Whip those Lazy Peons to shape!
Add one you choose the side to take. When you walk in there are two NPCs arguing. One is a union boss and the other is a hired strike buster. You pick the one to side with and then fight through the delve helping that side. One more way to add variety.
Would be funny that in the end, you see the boss of both sides raking in the profits in a hidden agreement.
Gallywix and Druz will return and we kill Gazlowe together
okay, buddy
I am rooting for you.
In the end you find out both of them were there to rob the bank. The union boss started the strike as cover and the strike buster took the job as cover. Either way, you just helped them rob the bank. Would make the whole getting 10-15g out of all the piles of gold even funnier.
that would be a classic!
Also the Arathi dungeons pretty much set them up as another crusade. Not that this sort of thing will ever stop Erevien from whining.
I don’t want to kill Arathi half elves from a unknown continent. I want to kill humans from Stormwind and get told by the story it is my right to do so.
BfA wasn’t big enough Lessing for ya? The devs will ALWAYS beat you over the head for wanting to murder the opposite side. And being horde? They’ll villainize you to no end over it
Be careful what you wish for
Here is the thing: He is asking to be the villain, just not be called one.
The whole:
Is straight up villain talk.
I have sympathy for Horde players who did not want to play the role of villain. I fully understand and agree they should not have been forced into that role. That is sympathy for the Horde that did not want to do villain things. I don’t have sympathy for the players who want to do the villain things just not be called a villain.
My read after all this time is Erevien basically wants to play the WC2 horde, and based on a vague notion of fairness steamroll the Alliance into dust, while the story also bends itself into a pretzel to justify it all being for the greater good.
WC2 had the Horde win WC1 so him seeing the Villainous Horde as the main protagonists is not surprising!
One can thank Metzen for the Orcs having that win on their hands as he wrote WC2…
The stubborn, hate enjoying obsession is the worst part about dealing with him. I understand loving the game and hating the direction the writing has gone, but then theres planting your feet firmly in nostalgia and decrying everything that doesnt appeal to that as heresy.
Dude does not seem to understand theres other races besides goblins and orcs in the Horde now, nor is the Alliance solely human anymore.
I hate throwing the word toxicity about because its almost universally used by my enemies to decry something that doesnt meet their authoritarian diversity or censorial checklists, but theres nothing healthy to add to any discussion that utterly rejects everything new, underused, and gods forbid interesting in new content to further the concept of the Horde.
I would note that as far as I know he also doesn’t make alts until he catches a ban and doesn’t hide profile either. Basically no one really has to deal with Erevien; I call that the zen of the story forums.
Blizzard does it all the time for the alliance and let them get away without consquences. That is why Moira, Genn, Jaina and Gelbin are still alive.
At this point its obvious trolling. Not only does he write the same things over and over, but he never has a good argument when he’s contradicted and the claims he makes are absurd on their face.
Jaina is a horrible war criminal for engaging in a brief skirmish with the blood elves while they were openly at war with the Alliance, but every single atrocity committed by the horde during the first two warcraft games is perfectly normal and acceptable. The Amani trolls are innocent victims of slavery and genocide, and of course the fact that they also engaged in slavery and genocide is just ignored.
If they were meant to be good arguments, he’d iron out the holes in his logic or accept criticism. Instead, he just repeats himself. He’s trolling. Which fits, because he’s an Amani supporter.
Amani defended their lands that was all. And I looked around the community and the support is everywhere even on the forum not just social media.
That “support” is flimsy at best and trolling at worst. Have to ignore majority of the lore to make the claims some people make about the Amani