Next expansion leak

Wow… just wow… Looks pretty good. I hope it’s legit.





If you’re talking about the one whose original source is 4chan… doubtful … oh and welcome to the discussion from two or three weeks ago.


It’s on MMO Champion (originally from 4chan) and it has a screenshot from a cinematic in 8.3. It backs up the Shadowlands leak in general and says that 8.3 is Stormwind Raid.


If that leak is accurate then I called it a while back: Sylvannas is getting the Kerigan treatment. Sorry Night Elves.


If we’re talking about the one with the ghost ships, it looks to me like someone imported a bunch of assets into UE4. That water shader kinda looks like one of the samples, and those soft shadows look like distance field AO.


The exact thread title on MMO Champion for the leak is “[Speculation] Bizzare “Leak” reveals screenshot of an upcoming Cinematic”.

It looks real, but this part makes me question that:

The encounter has been designed to have your faction’s leaders die one by one as the opposing faction’s health ticks down. The players will all die as well (like the Arthas fight), with Anduin and Sylvanas being the last ones standing.
>A cinematic will play once the encounter is over. Anduin will end up killing Sylvanas or vice versa (depending on your faction), only to die of his/her wounds. Ultimately, everyone will be dead, and the harbor will be silent. Characters will then wake up in the Shadowlands, and a ghostly fleet of Helya’s ships awaits us in the death version of Stormwind Harbor. With Nathanos by her side, Sylvanas declares that we’re now strong enough to face the true battle for Azeroth.

I don’t think Blizzard would end an expansion that way. It doesn’t fit their style.


Hrm. Disappointing to say the least if it pans out. But who knows. Maybe Blizzard will pull a rabbit from their hats. I personally think anyone who has done everything Sylvanas has, has gone too far to redeem. I just hope that if they do write such a story, it isn’t a hamfisted story that reeks of plot armor and plot expediency.

This is really why I have a issue with Nathanos constantly being inserted in the story. We should by this point have some inkling on what Sylvanas game-plan is as Horde Players.

That we don’t is not sloppy writing, it’s intended to try and force players to make a choice, which I can understand. Yet what Blizzard never considered is that all such a decision does? Is make players unsub and wait on the War Campaign. More and more waiting is what has crippled BFA from the start.


Patch 8.3:
>The last boss of BfA was indeed shown in the Azshara defeat cinematic, but it’s more metaphorical than people realize. The last boss is us: Alliance & Horde, as indicated by the last shot of Jaina and Lor’themar. Azshara and N’Zoth are both bosses in the next expansion. We won’t be facing them again (at least physically) in BfA.
>Sylvanas will prepare a strike against Thunder Bluff, tricking both the Alliance and Horde into defending it. During this distraction, she will invade and conquer Stormwind. The latter will be explained through a comic released in October.
>It has always been the plan to finish the expansion with a raid-version of Stormwind. Therefore, patch 8.3 includes a 10-boss raid within Elwynn and the city itself, along with a complementary, all-new 40-player battleground.

>In the raid, Horde and Alliance players fight alongside important lore characters and leaders from both factions.
>Sylvanas has already taken Stormwind at this point. The raid is about defeating Sylvanas and reclaiming Stormwind.
>The first boss is a sort of caravan-escort scenario. An azerite-powered battering ram made by goblins & gnomes will start at Goldshire and travel slowly towards the gates of Stormwind. Waves of adds will attack the ram in an attempt to destroy it.
>The second boss is Old God aligned and has enslaved city guards and other famous Stormwind NPCs (such as Topper McNabb).
>Another notable boss is Anduin. Halfway through the raid, he will succumb to the whispers of N’Zoth. We must fight him until he returns to his former self. Wrathion makes a special appearance during this fight. N’Zoth is trying very hard to keep us from reaching Sylvanas.
>The 8th boss is Nathanos. This encounter takes place in Cathedral Square. Tyrande decapitates him at the end of the fight.
>The penultimate boss is Sylvanas. She awaits us in Stormwind Harbor. MASSIVE SPOILERS NOW. BE WARNED!
>Sylvanas is the first of two encounters that comprise the grand finale of BfA. Alliance and Horde will fight side by side against Sylvanas until Bolvar eventually appears and starts killing Horde leaders – first to go is Lor’themar. Bolvar will then side with Taelia and the Alliance. Sylvanas will shoot Genn in response, prompting the intermission.
>During the intermission, all of the Horde leaders will rejoin Sylvanas. Genn dies, and Anduin and Jaina declare war on the Horde. The final fight begins.
>The final boss is ‘The Horde’ or ‘The Alliance’. This encounter is cosmetically unique to each faction, but strategically identical. Horde will win once Anduin is dead, and Alliance will win once Sylvanas is dead.

>The encounter has been designed to have your faction’s leaders die one by one as the opposing faction’s health ticks down. The players will all die as well (like the Arthas fight), with Anduin and Sylvanas being the last ones standing.
>A cinematic will play once the encounter is over. Anduin will end up killing Sylvanas or vice versa (depending on your faction), only to die of his/her wounds. Ultimately, everyone will be dead, and the harbor will be silent. Characters will then wake up in the Shadowlands, and a ghostly fleet of Helya’s ships awaits us in the death version of Stormwind Harbor. With Nathanos by her side, Sylvanas declares that we’re now strong enough to face the true battle for Azeroth.

>A short teaser-cinematic starring Gallywix and Mekkatorque will be shown at Blizzcon in November. Gallywix, who fled from the fight in Stormwind, will eventually find King Mekkatorque’s escape pod and awaken him from suspended animation. Together they figure out what happened and construct a device that will allow us to enter and leave the Shadowlands at will. Their cooperation lays the groundwork for the new Tinker class. The device is rumored to be the ‘Dalaran Hearthstone’ of 9.0, given to you at the end of the introductory questline. It works like monks’ Transcendence ability.
>Calia is the interim Forsaken faction leader during the raid.
>BfA’s patch release schedule feels slower because the plan is to lead into 9.0 much quicker than ever before after the release of 8.3.
>You can have a physical form in the Shadowlands if you are brought there artificially, either by its denizens (such as spirit healers) or by means of ‘dimensional’ technology.
>The Dragon Isles, the Shadowlands and the Old Gods have a much deeper connection than one would think. This is explained by lots of quests and dungeons, but I don’t know any specifics besides the shrines in Dragonblight and on the Dragon Isles being connected to the Shadowlands, somehow. This connection will also play a major role and be explored in the patches going forward. The Curse of Flesh also plays a role in this.


From “leak” of Stormwind raid:

Please Elune let this be real.


Wow that sounds…bad.

Not bad like tragic for the world.

Bad like Hanson.


…So she kills Lor’themar, and then everyone just goes. “This is fine!” Sorry but this literally makes no sense at all and reeks of the authors giving more plot armor to Sylvanas. Which if they are serious about protecting their franchise and it’s viability in the next 3-4 years they had better take a long hard look at.

It is very unlikely players will reward Blizzard with long term subscriptions if they jump that shark and Sylvanas has a “I was always right! See See?” moment like Admiral Holdo. There is a reason people disliked the Last Jedi. It wasn’t the story or death of various lore characters. It was her. A character that was missing for most of the trilogy but suddenly was right about everything because… reasons!


Well if the leak is true it happens after Anduin succumbs to the Void, and after Bolvar intervenes joins the Alliance’s side and murders Lor’themar. At that point Baine, Thrall and Saurfang would be crazy not to want Sylvanas on their side.

Do what now? We are already at war.

LoL What? See this is where I start having my doubts. Problem is that the writing has been so bad that this is crazy enough to be true lol.


Every leak is fake unless proven otherwise. That one is really sketchy to me. Lots of red flags. I don’t think they’d turn it into a Game of Thrones episode really. Then Bolvar for some inexplicable reason gets involved and that’s weird.

Plus Gallywix and Mekkatorque hate each other. The Horde leaders won’t rejoin her either, many are actively turning against her. And that doesn’t add up much to Sylvanas’ character. She just intentionally helped release an Old God into the world again. If she was preparing us for a higher battle then it’s also partially her fault for creating that battle in the first place. No excuse there.

It contradicts her earlier actions. So far she’s been very clear that her goal is to end all who oppose her just because she thinks she has to for survival.


Whoops, it looks like I misread that. I thought it said Sylvanas kills Lor’themar. I was incorrect. The post would indicate Bolvar kills Lor’themar (Which still makes no sense, but if the Lich King was involved maybe it could lead in to Arthas and Sylvanas old war, which I could get behind. There’s a lot with Bolvar we don’t know specifics on so I could roll with it.)

The big issue I had, and would have as a player would be if Sylvanas did kill Lor’themar and then suddenly Thrall and everyone was like “This is A-OK. Good job. Zug zug. Work work.”.

…Instead of ripping her apart like a old Barbie Doll that your sister abandoned years ago. This would literally be the sound going off in my head and signal the end of my interest in the franchise.

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Yeah, people in about 37 threads proved it to be pretty dubious. They used stuff like “logic.”

The “leak” was every single “wish” that players have posted on the forums, such as a Tinker class (the most obvious earmark of a fake leak, a completely made up forum “class.” )

? Getting hit in the leg by Tonya Harding’s boyfriend, before she skates? Sorry, I’m old. I’m not sure what else you mean.


I might have misspelled the name but it’s a Starcraft reference. The big bad is redeemed in the end because she turned out to be the only one that could save the galaxy.


It’s a WC3 hero class.


I was curious what you had to say and just got back.