Next expansion leak

The “leak” sounds cool, but that part doesn’t make any sense to me, and it just feels like whoever made this thing is pushing Tinkers really hard as a playable class. Not a fan of Tinkers.

Actually a lot of stuff in there doesn’t make sense, but the Gallywix/Mekkatorque thing just… no.


I would take EVERYTHING from 4chan with a huge mother f’ing mountain of salt. I mean those guys are the master minds behind some really good trolls that people have bought into over the last couple of years.

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if it weren’t for the shadows and water reflections I would say the shadlowlands ghosts are too green and it’s a photoshop but man…

Those water reflections, and those shadows on the ground… That’s just waaaaay too much detail for photoshop. Every shadow is pointing in the right direction and is the right shape and size. The water reflections also look 100% legit. That’s just way too much work for photoshop you might as well be working at blizzard and making the real thing for money as a full time job if you are doing photoshops that high quality.

Only problem I see is how Sylvanas loyalist players are fighting Nathanos and watching him get decapitated by Tyrande? It sounds too much like a forum troll who is very familiar with what the community has been saying on the forums thoughout BfA. Anduin randomly becomes a minion of Nzoth halfway through the raid? That was not foreshadowed or set up at all. I don’t know why they would suddenly throw that in there…

It’s weird because the story sounds too much like a fake leak but the screenshot has way too much detail.


Honestly out of all parts of that leak, Gallywix fleeing the battle and rescuing Mekkatorque sounds very legit because not only does it fit Gallywix’s character, it also ties in with why Mekkatorque was put on ice in the first place (to avoid getting “killed” in Stormwind).

Also Gazlowe in the Mechagon raid was impressed with what Goblins and Gnomes could do when they worked together, which further alludes to this happening.

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That wouldn’t be a good comparison even if it were a valid reading of TLJ. It really undersells how bad the writing would be for Sylvanas to have good motives for all the horrible things she did.

Holdo wasn’t right about everything, she was just right about one single thing that was obvious from the beginning. Holdo clearly had something planned beyond “let everyone get killed slowly,” whereas Sylvanas’ actions do nothing but make her look like a tyrant.

Sylvanas being the good guy would be more like if Palpatine was actually good the entire time and was just trying to beat some greater evil. I’m not saying that TLJ was well-written, but none of its story comes close to being that bad.

Sounds like Sylvanas is getting the Illidan treatment if this is true, and that was one of the things about Legion’s story that made me go “Shut up Blizz, you’re drunk.”


And I would be out at that kind of moronically bad writing.



I think the original camera phone pic leak of the work in progress shadowlands zone layout was real, but the story was fake, or very old information that was changing rapidly.

I also think this screenshot could be real, like a very high chance that is a real screenshot.

But again, I think the story was made up to go with the legit pic or it was unreliable information.

Both the shadowlands map, and particularly the shadowlands logo, looked 100% legit. The logo is a huge giveaway because again, that’s where a good photoshop just takes so much more time and skill.

Same with the water and the shadows in this screenshot. They are both real but I think the stories not so much.


All of this takes place just in time for 9.0 to be released when our characters have a cinematic play that shows that the last 15 years were just a dream; all of it. We login to to see our powerful characters at the select screen, but when we enter game we find out… we are actually level 1 peons/peasants that only knows how to mine gold or chop wood. We can never advance beyond this level and are always in constant danger from murlocs/boars or scorpids/imps.

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Just pointing out that the leaks said Bolvar was killing Lor’thremar and not Sylvanas but then I saw that you noticed it already so I didn’t want to leave my comment up to beat a dead horse.

That sounds terrible. I mean… that is new levels of horrid writing.

I can’t describe how disappointed in Blizzard I will be if this is legit and they go through with something that awfully written.

I mean… a 5 year old could write something better. I’m only slightly exaggerating when I say that too.


Leak sounds about as dumb as I expected, so it’s probably true. I really love how people talk about “red flags” and how silly some of it sounds as proof it’s not real because I mean…have you been paying attention to BFA at all?


Bolvar siding with the Alliance because his daughter is there silly. He would more likely try to lure her into joining him. And it would be really stupid id Genn and Lorthemar die for good that way. And in no way should Sylvanas end up as the hero.

It flows together in a very unique brand of absolutely unfathomable stupidity, which is what makes it seem possible to me.

Also, keep in mind that the two most senior members of the story team are huge fans of Game of Thrones S8, with #2 going on Twitter to praise a protagonist deciding to burn a million civilians alive out of nowhere because his expectations were subverted.


Interesting … I can’t wait for the official trailer (spoiler) :joy:

As a 7 year old, I wrote a story about all my favorite video game characters being in a royal rumble. It had Scorpion, Sub-Zero, the Ninja Turtles, Battletoads, Megaman, etc. and my best friend doing drive bys in a Chevy Impala with uzis.

I don’t know if it’s reached that level of badness.


At least that sounds entertaining. lmao

Yeah this was what made it seem fake to me. Tinker wouldn’t gel with the expansion’s theme at all, and they said they’d only make new classes when they felt they were appropriate with the given expansion.

If they had said necromancer, it would have probably had me thinking it could be legit, but they chose to say tinker.

They might not be super far off the mark, plotwise. They just used all the hints dropped over the course of BFA and collected them into a single expansion idea.

Also they said that the expansion’s leveling would take place on the Dragon Isles and the Shadowlands, but only ever showed the map of the Shadowlands and all of the leveling zones they listed were in the shadowlands. Nothing at all was mentioned about the Dragon Isles after they first mentioned them. Except for that it has void dragons, which ignores that twilight dragons were invented to fulfill that purpose.


My teacher didn’t think so. B-

If M.Night Avatarwasbadman became a writer for Blizzard then maybe I would believe some of that stuff.