rings/trinkets/weapons only.
rings/trinkets/weapons only.
There is one in Stormwind graveyard.
Void Elves didn’t exist either at first but here we are now
Dks are already necromancers. Unholy fills the roal of swarming zombies and diseases and blood with blood and bones.
Necromancers would literally be riding on top of dks in terms of play style and mechanics (except worse in actual combat as they would be majorly squishy).
I see the next being either mail with tinkerer or leather if they ever do bard.
And tbh I hope they do tinkerer and allow them to use guns/bows as they are useless unless you play hunter. Literally no other class uses them (would be cool if they made pistols and allowed outlaw rogues to use them).
On a side note, could we get throwable weapons back? Really want a rexar like toon with either an orc or troll, but there are no throwing axes.
They dont even need a weapon, just like survival hunter can shoot with a melee weapon equipped. Its just an ability.
In that case they could use the standard caster weapons.
Staves, daggers and 1h swords/maces.
Exactly what i thought. I would be down for some themed off hand items for them. A shrunken head, or a dead frog hanging by his leg.
No there is already the DK and the DH
I’d dig another pet class. Elementalist style… pets derived straight from the elements or death. Call it whatever you will, necromancer/sorcerer/witchdoctor/cabalist/runesayer/deathseeker etc…
I’d say the Blood DK class fantasy is already checking that box.
I’m just here still waiting for Bard to be introduced into the game. We’ve been asking for it since Vanilla.
Bard could be cloth armor, or perhaps leather, and could be a true support class.
However I doubt it will ever actually come along seeing as how Evokers now have a huge Bard-like support kit.
Whatever it is, I really hope it’s a ranged DPS class, and it’s able to be the races we currently have. They finally add a new ranged DPS class since Vanilla and you can only be a frickin’ dragon, so stupid.
They’re definitely one of my favorite magic types/themes, especially when you drop a moon on some one’s head lol
Asked and answered. If priests and pallies can coexist, then DKs and necromancers can coexist.
You don’t have to shoot down an idea to get your own accepted. This isn’t a competition.
I wish this game would move away from the “holy trinity” of tank/heal/dps so we could have some legit support classes and not just healers with some utility. Playing a bard in BG3 right now and it’s fun af to shred on my lute and buff up my party
Whatever happened to the other hero classes that actually existed in the game? Warden? Spell breaker? What about a siege class that does heavy damage but can’t really move/mobilize very well? Maybe a true beast master class instead of trash hunter? A magic based pet dependent class that wasn’t garbage (elementalist)?
They could take the bullsh1t way out and make a bard I guess. We’re already at the point where the main story is completely done and lore has been shat upon. Everything new is completely [badly] made up as they go along. If they go this route, my big request is that the class metas should be represented by actual music. Like the DPS class could be called Mariah Carey and have abilities like “Country Blast.” And the healers would do some Enya/Moby sh1t.
Or, and I know, this one is totally crazy, but what if, just WHAT IF a 4th class meta type came out! Just think, a AAA game studio does something creative?! … Nah, that’s so 90s…
I don’t think we need a new class… I would prefer it if they didn’t add anymore. There are enough classes to manage and balance as it is.
This is a Shadow Priest
Titan Vessel. Each spec serves a different Titan (Norgannon for ranged DPS and utility, etc).
Open to all races, and will be the first dracthyr non evoker class.
Of course. Starts you off in some Forsaken-esk laboratory with abominations afoot. Teaching you how to make your very own homonculous.