I just want something that can heal that’s not based around the light or nature. I’m still disappointed DKs weren’t given a healing spec.
Another class that uses a bow would be cool too though. Idk about a bard… the concept is pretty cheesy to me, but it’d be nice if hunters weren’t the only option for a ranger type character.
In the old Blizzard days the perfect cloth class would be the beach babe. All class sets are string bikinis.
They are as alike as in game DK and necromancers. WoW necromancers aren’t anything like DK and locks.
They’re clearly struggling with being able to deliver a quality product even in a “back to basics” expansion. I’m almost surprised evokers got two specs done.
Nah we already have DK’s & warlocks.
Some ideas :
Blood Mage
- Again, If pallies and priests can coexist, so can warlock, DK, and necromancer.
- You don’t have to shoot down someone else’s idea to promote your own. This isn’t some zero sum wishing simulator.
I didn’t shoot your idea down , i should say i didnt mean it like that , maybe I should have elaborated more on it.
I dont think blizzard would add another warlock / Dk / Necromancer / dark caster to the mix before theyd add anything but that.
Heres an idea
Howbout each class has 2 subclasses aswell as the original all with 3 specs each.
A druids subclasses could be an Archdruid & a Druid of the nightmare.
I vote for the wibbly wobbly timey wimey one.
Give us a nude class.
since 2005 ive wanted to roll an Abomination Rogue n im runnin outta pashince
How about a karaoke bard that can use modern music?
Time keeper, this could also just be a forth spec for mages
If the singer sings rap or disco the bad guys get stunned
We already have Disco priests lol
I get asking for them, but I don’t get where the idea that it’s realistically going to happen comes from.
While I would agree that the next special/hero class (logically) should be a cloth wearer, I would hope they dont do bard for a number of reasons.
Wow’s lack of their role.
In most (every?) other game bards are a support role. Support roles do not exist within wow, which means they would have to (potentially) add a new role into the game, which seems like a pretty major thing to do for the sake of 1 class. -
As they are a support role, how exactly would you judge whether or not they were performing at a level that would be beneficial to the level of content they are doing in a group setting as they are not healing or dpsing? Fiddle catching fire? Dance moves faster than a character in the matrix?
Whatever enhancement(s) they brought to a group would have to be:
a) good enough to warrant a spot
b) not overpowered to the point where they are ~mandatory to bring for things like raids, M+ or dungeons
c) not so good that “why bring a dps or a healer if we can just grab a bard?”
d) so bad that “why bring a bard when we could just grab an actual dps or healer?”
sounds like quite the headache to try and balance all of that -
Suppose they actually made them have dps, tank and/or healer roles. Would be endless complaining much akin to high elves, garrisons (i.e. player housing) etc… about how “that’s not what we asked for, that isn’t what a bard is, etc…”
As far as what that special/hero class ought to be… I got no idea/clue/suggestion beyond "dont create something that is effectively in game and would just copy/steal abilities from other classes and/or specs (i.e. necromancer)
What are their specs ,eardrum blast,screech,tone death.
I want another ranged caster. But this time not like the 2 stupid specs evokers have. Something that actually has a fun spec would be nice. Also it has to be able to tank. Class is DOA if it can’t tank.
And their dps spec is called karen, where they apply various stuns, debuffs, and dots to enemies