Next expansion leak

Why would she react to losing him when she is fully aware of what is happening the entire time? In this alternate dimension of WoW she knows exactly what the results of the fight will be, and is simply playing her part to usher us all to a point where we can unite with the power of friendship to defeat the baddies.

Nobody dies in this scenario. NOBODY DIES. Not Nathanos, not Sylvanas, not anybody.

Believe me I would be happy if he were butchered in front of her face while she weeped and professed her true love for Arthas. That isn’t even remotely close to what happens here.

Why accept a terrible Shyamalan-like twist just for the sake of removing one bad egg from an entire box of them and it doesn’t actually remove that egg at all?

I did say that Nathano’s death was the only part of this that I could get behind. I think each new one of these “leaks” has been worse (dumber) than the last.

Every once in a while, Blizzard gives me a tiny bit of hope about their storytelling (e.g., Illidan doing to the windchime what many people wanted to do from the moment Xe’ra 1st turned up in Legion). Presumably, we’ll know something for sure after Blizzcon.

Because this leak is fake as hell.

The fact that people are actually debating it like it’s real shows how bad the writing and standards for this expansion truly have become.

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The sad thing is it’s believable.

What’s even more sad is that people seem to be ok with them taking this route and truly driving the story down the crapper as long as their personal feelings for how Nathanos should die are met.

Lots of talk of entitlement around here lately. Nothing more entitled than expecting fan service so regularly and encouraging further butchery of the story so your personal hopes for a single character can be met.

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They should never kill Nathanos, or cater to night elf complainers more than they already have. Night Elf fans hate him for making Tyrande and Malfurion look stupid, but it’s like they forgot Legion and every other expansion where those two characters always look stupid. Nathanos has nothing to do with the fact that Tyrande, Malfurion, and Night Elves in general suck.


Now that’s a fact. 10,000 years of failure. Put in the back seat for a kid that can’t even grow a beard.

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The Night Elves we got are much tamer than the Night Elves that were originally envisioned. You can even tell from the lore they still have in game about how they swept across the entire continent of Kalimdor and slaughted or dominated every single race and tribe that tried to stand in their way. Night Elves were supposed to be incredibly savage and brutal people but they ended up being more peaceful and druidic but still capable of savagery.

The game has really failed to convey that to any of the players, especially horde players who are far less likely to be aware of any backtsory to the night elves.

Malfurion is NOT the weakling pushover he was in Legion, and Tyrande is not some dumb bimbo who doesn’t know left from right. They have really done a disservice to the Night Elves both in Legion and BfA so far. The night warrior powers are cool, but why is she just walking around letting all these major characters live? Why did Malfurion get merc’d by a heroic throw, literally the weakest damaging ability warriors have in the game? They explained why Malfurion was allowed to live but that should NOT have dropped him in the first place, Malfurion is waaaay more badass than that.


That is how I felt about Night Elves in WC3 and Vanilla. They were honestly kind of lost in the shuffle of BC and WotLK but really just seemed to be painted into a corner as weak and peace-seeking pacifists the further the story progressed.

Now Tyrande has gone super saiyan and is just using it for a fresh look.

The original concept artwork from way back shows them looking way more savage. I don’t mind the peaceful nature theme but they need to express the savage side too. A leopard can look peacefull and pretty but you should show what it looks like when it’s ripping the throat out of an animal with its bare teeth.

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It was quite the same with the Tauren early on too. They were ruthless and brutal creatures that didn’t out right seek to kill things but wouldn’t shy from it if their territory was invaded.

Now with Baine at the head, they are just comical bovine caricatures to me.

Camp T was a valid military target.

This is part of the reason I always felt they fit the Horde better. I could have seen Forsaken on the Alliance. IT could have easily fit with a slight change in lore as they wrote it.

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The Night Elves have more experience being at war than any other race besides maybed the Lightforged Draenei.

Thousands and thousands and thousands of years. Look how many wars we’ve had in the last 40 years.

Night Elves have an extra 5000 years of that.

They shouldn’t be as stupid as they are in game and they should be the Spartans of the military aspects of the Alliance. Thousands of years of knowledge and experienced compounded into wisdom. They should have the most advanced strategies and be adept at both close quarters and ranged combat and guerrilla warfare as well as conventional military disciplines and tactics.

Not this… thing we got going here where they just kind of emotionally react to everything happen after the fact and never seem to be prepared or have any contingency plans in place or early warning systems.


They don’t really hate each other so much as have a rivalry; At least that’s how I’ve interpreted their interactions of late.

Please no - I was over NPCs stealing kills after Green Jesus. If his head’s coming off we should all take turns, with dull rusty hand saws.

assuming the leak is real., is it possible that the burning of Teldrassil some how would bring the power of Elune or something to the shadowlands? and is it possible that Elune is the one who told Vol’jin to make Sylvanas warchief?

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Sylvanas thought in A Good War that Elune was an enemy to her plans, and a part of her Night Warrior aspect is that she takes the souls of the dead and takes them to the heavens, where they become stars. If that “steals” the souls from the Shadowlands, it would unfortunately justify her raising dead Sentinels and Wardens and make Tyrande in the wrong. Again.

I read this thread on Reddit However, I am not sure how much of this is actually true. If it is, then it really is a big disappointment. I am tired of the heritage armor crap. Anyway…

Sylvanas literally wasn’t even going to burn down Teldrassil until that Night Elf chick told her that occupying it wouldn’t break the Elves’ will. That was never the intention before that specific point in Darkshore. So no it has nothing to do with trying to build power for some sort of assault on the shadowlands. This “leak” sucks


The only “leaks” I’ve seen have all been so awful they make BFA look like a masterpiece. Especially the latest one where Sylvanas kills everyone then says “lol I needed to murder everyone horribly so you would be strong enough.”


he’s just annoying.

Blizzard just writes in a total D Bag that you cant really attack at anytime even as horde. Excuse dead tool bag I’ve destroyed gods, you’re a nobody.