Next expansion leak

aren’t we going to the Dragon Isles?

Blizzard learnt their lesson? pretty sure those are mutually elusive concepts there. It’s not blizzard if they can learn from their mistakes.

Wc2? Is probably your best bet for that. I don’t think WoW had even better quite like that. Not that stereotypical anyways. Might want to play LOTRO tbph.

I mean to be fair WoW already has all of those things. Just not like you’re probably wanting. I’d love a dragonsworn class, and like “Return of the Dragonflights” or something like that all about restoring the dragons to power. The Dragonsworn specs/skills would be based off of the dragon aspects and first class since druid to preform ALL of the roles. Mdps, Rdps, Heals, Tank. And they’re mortal sworn to the dragons and all of the new dragon aspects bestow part of their power onto the dragonsworn. And at some point they’d turn into some kind of dragonkin for a CD or something. Maybe a shapeshift/flight form where they turn into a dragon.

Instead of using a gadget to travel back and forth between worlds in Shadowbringers… we’ll use a gadget to travel back and forth between worlds in Shadowlands. It’s genius!

And I bet they will say what they always say “This is going to be the best expansion yet.”

I seriously can’t like your post enough. In order to understand the rest of this, look up Steve Danuser’s Sylvanas fetish (he’s the lead narrative designer of WoW).

I’m like 90% sure that they are planning this because Sylvanas supposedly had her eye on Stormwind in “Before the storm” but you are totally right about the Sylvanas focus. The worst part is that basically you’ve fought the whole expansion fighting her (if you’re alliance or an active rebeller Horde side), and now you basically have to work for her in the Shadowlands. That’s terrible.

Given Steve Danuser’s fascination with Sylvanas and he’s main creative director of the franchise right now, I can’t help but believe this. And tbh the storyline is abusive if you are any degree of invested in it and happen to be in the “not Sylvanas” camp. Because like it or not, you’re doing exactly what she wants, essentially you’re in bondage to his beautiful, sexy dark lady. I feel like my mind is being wrecked and in not a good way. I would have phrased this differently but need to be respectful to actual victims of sexual violence.

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You forgot about one thing.

/dramatic music starts playing
/stabs you in the back

There are still us loyal to Sylvanas left.


yeah Sylvanas saves us all and weakens n’zoth greatly. sounds too much like blizz to be fake.

Dark lady watch over us all.


is that why anduin looks like he could be a brad pitt clone or stand-in?

Makes no difference Blizzard have burnt their bridges already I can’t see many people willing to pay for the next Xpac for the same CRAP you do from day 1 once you lvl to the highest point there is. All this Xpac has been about it WQ’s from the moment you reached lvl 120. BORING AS HELL.

Why do you play then? I mean BFA objectively has more content available then almost any other iteration of the game. There is WQs, There is Island Expeditions, There are Warfronts, There is 4 difficulties of dungeons, 3 difficulties of raids.

Like tell me what existed in previous incarnations of WoW that was better then the current system? Dailies? Imho world quests are way better than dailies. Classic literally has just raiding as the only PVE end game thing to do. Oh and reputation farming I guess. Which is A LOT slower and more grindy than live.

Also cool your ego centrism. Just because you’re burnt out and dissatisfied doesn’t mean everyone is. I saw so many people in Ogrimmar earlier. I was actually overwhelmed. Chat was flying by so fast I couldn’t keep up. I had to leave. Seem to be plenty of people on and active.

It’s funny how everything you mentioned has already been mentioned on the forums.
Fighting Slylvanas. Stormwind raid. Dragon Isles, Shadowlands. Tinker classes. Almost as if someone took notes and decided to just combine it all for a “leeak”

Not saying you are 100% wrong, but the fact you even suggest Sylvanas is playing some other card where she isn’t even “You are now ready for the true battle for azeroth?” Why am I reminded of Illidan’s second chance? Or the fact there have been Horde players suggesting for ages that this will happen. (Granted chances of Sylvanas dying for good is low).

Also just Gallywix and Mekkertogue? Don’t they hate each other? Isn’t Gallywix just a selfish slob that only cares about gold? Why in the world would he even care? He would just let them die so he could become warchief.

And all this, is suggesting we are stuck in Shadowlands (Which doesn’t make sense, because if we are waiting between expansions, our characters are still “trapped” in shadowlands), that means everyone, including Sylvanas and… Nathanos, will be alive again.

I dunno. Seems too much of a leak, and too far fetched.

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Just to reiterate this point. We live in a timeline where Blizzard is selling people MoP 2: Undead Gigolo with a straight face and telling us how much we love it.

This leak could have been a piece of paper with a potato and dirt smeared on it, and I wouldn’t put it past the chance that it’s accurate.

White Knight whether you like it or not this game is over its days are numbered enjoy playing on your own, and btw I pay by gold once that runs out I’m out. Happy now.

Probably. He even has “magic bones” that simply can’t allow him to do any wrong.

Warchief of what though? 90% of the horde army would be dead. I can imagine him saving them if he thought it would get him something. Like you know owing him our lives? The champions of azeroth, the faction leaders, the horde AND alliance armies? Yeah that sounds like him to me.

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You didn’t respond to any of my questions. I pointed out the flaw in your logic and you refused to counter. Which tells me you hate retail because it’s “cool” to do. It’s always be “cool” to hate on WoW’s current state. I remember people complaining about how bad Wrath made WoW and missing classic and tbc. You people exist in literally every single expansion. And yet guess what? The games keeps pumping out regular content patches. Playing by myself? did you even read what I said? I had to leave ogrimmar because there was too many people and couldn’t read my PMs. Trade and general where going by so fast. The game seems just fine. Again just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean others aren’t liking it. Saying I like current version of wow is not “white knighting”. I think it has it’s flaws but it is certainly better than classic which is bare boned bug fest. People have been doomsaying WoW since the very beginning. Yes since vanilla people have been saying that WoW is going to die. And yet how many expansions are we at? I think we have at least that many more before we review the situation. Technically everything in the universe has numbered days. You have numbered days left. I wouldn’t be surprised if WoW outlives you tbph.


The game is crap there is your answer short and sweet. END OF STORY.

Well more not saving Alliance then Horde.