Next expansion leak

This made me smile on a going badly work morning lol. He is such a bad writer.


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Are we at the point we believe anyone that says something is a leak is a actual leak?

The internal logic of that leak makes me believe it’s fake. Or even if somehow it has genuine bits and parts of the expansion story, a lot of nonsensical information has been added to flesh it out. It just doesn’t make sense.


…Oh no… The last thing we need are more writers thinking that bad writing and nihilism is good because it “subverts” expectations.


If as a night elf, I end up having to work with/for nathanos and sylvanas, I’m out. If the logic is that everyone has to die anyway, does that extend to non-combatants and children? And if we can come back to life after, the denizens of Teldrassil that were burned alive, cannot.


Tinkers work with the expansion’s theme because they are the Titan-based constructs to the Old Gods and to the Dragons. Further, the entire plot point around Mechagon was a mad Gnome trying to undo the curse of the flesh with technology. So the theme of technology does work with an expansion based around stopping the Old Gods.

What doesn’t work to me is a Necromancer class. WTF are Necromancers going to do to stop anything? We already have Death Knights who are more powerful than Necromancers, so why would we need a class that does what the DK does but worse?

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Yeah nobody’s interpretation of tinker has had anything to do with titanic constructs.

Necromancers would make sense given that the fake expansion’s premise was that the forces of death come together to stop the old gods. Necromancers wield the forces of death.


You do know that Gnomes are titan constructs right?

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What do Gnomes being titan constructs have to do with tinkers being titan constructs? In the event that only Gnomes can be Tinkers, this would correlate directly, if anyone else can be a tinker, the point is fairly moot.

If the Tinker is based on Gnomish technology, that point is no longer moot.

If anyone that is mechanically inclined can make use of tinker technology without being a titan construct, it still is.

If Gnomes are Titan Constructs and all Tinkers are Gnomes then it makes sense. If anyone can be a Tinker because they can drill a screw into a hole, it loses it’s significance quickly.

Again, not really. If a Gnome builds you a device that is based on titan tech, are you or are you not still using titan-based tech despite the fact that you’re not a Gnome?

If I am relying on a third party to build my devices, who is the tinker?

Shadow lands… The upside down!

I hope the leaks are true. this is actually good.

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I bet you watch a lot of CW shows.


I was pointing out that there can be a Titan connection despite the character not being a Gnome.

With that out of the way, What if you’re a Goblin inventor/Tinker who is using a combination of Gnome and Goblin tech, and the Gnome tech is Titan derived, and the Goblin tech is partially re-purposed titan tech?

I think that’s more than enough titan connection to allow the Tinker to fit the theme, and it’s entirely lore-based.

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Instead of tying the Tinker class to the Titans and Titan tech, might as well give the Alliance Mechagnomes. Tinker class would be odd considering there’s the Engineering profession.


coughThe Last Jedicough

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Honestly though, that sounds sick as all hell.

I think the only part that bothers me about it is “Sylvanas or Anduin win based on their faction.” I think that Sylvanas would have to objectively win in order to make it all work.

If Sylvanas wins: She can probably make it to the Shadowlands through her bargaining with Helya and she can work from that point forward.

If Anduin wins: Then he just stands around alone.

Also, it would be incredibly ridiculous on our lore to split Alliance and Horde universes in two.

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How many fake leaks can we get?