I dont care as long as its Tinkers and I get to hop in and out of a Mechsuit and it has a Tank, Healer, and DPS spec.
Emphasis on it having a Tank spec, im in dire needs of wanting a new Tank spec after evoker not getting one.
I dont care as long as its Tinkers and I get to hop in and out of a Mechsuit and it has a Tank, Healer, and DPS spec.
Emphasis on it having a Tank spec, im in dire needs of wanting a new Tank spec after evoker not getting one.
Assuming cloth = magic user I’m not sure. I guess a Necromancer? Seems like DK does most of that already though. Unless it was some hybrid kind of class that was a bard and a necromancer depending on spec or something.
That would be nice as well.
Why not use the Necromancers from Maldraxxus?, it most definitely would be different from DKs and Warlocks as they’ll be using Anima as a source of Power, they also had several unique spells. It’s not hard to implement most of the work is done.
Uses Cloth, Anima already established in lore and used as a source of power, completely different from any other class.
While yes a few spells may overlap with existing classes, but thats already happening now, but definitely unique enough for a standalone Class if they choose to fully flesh it out.
It’s Healing Spec could also be completely unique being the first Healing Spec in game to utilise a Pet, which currently WoW is the only MMO not to have. Once again fully creating a unique gameplay.
The gameplay for a Necromancer could also be completely unique in terms of how it heals and damages, it’s more about Sacrifice and melding with your pet, it has High Leech baseline but it’s abilities take % damage off you.
Example as Dps you have a Maldraxxus caster as a pet, your 2-3 min cd melds or sacrifices your pet turning you into a Lich for 30 seconds, increasing your dps and leech, once it’s over you split or a new summon spawns.
Healing same thing but increases your healing %.
Really Shadowlands introduced a huge opportunity for a new class to come through.
It’s not hard to justify either, every class in the game still borrow power and have abilities still from Shadowlands.
A Necromancer or Animancer (wows version) can be very doable.
Only another 4 years!
Thats a warlock essentially.
Maybe an enchanter
Or elementalist like in GW2
Necromancer from Diablo
Asked and answered.
I’ve said before in a post if you ever played the game on Ps1 called The Legends of the Dragoon I would like to see a Dragoon class that can wield a Shield and Spear and make it so they have more range,kiteability and casting tank ability’s.
But this is more of a personal want than something that can be a reality.
Like a Prot Warrior and Fire mage put into 1
No more classes, please.
4th specs where and when it makes sense.
One of the greatest games of all time.
I think they could do a lot with something like the nightborne spellblades. An arcane tank class, or give mages a spellblade tank spec
Unrelated, but why are you red completely?
I think it would be cool to add a “Hero Spec” to a class.
Like adding a 4th Specialization to priest, a holy DPS only caster. More casts less dots than say shadow.
Would probably take less resources and could maybe do it for a couple of Cloth Wearers at the same time.
Outside of WoW. What other cloth wearers are common in the genre?
Saw this after I posted. #agree
They wouldn’t have to add any new roles, healer is a support role typically. A Bard is a jack of all trades, their songs could do anything. They’ve also added races that had little to no lore in wow, so saying there’s “bards of the hidden mist” or whatever they want works, or that some characters recovered magic in music, maybe a member of the tauren chieftain band or something with a pandaren (neutral faction) explorer. Whatever the case it’s always doable if someone puts their mind to it. I know shaman used to drop 4 totems and that shared things with the party, a Bard could do that as a tank, healer, or DPS spec, providing the spec role and a little support. They can mix the music by a spell they learned that allowed them to tap into the power of song. It could be discovered on a titan disc, chamber, or even passed on secretly by a family or something. Idk if it would be cloth, leather, mail, or plate… many instances had them wear up to plate but varied based on role. If they added it to the game, blizzard could make it their own, so whatever is clever.
All that said, an Artificer makes sense, since there’s goblins and gnomes who using tinkering purely in combat. It could be like a D&D artificer who uses magic, and technology to make the machinations work. Artificer is easily able to be cloth, and if they are tank, they suit up in a machine like a shredder or new custom machine or something. An Artificer DPS might either use guns or melee with gadgets, and robo pets… maybe some that are permanent and some that break after some time. A healer may use healing lighting gadgets, or some device that they throw down to heal in order to also do some damage… limitless potential.
As for the complaining… there’s always been some complaint about every new class or race from someone… it is what it is. Keep em balanced, keep em unique and interesting. Anything is possible in an RPG, most learn that if they ever played D&D/tabletop RPGs. The sky is the limit for lore.
Neither did evokers until DF retconned them in. New part of the world could easily have a culture that manipulates magic through music.
Tank spec uses icky flesh magic to buff itself into an abomination
DPS spec is a pet class that summons hordes of undead (copy paste demo lock)
Healer spec uses frankenstein electricity magic to shock allies back to life
Plate: DK, Paladin, Warrior
Chain: Shaman, Hunter, Evoker
Leather: Rogue, Hunter, Druid, Monk
Cloth: Priest, Warlock, Mage
Not convinced, that Cloth is the only way to go… You also have Plate and Chain classes…
If I had to venture one of each:
Plate: Lancer - Agility character who fights with Polearms, perhaps a tank spec which can use a Polearm and Shield?
Chain: Marauder - melee and short ranged (<20yard) Strength character
Cloth: Sorcerer/Sorceress - spell caster who has their life force tied into their spells, bigger casts, but has significant drawbacks
Some kind of scientist with the specs being
Robotics: Tank, operates a robot pet to aggro so it explains a cloth tank
Tinkerer: gadgets to damage and buff team
Doctor/medic: healer
This could work for most players and can accommodate more play styles. Plus it can limit what races it is available to and is lore friendly.
No more elves.