Next expansion leak

If this is true and it happens, a lot of people owe me an apology for laughing at me when I said it was a possibility haha. If not, well, dang. I wanted to be right, even though I don’t like her as a character in the slightest. At least I thought Kerrigan was awesome from the get go.

Though, she did kill my 2nd favorite character. Hrm.

If even a 1/10th of that “leak” is true, I would expect massive layoffs in the retail team as it goes into a death spiral and enters maintenance mode.

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So if blizzard is nervous about the next expansion due, because of poor reception of bfa…what do you do to test the waters on what your working on, without having to endure humiliation if its a poor reception?

You leak that sht and see what happens.

I put about as much faith in 4Chan leaks as a Donald Trump press secretary.

Don’t @ me, we all know that’s a gloriously hilarious train wreck to watch.


I dont accept any way it can work. I have absolutely zero respect for that swine in the warchief’s position right now. If she has to dictate my actions in anyway I dont want anything to do with it.

I don’t disagree. He is annoying and as a writer’s self-insert he is naturally going to have layers of plot armor.

That doesn’t mean they should completely flush the bowl in order to get rid of Nathanos imo. It’s all just kind of floating right now and does Nathanos stink? Sure. But can you differentiate his stink from the rest? Not really.

That part had me cackling… even more so when they mentioned he’d join the Alliance.

This just sounds like some Sylvanas fanboy’s fanfic and nothing more.

It’s not that farfetched if the writer is as much of a fan of Sylvanas as Christie Golden is of Anduin. Her personal Anduin fanfic “Before the Storm” made me sick of the guy. I never actually finished that dang book. Sylvanas is my favorite character in the game though so I guess I’m biased anyway. I’m guessing some people having a personal bias toward Anduin would love what I hate and vice versa with Sylvanas.

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On the plus side, if this expansion leak is true it will mean one less title I need to worry about keeping my sub current for and I’ll be down to 2 I pay to keep active.

I will only like Thinkers if they are Ranged DPS
Laz00rs beams, gatling guns, missiles, mines and orbital laz00rs

I’m surprised he hasn’t been killed as a plot device to upset Sylvanas. One of the few things she has any open caring for, I think that character dying would not only fuel the alliance need for something in revenge department, but also give her a reason to reach for new heights.

I certainly wouldn’t mind if edge lord boyfriend was removed from the scene lol.

Some of the leaks seem plausible and some don’t.

There is obviously a lot about death, undeath, void, shadow, etc going on that started in Legion

If you have done Island Expeditions you may have come across an item that leads you to Stormheim where you learn that Helya was NOT killed in ToV… Helyas ships coming to pick us up? It’s possible…

Anduin turning bad/evil/whatever? That is probably 99.99% correct. Before anyone doubts that you might want to read Il’gynoth’s Whispers from the Emerald Nightmare raid and Ogmot’s journal from Silithis…it states pretty clearly who Anduin is really serving.

Will there be a “surprise” twist coming up a la Illidan rejecting “The Gift” in Legion? I would be shocked if there wasn’t…what will the twist be? I think it will be revealing Anduin and the above ^^^

So I think there might be elements of truth in the leak but the whole thing? hmmm I just don’t know…

EDIT: Something else just popped in my mind…I would not also be surprised to see something happen with the 3 Windrunner sisters…I definitely think the comic foreshadowed that

EDIT 2: AND if you think Il’gynoth is full of it…so far…everything he said has come to pass…so far…


Who is a sock account?

Anyone who thinks SW is gonna be a raid…lmao. Blizz learnt their lesson in SoO.

Can’t see how someone connects this with shadowlands leak and somehow thinks it makes it more legit.

The leak overall is just all over the place, with pretty fake screen shots.

I wouldn’t be surprised if something a long these lines happen as said in the leak BUT I’ll reserve judgement.

I’m confused. Weren’t most people pissed off about Season 8? Doesn’t seem like a intelligent thing to do since while the author most certainly can do it, there will be a price paid for it, as such decisions come with the same consequences.

But hey, if the authors want to pull a Rian Johnson on themselves and be known as "the guy that killed Luke Skywalker", more power to them. The market and playerbase has a funny way of sorting it out.

It usually ends with their work being either retconned out, or utterly marginalized when the cost to the company becomes so great, that they are replaced with someone who remembers that the fans matter more than their ego.

Metzen knew how to tell a good story, and he had a positive relationship with the fans. This was because his was a copacetic relationship with the base. He told stories he knew would gel well with them, because being one of them he understood the areas that struck one’s fancy.

Contrasting that, we have these new writers seem more focused on pissing their fans off, and more interested in pushing as much politics as they can into their writings. Hence Sylvanas going mental when Magni called her “Lass”, and her ruminating about breaking a glass ceiling as the first female Warchief.

If what I say seems over the top, I apologize in advance for that. I just call it how I see it, and right now I suspect that such a focus on Sylvanas, Sylvanas, Sylvanas, won’t end well. If they decide to give players the middle finger and do it anyways, I think that Blizzcon will be …“fun”.

By fun, I mean a reception that makes reactions to Diablo Immortal being phone only; look tame.

A lot of players were not happy with the Faction War premise. If Blizzard is tone deaf enough to do it again, I reckon it’ll probably result in a straight up revolt rivaling the NGE mess from Star Wars Galaxies, the CoX/NCSoft debacle, DAoC blunders, and of course Sony’s wonderful handling of complaints on Shadows of Luclin.

I’d say reverse course, but Blizzard hasn’t in 15 years. So carry on into the proverbial iceberg.


I also don’t like the setting of “Shadowlands”. I want a high fantasy land with Elves, castles, knights and dragons.

They have to go toe-to-toe with FF XIV and their Shadowbringers expansion.

“Oh yeah? You think that’s cool? We have lands covered in shadow…and we call it the Shadowlands. PS buy our new store mount.”

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I assume you have been following the story yes? BfA story parallels MoP like by a whole lot. In “Before the Storm” Sylvanas makes it very clear her eye is on Stormwind

So a raid on Stormwind? I would NOT count that out, not by a long shot

I will be FINALLY looking forward to my “Conqueror of Stormwind” title

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