note.

Slogan without definitive application to any particular or particulars.

Can stop here given “good” is qualitative and no qualitative parameters are defined. Nor what “arguments” have been made if constituted in the first place.

Unsubstantiated opinions.

“Talk about what I want to talk about because it’s more important than what you’re talking about.”


He’s trying to insult a strawman.


That’s a given. There is no “proof.” The findings, however, are consistent.

The findings were startlingly consistent: for companies ranking in the top quartile of executive-board diversity, ROEs were 53 percent higher, on average, than they were for those in the bottom quartile.

Yeah. You can download the study here:

Here it is:

And concluded, “Ethnic diversity was valuable not necessarily because minority traders contributed unique information or skills, but their mere presence changed the tenor of decision-making among all traders. Diversity benefited the market.”

Yes. As you’ve pointed out “diversity” isn’t just gender related.

The study was cited because this particular study was designed to show " . . .that groups of “very able” people—the people in the class—would outperform “able and more diverse” groups—smart people who were not in the class.

However, Page’s study did not show what he wanted—it showed instead that the diverse groups could outperform the very able groups."

You mean this?

As a quick postscript, remember to [check out ways you can help the victims of Hurricane Harvey and maybe set something aside for the victims of Hurricane Irma.

There are more studies on the issue of diversity. The majority point to the conclusion (and if you want proof, sorry, there never will be such a thing) that diversity is beneficial. I haven’t read or even heard of a single one that shows diversity is detrimental.

Consistent with what, the presupposition? That’s not real science or correct deductive reasoning. You don’t start with a conclusion and work your way towards it.

That’s the problem with all these studies. Most everyone started with a presupposition based in ideology, which means they’re going to set all the players in the particular positions to achieve a particular result they’re looking for.

Diversity can also be related to how many moles someone has on their face, how long their hair is, what their blood type is. There’s no end to the number of factors you can attribute “diversity” to.

My point was that the difference in age isn’t what’s factoring into the change in work environment. Rather it’s the recognition that with age comes the assumption that older people are generally more experienced and/or knowledgeable.

In which case differing levels of experience are the main factor in what is “diverse” not nuances within one’s skin pigmentation, what genitalia they were born with, or the fact that their body has simply aged.

This is related to what I said before. You don’t conduct a study in order to get results that you want. You conduct a study in order to get the results that exist in reality.


When WoW was first released and it soared to 12 million subs no one was complaining about how terrible the game was because it was created by a team mostly comprised of white males. As a minority gamer, I could care less about who the gender or ethnicity of the content creator. Give me a product that I will enjoy, interact with the community while addressing concerns and changes through a transparent relationship with the players. These are the qualities that Blizzard lost along the way which is why the ship is sinking.


Someone in this thread had mentioned it, the whole turn to talking about diversity is just a smoke screen for their own incompetence. It’s the coin of the realm, you make yourself a victim in order to scapegoat the problems but you are experiencing and are at fault for on to another party. That party is currently the white male demographic.

The reality is the white male demographic is also a fluid scapegoat. It will always change depending on the needs of whomever is scapegoating. Even people whose skin pigmentation is not white can be labeled as “white” depending on the situation.

It doesn’t need to be rational, as long as the guilt that these people feel for their own failures is passed on to another party.

With Jesus, the problem is solved. He’s already taking your sins upon himself and died for you. But without faith in Jesus, you’re going to have to pin your sins on to something else, or take them upon yourself. Either option is untenable in the long run.


The standout statistics are:

  • Companies with top quartile diversity (defined as women and foreign nationals) on their executive boards generated ROE (returns on equity) that were 53% higher, on average, than the companies in the bottom diversity quartile.

  • Those more diverse businesses also generated a 14% higher EBIT (earnings before interest and tax), on average.

  • Higher ROEs

  • Lower debt to equity ratios

  • Higher price/book value

  • Higher average net income growth

So you can say this proves nothing. That’s fine. The statistics (those pesky math thingies) are consistent.

You brought it up yourself about the Page study. It did NOT show what he intended.

However, Page’s study did not show what he wanted

You can start with any presumption you like but that has no bearing on the outcome. People often presume the outcome and are surprised by the results.

Of course there are and none of these studies addressed any of that. Diversity doesn’t mean how many freckles you have on your face or what color your hair is. You can have an all white male work force and claim it’s diverse because you have men with grey, red, and brown hair and they all differ in height. But people would roll their eyes at you if you did.

Well that’s what Page did. He expected different results. He didn’t get them. So you can (and people often do) conduct a study with the intent on proving something. But if that study is legitimately conducted and analyzed the results stand on their own.

I agree with that. Blizzard already went this route in 2017 and increased its female work force by 116%. Within a year 48% of women working at Blizzard left while they only lost 7% of their male employees. The law suit as well as the statements from numerous employees give us a good idea as to why that is. Ion’s statement is just another PR stunt.

Yeaaah…no. Jesus isn’t going to solve discrimination, harassment and assault in the work place. If that were true, there wouldn’t have been discrimination, harassment and assault at Blizzard.

I have no idea what this has to do with the people at Blizzard cleaning up their act and treating others fairly and respectfully.

It’s still mostly comprised of white males. IMO the game would benefit greatly if at least two of those white males, Ion and Bobby, had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with WoW.

I agree. I also think their employees should not be subjected to discrimination, harassment and certainly not sexual assault. Kinda’ hard to do your best work under those conditions.

Again, consistent with what?

Again, studies aren’t supposed to show us what we want.

They show us how things are.

Once you start trying to get the results you want, you’re basically playing with loaded die.

Of course it does. Diversity is any number of attributes you want to factor in that “diversify” one person from the next or any collection of people from the next.

This is why it is fundamentally inaccurate to call people “white” or “black” or anything in-between. Because there are any number of varieties in and between the general attributes commonly assigned to particular demographics.

Oh, I’m well aware. In debate this is often called “circular reasoning” in that people started with a conclusion and worked their way around said conclusion rather than actually reading the results.

This is largely why people don’t trust much of the “science” regarding Climate change Armageddon.


I wasn’t even replying to you when I said this.


I never post. I’m one of those dudes who sees your debates every once in a while and enjoy the read. :grin:

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