Nice Interview

That doesn’t seem to be the intention of the poster you were just praising. I suppose you can spin in how you like, that’s up to you.


That probably depends on a lot of variables. That’s something we’d have to study.

This doesn’t even make any sense. Science is a tool. It’s used to better understand data and phenomena without prejudice. Using legitimate methodology is EXACTLY how Paige’s study showed the opposite of what he believed.

Of course it’s about ignoring facts. Explain exactly how the scientific method is flawed.

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Maybe you didn’t understand.

Women don’t hate women. Women don’t “battle royale” anymore than men do. In fact, women work better collaboratively than men do. You’re free to go back and read the research I provided that supports this. The statement “women hate women” is a myth.

All male companies have failed as well. Diverse companies are more productive.

They’ve literally linked multiple studies suggesting that diverse workplaces are more effective than homogenous ones so… maybe you’re just having trouble following along?


No one is going to hire an african american truck driver to fill a coding tech job.

When a company attempts to create a more diverse working environment they don’t suddenly stop looking at qualified applicants. Nor am I aware of any company that has an actual “quota”. They propose goals, i.e., Let’s work on increasing our female employees by 6%. That doesn’t mean if they don’t reach that goal they run out in the street and hire the proverbial bag lady.

The idea that a more diverse work place means more unqualified workers is unfounded.

Aaaaand there it is.

Minorities and women have been discriminated against for decades (and it’s still ongoing) but trying to rectify this is the actual discrimination. I don’t even know why people go there.

Show me where I said differently.

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Yes… Will someone please think of the poor oppressed white males!!!

You’re just ignorant and incorrect. There has been a big push to hire men in nursing for example because… wait for it… diverse workplaces are more effective than homogenous ones.

We’re not talking parts… We’re talking people. And PEOPLE are not unflinching, mindless automotons. They function differently depending on their surroundings and perspective. It sounds like maybe you need to get out more?

You apparently have absolutely zero experience in the programming workplace. The meme is that companies are constantly looking for “5+ years relevant coding experience in the language” for languages that were literally created a couple years ago… There are plenty of applicants of all backgrounds. Diverse hiring simply means maybe putting a premium on applicants from a background different than that of your existing workforce over say… applicants who have more experience in a language than is humanly possible (or who graduated from a fancy private college etc…)

Again… No one is tying anyone up and forcing them to become a programmer. They’re simply pointing out that making an effort to diversify your workplace is not only the socially conscious thing to do… its also the most effective way to run your business.

Those are larger issues that are symptoms of the same kind of institutionalized oppression that has also kept minorities out of tech jobs and prestigious tech colleges… and it does desreve to be addressed… but it’s also not the only, or even the most effective way, to address the problem.

No one ever said that. But companies are run by PEOPLE, and PEOPLE, have a strong tendency towards laziness, myopia and the status quo. And sometimes they need to be prodded in the right direction.

See above. Companies are not mindless infallible automotons making decisions solely based on what will have the most positive impact on the bottom line. They’re comprised of people… People with failings. As prominent conservative Alan Greenspan who was a much smarter man than any of you found out,
"I have found a flaw in my free market ideology and I have been very distressed by that fact. I made a mistake in presuming that the self-interests of organisations, were such that they were best capable of protecting their own shareholders and their equity in the firms"
IE: Corporations DONT ALWAYS ACT IN THEIR OWN BEST INTEREST. Because humans are flawed.

And not for nothing… that also furthers the larger point. Alan Greenspan was an incredibly intelligent man, but his lack of perspective created a blind spot which led him to make an assumption that literally caused a financial catastrophe. Perhaps had he had a more diverse background, or been surrounded by people who did, he might have taken these additional factors into account. Even intelligent men suffer from blind spots, in fact it’s probably their biggest weakness… a weakness that diversity helps to mitigate.

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The very act of saying “Let’s work on increasing our female employees by 6%” is setting a quota.
No one said that a “more diverse work place means more unqualifeid workers”, what I said is that “hiring based on the color of their skin, their gender or sexual orientation” means more unqualified workers. There is a massive difference between both statements.

But I’m not surprised you would try to twist other people words to fit your narrative.

and your solution to discrimination is more discrimination.
You are an emotional wreck and the reason why minority communities are plagued by crimes and a culture where abandoning their child is seen as normality. Because you’re too stubborn to accept the reality that it’s not the evil white man keeping others down in the most free and inclusive society to ever exist in human history.


I’m not even going to bother answering to anything else on your post because you just appeal to emotions for everything and completely ignore the point I’m making.
People, people, people. Yes, people are people, no sh*t Einstein. It doesn’t change the fact that people are there to do a job and if they do it poorly than they shouldn’t be there.

I work as a programmer in the industry, I didn’t have ANY issues whatsoever finding a job my first time around without 5+ years of coding experience because I took good care to have a proper resume with personal projects, game jams, degrees and internships to prove that I was a good choice for the job. I receive offers on a weekly basis, if not daily, because I didn’t half assed my way through life.

Placing a premium on someone because they aren’t white or male is the definition of racism and sexism.

You are a racist and a sexist.


I thought we already had all the answers.

What’s left to study? After all, you said…

That seems like it’s pretty absolute to me, comrade.

According to…?

Who developed the scientific method?

Was that person flawless?

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A quota implies a mandated fixed amount. Not a suggestion for general improvement in an area.

Please expound on the “massive difference.” I’ll wait.

Wtf are you talking about???

See above?

By the very nature of improvement, we’re pretty much always in the “most free society,” “the most advanced society,” “the society with the fewest number of child slaves, violence, starvation etc etc etc…” That doesn’t mean we just go 'whelp guys, we solved life. War, famine, injustice… We fixed it… Pack it in, we’re all done here. No need to ever improve anything else ever again," :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

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Because you cant. Because you’re getting completely embarassed. Although to be fair… your arguments aren’t exactly difficult to dismember.

Because it’s a waste of time. You play the emotional card for everything and can’t even understand basic logic because it doesn’t appeal to your sensitive heartstrings.


Show me where i played an emotional card or appealed to anything but logic. You’re reeeeeaching because you’re getting completely demolished with your childlike arguments and understanding of the world. Btw, aren’t you the guy saying stuff like:

But sure. I’m the illogical one getting upset and making irrational emotional appeals.

Imma start calling you Epson cause you’re projecting like a Motherf’er

Like I said, waste of time. Keep screaming about systemic opression and smashing the patriarchy. Keep telling minorities that they can’t get anywhere in life because of the system works agaisnt them. That’s certainly gonna help with the lack of parents, extreme crime rates and other issues created by a self destructive culture.

I’m not the one screaming about how poor minorities are getting opressed.


Whelp. Looks like we’re done here.


In case anybody is wondering, Bearhands main is a Dwarf Priest named ‘Lukasa’.

No it isn’t. It’s setting a goal. Quotas are REQUIRED objectives. Goals are aspired results.

Making that statement is a not so subtle indication that this is happening. It’s not.

You made the statement with a clear intention of throwing out the idea that unqualified people are being hired based on skin color or gender. That’s why you said it.

Explain how hiring more minorities and women is discrimination.

I haven’t mentioned anything close to “evil white men.” This is pure hysteria.

I’ve already posted several studies that show equally or better qualified women and minorities are less likely to, not only be called in for an interview, but hired and promoted. I won’t bother posting them again since no one seems interested in reading them.

That is discrimination. You can wring your hands all you like about how companies are now discriminating against white males because they are attempting to reverse these discriminating practices - it doesn’t make it true.

You can also claim that companies who seek to be more diversified are going to be hiring unqualified people based on race and gender. That is also not true. Moreover, that sentiment implies you believe women and minorities can’t possibly be qualified.

Again I’ll ask: How? How is hiring more women and minorities discrimination?


No, you’re screaming about how white males are being oppressed. It’s nuts.

“When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression."

This is pretty much the salient quote that could be bluntly wielded to every no doubt Edgy McEdgerson in this thread who thinks it’s super cool and unique to argue against “mainstream media ideas”.

They will frequently, pretty much universally, have nothing other than feelings at their backs to fight their battles.

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