Next Special Class to be Cloth?

We’ve had DK’s in Plate, DH, in Leather, and Evos in Mail. That means the next class they add to balance armor set distribution would be to create a new Cloth class. So what do you think would make a good Cloth class?

I’m just going to give a basic answer like The San’layn. It would be like another DH class where it is limited to certain Elf races. Maybe if Allied races can become stock instead of unlocks it would be Void Elf and Blood Elf. They would stack intellect and leech, They would use a form of Blood magic so potentially have a healing spec. Maybe there is some way to work being a Tank in there too like how Blood DK’s are the tank spec.

I’m more interested to see what everyone else comes up with.


That would be a Horde race IMO, not a class. Maybe bard could be the class you’re looking for? But I could also see them being leather wearers.


Whatever it is I want it to be able to do all 3 things; heal, tank, dps.

Bard, Void Sovereign, Artificer

I’d take any of those options.



Edit: to avoid having to keep typing this to everyone who skips the entire thread to reply to me,

If there’s enough design space between priests and paladins to warrant having both, there’s enough between DK and Necromancer.

You don’t need to shoot an idea down to make yours sound better.


No. They already have locks and DKs.


Tinkers could do those 3 things.

Bards don’t even exist in Warcraft lore. Not even sure why people ask for them.


I actually think they need another plate class since plate is generally underrepresented in groups.


If pallies and priests can coexist, so can warlocks and necromancer.


But they are in the game. There’s several in game.


Do you think they should be barred from being in the game?


I’d like a void based class that has the full gamut of abilities and spells that the void can utilize.

Tank - Etched armor that transforms and mutates the form of the wearer.

DPS - Ranged plate spellcaster using void spells, void creatures, and curses.

Healer - Calling upon creatures from the void and binding them to allies to absorb and heal wounds. As well as placing effigies to inflict damage and transfer their energy to allies.


The San’layn isn’t a horde race as they don’t belong to either faction

Oh, they are? Bards with spell-based attacks are in World of Warcraft? The ones you’re talking about aren’t just dudes that sing at inns?


I highly doubt it would be ,this expansion had a range class in mail (uhm) if we do have a cloth one next it would be a melee class for sure but doubt we would have any for years.

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Actually Bard does exist in WoW lore and has existed since Vanilla. It had an obscure presence but every expansion since has been expanded upon more and more.

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Well there was the one that did attacks for the Necrolord Assault in the Maw. You chose him and he would do magical music attacks.


hmm,if they do bring Bard I hope it has unique play style and not borrow from other classes like they been doing.

I think I know a way,light and sound.

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"B…b…but why do that when we could funnel all our cool ideas into two really defined specs! "

Im starting to think there’s a huge brain drain somewhere at Blizzard.


It’s funny people keep mentioning things that plainly exist in other games, especially ones with ubiquitous names like Bard. Like wtf even is that. It evokes no emotion or feeling at all. Like…pud, or dud. Or…think of something better.

In 4 years when they introduce another class it’ll be a name we haven’t heard of before, or an existing NPC changed up a bit to match something already in WoW, not something from another game. And it won’t be a support class, WoW doesn’t do that. It never will unless the trinity is changed.

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I would differ in that look what we got now ,dps and healing class in one. it’s no different as a support class as a Bard playing hard rock or romantic music .

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