Next expansion leak

But why wouldn’t you tie it to Titan tech? This situation with us dealing with the Heart of Azeroth, MOTHER, Mechagon, and other Titan facilities makes it the perfect time to do it. Also why wouldnt a technology based class use Titan technology?

Because the Tinker in Warcraft 3 was a Goblin. Tying it to Titan stuff just feels like a stretch to make it relevant to the Shadowlands expac leak and everything. The way they are trying to shove in the Tinker class is annoying.

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And Druids in WC3 were only male Night Elves. Things change when they enter WoW.

Lore-wise, Forsaken can only be Shadow Priests, but they can be Discipline and Holy in-game, so…

I get why people want Tinkers, gadgets, gizmos and stuff is cool, but it just feels like a giant stretch.


That is basically what lore feels like in general now a days…

If Sylvanas wins - we can only get raised as undead and all other races are gone. In other words we all lose.

If Anduin wins - He casts mass rez and everyone wins.

Edit - I have to say if even 1/3 of this is true, I will give up on Retail. I plan on being 50/50 or so overall but this would kill WoW for me.

What feels like a giant stretch? Gnomes and Goblins piloting advanced mecha on the ground and in the air (which is actually in the game), or the idea that those advanced mecha that can fight on the ground and in the air could use titan-derived technology to help them fight Old Gods and Azshara?

No. The stretch is making Tinkers a class. Don’t need Tinkers for Titan-derived tech to be used. Goblins don’t fit in the Titan tech as they are, AFAIK, not Titan constructs affected by the Curse of Flesh, but Gnomes and Dwarves are. All of that Titan tech could be made with Engineering or provided somehow by Magni, MOTHER, etc.

Tinker, as a class, just doesn’t work. But if Blizz decides to put a Tinker class, it’s whatever.

Again, why not? The Tinker like the Death Knight, Brewmaster, and Demon Hunter is a WC3 hero unit. We have multiple examples of Gnomes and Goblins piloting advanced weaponry, and the Tinker is attached to major lore figures.

Technology is used against the Old Gods, and it has proven to be effective. MOTHER for example roasts Old Gods with titan tech all the time, and we needed her to beat Ghuun in Uldir. Why wouldn’t you bring in a technology class with titan influences as a counter measure? It’s truly a no-brainer.

Unlike some, i actually like the story in BfA. But if this ended up being true? Yeah . . . I don’t know how I would feel about it. For the sake if argument, I suppose it could be just the way it was worded, and it could end up playing out well.

But having us fight side by side, then turning on each other (and rejoining Sylvanas?), only to be killed so we can join forces again? That sounds far too convoluted for even the most thirsty of juicy-leak seekers.

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This is basically “cataclysm 2.0” in another form.

I like some parts of it but others are…just not right.

Firstly, horde leaders are betraying her. Why would they side with her suddenly? I don’t see Saurfang, Lorthemar, and others jumping back to her side after she tried to get them killed.

Also, how would Sylvannas just “fall over and die” since she is undeath in a fight with Anduin? I don’t like her and want to see her die like most, but that doesn’t make sense.

Azshara returning as a boss next expansion? Was once not enough? She will be Guldan’d if this is true. Which is severely underwhelming.

Bolvar siding with the alliance? Where did he come from? He’s not Bolvar anymore. He’s the lich king who doesn’t care. He’s own will has been lost as accordance to what the helm of domination does. However it does sound awesome that the lich king himself aligns with the alliance forever, which means every DK must listen and fight for alliance.

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Then why are you here posting this? Don’t bother with threads that deal with retail.

Why even comment then or do you like posting pure spam?


I will give you that. You make a fair argument that I agree with. My point with Holdo simply is we’re told she’s Leia’s friend, someone she trusts enough to be in charge, and yet we never hear about her a bit in the Force Awakens Movie. I didn’t read the novels so I can’t comment on that, but from a movie-goers perspective, she just suddenly appears right after Leia is down for the count.

This is a issue with Sylvanas too. We see her maybe 3-5 times total. The problem is that in all of them, she has mainly cameos. I think her biggest moment was the point where she burns Teledrassil in a unhinged moment of anger, which is odd.

One would think she would not be unhinged about if she intended to kill people. From then on, her participation in the story has been… to check in on us during the first debriefing. Visit Rastakhan’s Funeral. Berate Horde Leaders during the Zelling Execution, and finally leaving with Ashvane.

Everywhere else?

We have no idea what she’s doing. For all we know she’s on the forums defending BFA from her PC. She should of had a LOT more participation with the players in Legion, and in BFA, and the fact that she hasn’t is part of why the playerbase rejects her as a character.

The author might know what’s up, but the players do not, and that has translated into most people I speak to NOT doing the War Campaign for fear of making the wrong choice. It might be great for writing build up, but it does not translate into a good gameplay experience.

You mean one of a few Hero classes from WC3 not yet playable in WOW, the others being Archery Priests and spear tossing warriors.


This “leak” has so much idiotic writing in it.
And that’s why I (sadly) am somewhat willing to believe it.

Can’t wait to see Sylvanas become a big sparkle that will one-shot the Void Lords and then disappear with Nathanos.

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I was reading this, thinking it all has a possible chance to be true, and then I read this…

Uhh… what? lol.


i have no idea about all this shadowlands stuff, but…

the burning of the tree and sylvanus’s other actions since, all the sensless slaughter and death and incitement to keep the war going has really made no sense whatsoever, unless-

unless she needs more dead to fight a worse enemy.

and that would absolutely be blizzard’s style

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Yo real talk tho. If sylvanas is still warchief and worse I have to do anything with her as an “ally” post BFA, I honestly think i might have to finally throw in the towel after all these years. I do not want to work with or have anything to do with that wretched undead harlot.

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I’ll be impressed if you throw a tower.

I like parts of it and parts of it seem pretty bad

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