That’s simply not true. I have farmed rank 11-13 cloaks on all my alts, this alt being the lowest one. I’ve probably done more runs than you across all my alts. There is literally no situation where the jump helps you navigate either of the paths through the corrupted areas in Org or SW. Again, you are simply shining a turd because you simply must be right.
Great argument, thats simply not true lmao, your farmed ranks 11-13 cloaks on alts mean nothing when i can do 5 masks runs without using a single orb, but you clearly know better, enjoy your 470s, when you start to get them i mean.
Now you are bringing all your sad alts, please, how pitiful can you actually be, carry on m8, keep complaining about scorched feet, blizz will surely nerf it.
Edit: Seriously posting on different alts to make it sound like different people agree is pathetic af holy molly.
Of course I’m bringing all my alts on. I’m saying literally the same thing from characters on the same realm, in the same guild. Are you that dense? I’m simply proving that I’ve probably done more runs than you and can definitively say that a 5 yard leap doesn’t make one ounce of a difference in a successful horrific vision.
W/e you say dude, i said carry on, i cant be bothered with people who cant properly do the content, i explained myself, you cant understand, so thats it.
Is there a way of not getting unwanted corruption for you loot specialization? 4 weeks getting avoidance wasn’t exactly fun, to make it worse I also got a non corrupted avoidance gloves from a 4 mask run a couple weeks ago.
I’m just deleting them at this point.
It’s good that Blizzard realizes that GD doesn’t at all represent the player base at large.
Blizzard makes a change to be responsive to player feedback, and GD responds with 200 whiny troll posts.
I also work a thankless job, so I’ll say it—thanks, Blizz.
Great, except its stormwind next week. Can we just get a choice from now on.
Looks like the rest of 8.3 is starting to roll in. Glad we had 2 months of 8.3 beta to find all the problems and provide feedback
I thought you didn’t use corruption anyway, so why should it matter?
You two weeks ago in a corruption thread:
Some of you just post nonsense for likes and it’s sad. Same names, same BS. It’s no wonder nothing here is taken seriously by the devs.
so when do we get a free top tier raidbot sub thrown in with the retail wow sub. corruption gear is a bag choking Sim nightmare. you can’t get rid of any of it because any random combination can be your best.
That was two weeks ago. I can handle more corruption now so I’m dabbling in it.
Things tend to change over time
“Can’t handle it” and “not bothering with it” are two different things.
You just post whatever will get you the most likes at all times, and it’s hilarious.
Seriously dude it’s a tad creepy how you seemed to have obsessed over my thoughts from 2 weeks ago.
So you only get a what 430 for clearing one area plus the boss yet you get a 460 from falling asleep in a warfront… Can you like fix the gearing system ?
There’s no conspiracy. They are just inept over at blizzard
Your name is in every thread, even when you have zero clue what you’re talking about.
BS posters tend to stick out over time.
I feel you should stick to the “marry the poster above you” type threads and stay out of real topics. Just my two cents.
Bruh all I said back then was “i am still at like no corruption” And guess what? Now that my cloak is better I can handle it.
Also dude I never bother with those “marry the poster above you” threads.
The thread was asking for advice when using a certain amount of corruption.
This change is because you expect the horde famed slayer standings to be finalized in the next weeK? 83 horde guilds are famed slayer. So the game was to launch the full version of the game once the high end got their fun out of the way? Doesn’t seem that very “inviting” if you look at it that way.