Next expansion leak

Nah. The OC donut steel isn’t dying

Pay by gold

You are still paying a sub ya fool! What you buying the tokens? That’s $25 dollars. Where do you think it’s going? Right back to Blizzard.

No wonder why Blizzard dumbs down this game when comments like this come out.

This is why I don’t like nelfs and they should be deleted from the forums

God they’re just so annoying

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That’s not an answer though. You haven’t explained why you feel that way about it. Only that it’s crap. Which again makes it sound like bandwagon hivemind opinion rather then a fully formed personal opinion based on your own experiences.

I can say tomatoes are crap. And their days are numbered. Soon you won’t ever be able to find a tomato that hasn’t been ground into a paste or sauce. Want a tomato on that sandwhich? Sorry aint gonna happen. Enjoy being the only person who likes tomatoes anymore.

That’s essentially what you said. I can explain why I don’t like tomatoes. It’s primarily a texture thing. Which ruins the experience of whatever I’m eating to bite into it and encounter that texture. But that’s also why I don’t mind it in ketchup or a tomato based sauce like on pizza, or spaghetti.

You hate WoW because it’s what’s all the “cool kids” are doing. Admit it. You just want to be a cool kid too.

Yeah that’s not how this or any other universe works.

Its not my rl money idiot, so who is the fool now, it certainly isn’t me. Dumb comment sorry.

Fully explained in this video.

I’ve also observed, when it comes to narration, some characters could never catch a break. For some characters this maybe their third time dying a virgin. :rofl:


Judging by your reply, you must be 14 years old and using one of your parents credit card. Gotcha. You are just a child.


I’ve given you no instruction to attend that raid. It’s is heavily unnecessary; due to yourself having the ability step in and out of the Shadowlands by will, my puppet.

We will watch from a distance, have a drink together perhaps.

Really takes one to know one I say.

Another shadowlands leak? It reminds me of the thing early in BFA with Jaina tbph. Daughter of the Sea.

With most leaks, you’d want to take it with a grain of salt but here’s the thing. This leak may not be too far off. Now, I’m not saying it’s credible at all but the section mentioning SW being the Sylvanas next target is somewhat true. Both “Before the Storm” and the vision from MoP proves so. For those who don’t remember back in SoO, there was a vision that appeared with SW being corrupted with Old God effigy. It also showed everyone being killed in the process. So who knows, knowing Blizz anything is possible.

P.S. It’s not like they would push something like SW being sacked multiple times and not go through with it… (that’s just my two sense in the matter)

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I’m guessing the story is over the top and similar to some fan fic artist that is in grade school

Also a hamster wheel of Daily’s that accomplishes nothing but cosmetic rewards.

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Looks good? Riggghhhtttt

I’m going to go ahead and be a tad bit skeptical from now on for new expacs… A wait and see kind of deal

Fair point.

How about Mafurion decapitates Saurfang and uses his head as a offering to become a Night Warrior himself, only for the ceremony to fail and he explodes in the process? Two birds with one stone.

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Then don’t do them?

Also what happened to the forgettable heart of azeroth!!!

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I want nothing more than for the True Betrayer to meet his end. They called Illidan the betrayer… But Malfurion turned against him just so he could secure his romance with Tyrande. He is a hypocrite and disgusting. How Tyrande had been fooled by him all these years is beyond me. If Malfurion every did try to commune directly with Elune she would smite him for his hypocrisy I know it.

One thing worth remembering that no one has mentioned. There IS something wrong with Azeroth fundamentally atm. If you sit around and watch the healers at the sword, when they try to use Druid magic to heal the land, it explodes in a violent cloud of void energy.

So there is that and it has been happening since BFA started.


It’s also worth considering this. We often talk about N’zoth, Il’gynoth, and Yogg Saron’s whispers.

But NO ONE ever talk about C’thun’s Whispers. I was doing some researching into the fact that “nothing good comes out of Silithus”. As much as I hate to swallow my personal pride, I have to concede the authors might have the mother of all plot twists waiting for us, and these are clues that have been in the game since the VERY BEGINNING.

Case and point. There are some alarming facts that no one has even considered yet. Sylvanas might well know these facts since she did possess several Bloodstones (5 like the number of Old Gods we have. C’thun, N’zoth, Yogg’Saron, Y’shaarj, Xal’atath).

(Quest in Classic Hillsbrad Foothills).

Old Gods do not live, they do not die. They are “outside the cycle” remember?

So put that next to C’thun’s whispers. They actually do tie into this idea of the Shadowlands. If they do? They were intentional from the beginning (Classic). And if they do? Then I would be very, very impressed by the writer of the scenario. Especially if it tied into Sylvanas’ end game.

C’thun whispers:

  • Death is close…
  • You are already dead.
  • Your courage will fail.
  • Your friends will abandon you.
  • You will betray your friends.
  • You will die.
  • You are weak.
  • Your heart will explode.

Highlighted four that could speak to:

1.) Maybe Azeroth is already dead.
2.) Players betray Sylvanas, or abandon the Horde?
3.) We die at some point, causing entry into the Shadowlands?
4.) The Heart of Azeroth explodes killing all of us and maybe nuking Stormwind?

I hope that this is the kind of stuff they weave in if Shadowlands is plausible. If they show us Sylvanas reasons and their plausible, I’m sold on it. But if the Horde leaders just 180 and she’s given a total pass for the past actions, it won’t make sense.

Guess we’ll have to wait and see. I hope they do it right.


I like the way you think.

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I like the concept but it doesn’t make sense. They can’t have the end of a raid transition into the expansion. Theres months before the expansion comes out that take place after the raid. Normally you need a pre-expansion event to lead into an expansion. The timing of this can’t work.