Next expansion leak

woopsie. yes yes i meant towel…or maybe who knows i might throw a tower cause id be so mad.

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Ohhhhh let’s make a new forum class. Ogre tower thrower. New neutral allied race

Why? Because ogres that’s why

BFA is so amazeing my mind is blown away by now!

What are you talking about? If you are alliance or just don’t like Sylvanas it’s terrible.

It basically implies Sylvanas is a bloodthirsty psychopath giving BFA a how it should have ended of “Hey Anduin we can’t be at peace, but we can be at peace with each other while we take down some old Gods. Let’s set up a meeting between Mekkatorque and Gallywix stat so we can go invade the shadowlands together. The legion invasion was a good primer”

It’s also ridiculously unsatisfying to alliance players or people who don’t like Sylvanas
who have seen that woman terrorize so much. Now they basically have to work with her and the craziest part is Nathanos is STILL not dead and he’s the least popular character in writing by far.

Unfortunately i believe it’s real. It checks out with so many random plot points. I’m done. I’m just done.

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i could see one way it would work.

if only the dead can fight the enemy, and more importantly only the “warrior” or “battle-slain”

then she may have decided to take upon herself the sin no one else could bear, accepting damnation to give the world a chance by instigating such a massive scale of slaughter

Why is noone actually linking to the actual leak?

I will say the leaked pic looks fake. Mainly because the water isn’t remotely like the stuff in game which would be… odd. The rest looks like models grabbed from present content.

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Some parts of the Leak sound plausible, but a lot just sound like fancervice to popular theories.

Like why would Tinker become a class on an expansion about the Shadowlands?

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I don’t know. I was kind of disappointed. I had hoped for a new continent the size of Kalimdor or Eastern Kingdoms. Not another “island” with 3 or 4 zones. Wow needs something big for next expansion.

This leak is doodoo.

I would sooner believe shadow hunters were becoming a class in shadowlands expansion then tinkers lol.


Man, it really sucks that the most “true” leak is the one that sucks the most… :tired_face:

Anyway, I’m still hoping for Awakenings / World Revamp. Make Azeroth Great Again!

We’ve been using technology to fight ghosts since vanilla EPL.

I don’t like it for three reasons.

  1. We should spend more time with the Void to really build them up like the Legion was.

  2. Tinkers should be given to several more races than just Goblins and Gnomes.

  3. How do Tinkers fit into a Void expansion?

Sounds good to me. Natahanos dies

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Show me on the voodoo doll where the bad Nathanos touched you.

But seriously. That is a huge bonus, him dying, but he can die without the last redeeming remnants of BfA’s terri…what am I saying who cares? lol

This game doesn’t have a story anymore as far as I’m concerned. It’s just log in roll face across keyboard and loot. You’re totally right, killing Nathanos will make everything in the world right, except for the part where he actually survives just like EVERYONE ELSE. I say bring on the lolwtfnobodycaresbattleroyale that the end of this story seems to be.

You ever look at a post and think “yep, that’s someone at blizzard using a sock account.”? Sometimes I think that.

Not enough tinfoil to make a hat right now and I don’t want the lizard people to erase my brain for thinking dangerous thoughts like that.

I was reading the MMO-C thread about this, and that was the one and only point I could get behind. The only good Nathanos is a permanently dead Nathanos. And if he should die by Tyrande’s hand, so much the better.

(And it would be interesting to see how – or even if – Sylvanas would react to losing her toyboy.)

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Half-Life and L4D3 got leaked too…

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