Nice hunter fixes

FYI, BM was still flavor of the month on pre SL when Corruption stopped working. It became garbage when SL started when we lose our Azerite Traits and the stats worsen as we level up to 60. I was like 45% crit before SL started as BM. At level 60, my crit went down to 19%.

Honestly corruption carried most players regardless of spec. Look at how they run keys now, most struggle to out DPS tanks.

I disagree the loot is far more meaningful now than it was for the past several xpacs. Not having titanforging means the piece of gear is basically the best it’s going to get as far as output is concerned. You may get some extra stats like leech or avoidance, but those don’t affect output only survivability.

The problem isn’t so much what loot drops. The problem is in how much loot drops. Having a 14/15 person raid kill a boss and only get 2 pieces of loot kind of sucks. Upping the total pieces of gear dropped would go a long way to making not getting an actual piece of gear not feel so bad.

My biggest issue is getting the same item that you already have when loot is so scarce as it is. Feels awful actually.

Where’s the down vote button.

It’s because blizzard does troll hunters. Instead of meaningful buffs like adding an aura for our class alike it’s more stable slots. I mean come on why give us more stable slots when all pets do the exact same damn thing. HA HA. It’s such a joke!! Give our class or pets uniqueness go back to the classic days or give pets variety attributes not “equality.” Allow ferocity pets to do more damage allow tank pets to be more tank like across all families not just exotic.

I hear you. I got 213 pants as my best vault item 3 weeks in a row. 3 weeks!!! So annoying.

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What do you mean? Just last week they gave us the ability to feed our pets Shadowlands meat!!! Just what everyone was hoping for!!


I see there was more quality hunter hotfixes… wait no there wasn’t

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Let’s be optimistic, the class tuning introduced the 12 January are for 5 class, next tuning will be for the other, including the hunter and probably the Demon hunter

I mean when Frosty mage get a extra buff being already on the top DPS, hunter will have his share

Except they weren’t.

Hotfixes – Updated January 20 - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (

JANUARY 19, 2021


  • Fixed an issue where Meatball would become unavailable if he is on a mission while changing covenants.


  • Paladin
    • Protection
      • Fixed an issue where Reign of Endless Kings (Legendary Effect) would not trigger Guardian of Ancient Kings that’s under the effect of Glyph of the Queen.
      • Fixed an issue where Reign of Endless Kings (Legendary Effect) would not trigger on the correct target while talented into Guardian of the Ancient Queen (PvP Talent).
      • The Ardent Protector’s Sanctum (Legendary Effect) will no longer cause other Protection Paladin’s Ardent Defender to be placed on cooldown.
  • Priest
    • Discipline
      • Clarity of Mind (Legendary Effect) will now properly extend the caster’s Atonements with Spirit Shell (Talent) when other Discipline Priests also have Atonement active.
  • Warlock
    • Destruction
      • Odr, Shawl of the Ymirjar’s (Legendary Effect) damage debuff can no longer be reflected.
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just be optimistic I’m sure they’re listening
As every single class but hunter is fixed.

You can send the wrong pet in to die, rez cancel, and call the other pet.

Those are hot fix, not class tuning

They have to fix the BM, they can’t just ignore it… they better…

Adreaver are you saying theirs a trick to dismissing pets in arena…I’m not sure I understand what ur saying. To my knowledge you can’t call a new pet out when you have one pet dead. Is their a glitch I’m unaware of. I’ve never had that as a thing in arena

I just tested and this is accurate. I vaguely remember at one point (possibly during a beta or PTR, where it could have been bugged) you could start casting Revive Pet (which despawns the pet corpse), cancel the cast, then use Call Pet 2, and your second pet would come out.

With that in mind, Dismiss Pet should absolutely be returned for Arena use. The only reason it was removed was to stop 5x Spirit Beast shenanigans where you would use Spirit Mend, dismiss, get the next Spirit Beast, use Spirit Mend again, and repeat until you went through all 5. Since pet abilities now share cooldowns across pets, there is no reason for that restriction to exist.

Hey a hunter hot fix!
They just fix it so if you boosted a hunter you arent giga trolled and left with out a pet like the pets helped anyways when their AI is absolutely dumpster
Good to see blizzard still trolling hunters

Exactly right. I hate spells like soul forged uses, much less having to use 3 of them in a rotation because I am Night Fae. Soul forged was the worst idea Blizzard has ever had next to melee hunters. Absolute trash. I still have not made a legendary.

Speaking of “little to no loot”, I’ve now killed the World Boss 14 times across my level 60s since my first max level character in SL and I have not had a SINGLE DROP.

Tell me again why they decided to remove the gold sink that the reroll coins were?

Holy crap i am struggling defeating last boss TC layer 3 and you soloed layer 8 as BM!?!?

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