Next expansion leak

What a giant meme.

I’m not even mad because at least Classic exists.


It’d be a refreshing change of pace I think!

Now!, the picture does look Legit, and has the same quality as the other ingame cinematics has!.

Remember it says nothing about Wration being killed.
And recently we know he has interest in the Halls of Origination.

What if he activates it as we’re going to Shadowlands?. thus coming back to a fresh Azeroth.

Tinker was a thing in Wc3???

I could believe some of the broad strokes, but on the whole it’s just too over the top.

“Everybody dies” as a lead-in for Shadowlands… Like, that is even worse than WoD. Even by WoW’s already dubious standards, death will never be able to be taken seriously as a threat ever again.

Bolvar shows up out of nowhere and kills Lor’themar for no reason.

Anduin randomly “succumbs to the void” despite absolutely nothing indicating the void is something Anduin struggles with. He’s not even a shadow priest.

Gallywix is suddenly a good inventor and mechanic who is able to save Mekkatorque when no one else could, despite all recent lore showing him as just a rich idiot who buys all his tech.

Horde randomly rejoin Sylvanas because… The Alliance is the enemy now so that makes them like her again by default? Even though she herself keeps killing them for various reasons, and has already tried to assassinate Saurfang, Thrall, Lor’themar and Thalyssra?

Like… I know consistency has never been Blizzard’s strong point but this is bad. Really bad.


So in my own opinion the reason he was so eager to let the void elves in was because he was interested in studying the void under guidance of Aleria. But there has been nothing explicit about this yet in game so there would need to be some kind of lead up before that makes sense.


Someone link the post

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You can’t link posts here. Google “[Speculation] Bizzare “Leak” reveals screenshot of an upcoming Cinematic”.

You can you use. `` or break it up.

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The leak is laughably fake for a lot of reasons but the most glaring is that it acts as if the next expansion starts right when you finish the 8.3 raid. That ending sequence is something that would happen in a pre-expansion patch or introductory quest, not in a raid that people will be running over and over again for 6+ months.

Also lol at having a screenshot of a seemingly finished 8.3 cinematic already.


Dunno. That specific link on MMOC just crashed hard. But you know what makes me sad? This is a stupid enough and oddly specific enough of a scenario that it’s right up there with Blizzard’s best ideas so far this expansion.

No Underwater Nazjatar, Super long delays on Zandalari and Kul’Tirans, Sylvanas once again forced down our throats; and countless other moments, which if my name were Tigole and this was EQ, I would say in far, far more unkind ways; but which would be completely accurate and deserved. This makes Shadows of Luclin look good.

I believe one thing. I believe that if the story is as implausible as it sounds, and comes off as it was described; that it would be the first WoW expansion I abstained from buying until it was over, because I wouldn’t want to involve myself in such a story, period.

The Shadowlands is a cool concept to be sure. But Sylvanas is not, and she’s been overdone since the end of Wrath. Forcing Sylvanas down our throats for a third expansion would be yet another blunder, and make any complaints about Thrall overload tame by comparison. At least the story regarding Thrall in Cataclysm, actually made sense.

The biggest issue I see, beside the Horde leaders suddenly being lobotomized into siding with Sylvanas (to one can assume keep that idiotic faction war going) is this. That would be Bolvar’s sudden “I’ve gone evil and am gonna kill people who want to kill the person I said was a threat!”

All of that stupidity aside, why in the hell would either Thrall, Baine, or Saurfang side with Sylvanas now? If they do so “Because”, then I can only conclude it’s bad writing which will taint the story irrevocably.

I will only buy the next expansion if they legitimately show solid, and not plot armor oriented reasons; as to why this makes sense. But expecting people to go along with the program because you as a author like writing Sylvanas stories? Sorry. That isn’t good enough.

Not anymore.


It wouldn’t be a screenshot of a finished cinematic. It’d be a screenshot of a finished scene from the cinematic.

looks fake

Yup: ~


What…? Oh no, not the love potion! Wait that was the Goblin Alchemist I think.

Wait hold on, Im a Demon Hunter my death will only put my soul in the Twisting Nether how will I ever get to the Shadowlands? All I need is a fresh habitable body after the fight to get back into. Dont leave me guys! :sob:


wait… but my 120 is a nightelf :stuck_out_tongue: i don’t want to raid stormwind!

I always found it weird how zandalar is sieged with the leader killed and horde do nothing about it. Stormwind makes sense but also bizarre to have azshara and nzoth nit dead this expansion. Legion and arthas were bigger threats and are dispatched quickly.

You’re going to have to be more specific. Which “leak” are you referring to? But I’ll play along…

Wow bra… it’s gonna be lit. With the thing, and we go to the place. It’s gonna be hella good.


Added in one of the later patches, then found its way into WoW in various bits and bobs