Next Special Class to be Cloth?

L70ETC and Blight Boar would beg to differ

I am probably going to be heckelled for this and misspellings but wth…
Think outside the box something never seen has some rambling in both alliance and horde lore, but so miniscule a role played no one paid any mind…
There are alliance and horde factioned lore with both ramblings that could be captured and reinvented to a twisted fait no one has ever thought of…
This microscopic detail in both factions lore were overlooked and the new cloth wearers are already among us, they know all of us your mum n pops your little tiny secrets…
Imagine a faction so woven into the lore when it is revealed you have to go back and look harder at the lore for in time it will become obvious…
Good luck and happy hunting!!!

A race is not a class. If san’layn were ever added, I would want them to have access to more than one class instead of being another race that can only be one. Not that I think they’ll ever get added now that blood elves have Darkfallen customization, which is really good enough for most people.

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I just want a new tank to play! Tinkerer with a mech suit sounds awesome.

I would love it to be a spellblade/spellsword/magic Knight whatever U wanna call it.
Cloth wearer who uses magic to improve their fighting skills and summon magical swords and armour to deal melee magic damage and tank.

Spell Breakers were a regular unit like the Necromancer, not a Hero Class like the Warden was.

Not quite. Necromancers could Heal, while DKs don’t. Necromancers could focus more on pet summoning rather than it just being a helpful event. Necromancers could have cool spells like Bone Cage for CC that DKs don’t.

In terms of numbers, you’re right. However, we’ve had the same 3 Cloth classes since the game launcher.

Looks at Evoker It USED to be that way…

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Necromancers could work well. Healer, melee damage, ranged damage. Decay, soul, shadow, and blood magics.

I get why people say there is no room for them but we have demon hunters and warlocks. Paladins and priests. There is no reason we can’t have death knights and necromancers.

Bards. Ranged DPS and healer.

We could have more shadow magic classes.
I’d love a shadow knight. Plated tank, melee damage dealer.

I’d also like a battle mage the most though.
Mail wearing sword and board magic man. Tank, melee DPS, ranged damage that has a little red mage flavor, some wow mage quality of life spells. And some fun absorb shields that help it tank. Slow attacks, thorns, stagger, absorbs, rewind damage, elemental weapon enchantments.

Also a psionic warrior would also be awesome. Could potentially be all specs. But could be a more unique battle mage. Tank and melee int user with some unique mechanics.

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Yeah I feel like necromancer might be the last option for cloth in this game. Doesn’t really overlap with shadowpriest or warlock class fantasy at all and is established in the lore.

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Blademaster cough cough

I struggle to imagine another class being added / they’ve already struggled to add more than two specs for the last two. They share a ton of overlap and one is half baked (dps evoker).

At this point all I can really think of is a tinkerer

Evoker just feels like a mage to me with better mobility

Cloth or plate would be nice, another mail one would also be nice too. I’m sick of leather.

I see alot of ppl callin for bard but if its gotta be cloth, why not steal a class from ff tactics. Its not beneath blizz to hijack other games ideas. I think dancer could work. Cloth class, rollin group buffs with mobility based attacks. Seems like blizz is moving towards more mobilty anyway.

Shadow Hunter or Warden.

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Blow this guys mind who wants to be the person to tell em that there was a time when warlocks werent part of WoW lore, then, they were just fel shaman. Now theyre in the lore weird right?

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I say switch survival back to ranged and make a new mail Ranger class

Specs of Warden, Protector, and Stalker.

Another mail class is fine, only three now. And this would be a nature based class with heal spec (Warden), tank spec (protector), and a melee mail fighter in the stalker.

Pushes hunter back to purely ranged. Dual wielding for tank and melee spec, staff for heals, open to all races.

Sure there’s a feel of bridged overlap between druid and hunter but who cares.

Ha, special implies they’re not a loser clothie

Time for the Rise of the Murlocs!!
Make em a cloth wearing playable race.

Necrolytes and Clerics. They are not the same as necromancers and priests. Both cloth. Necors should come in. Not necromancers.

Yeah, mind not blown. Been playing Warcraft since Orcs and Humans. Nothing is a dumber class than bard.


my money is on necromancer, so yeah, probably clothy

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