Next expansion leak

Eurogamer article:

http s : //

Make her own game instead of giving another expansion’s worth of ideas to Blizzard for free as they continue to dismantle my favorite style of gameplay (multiboxing) for no reason other than to be total jerks.

There’s some parts in this I find pretty interesting, but I’m extremely skeptical - they had Sylvanas effortlessly conquer Darnassus. She’s now going to effortlessly conquer Stormwind? If so, that’s just stupid.

That actually sounds amazing, not gonna lie.

I remember when these ‘leaks’ came out before Legion, that’s when everyone was talking about the South Seas expansion. Then in Legion, they were talking about the next expansion being largely underwater to fight Azshara etc. So there were some truth to the rumors, but fully underwater, I knew wasn’t going to happen after Vash’jir, the feedback from the community was absolutely clear that people didn’t like underwater zones (even if I loved underwater zones), so no surprises that Nazjatar wasn’t fully underwater and the plot played out how it did.

So in the end, we did get our South Seas expansion and Azshara expansion all in one with BFA.

Curious, what happens to all the players who don’t do the raid? Maybe I missed it, but it seems like all this takes place in the raid and the people in the raid die.

Since I know I will not be in the raid, what’s gonna kill my character?

I absolutely hope it’s not.

I think it’s quite probable it is. It’s awful enough to be true.

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Random Murloc packs.


** On the next episode of… TALES FROM THE VOID **

We’re just going to have to wait and see what the fans come up with.


The true horror of Azeroth was not deathwing flying about killing people, but a random pack of murlocs able to take down an extremely well geared character and not even be below 75% health when done. - A random scribe.


I think that spoilers isn’t a good idea because so feel like we shouldn’t just throw all the information because that would just lightly floured everything. I am interesting to see more from Thrall, Saurfang and know who will be it’s next Warchief. We haven’t voted or decided now so I can’t wait.

I heard it had something to do with the Nether… and much more than TBC ever got into.

That is simply what I heard.

Well that might actually be something I could buy into. TBC was my favorite expansion and I loved the scenery. But if SW is razed, we’re forced to work with psychopath undead lady and/or we all die, I’m done. Seriously.

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It will be interesting to see how this pans out. To date this is the most compelling leak in all my years of playing this game. Still like nearly ever leak they almost never pan out.

Yes we are seeing an escalation of the plans Sylvanas has. The thing is, Alex doesn’t tell you what her plans actually are. The leak suggests her plan was to draw everyone into a massive war to make sure the strongest were in the spirit realm in order to take on the old gods.

So to me, that sounds perfectly plausible. Not only does it give the Blizzard writers who love Sylvanas, what they want, it runs in line with what Alex says, she has a plan.

They’ll just push the whole genocide thing to the side because more important things are happening at that point, and then by the end of that xpac, the Alliance will have forgotten MoP, Warlords, and BfA, as normal.

“They’ll just push the whole genocide thing to the side because more important things are happening at that point, and then by the end of that xpac, the Alliance will have forgotten MoP, Warlords, and BfA, as normal.”

And that’s why i’ll be done. I’m sure that baker in Teldrassil was exactly what we needed to fight the old gods.


Blizzard writing team destroying the willpower of the Alliance better than the Horde.


That is actually the only part of the leek that is most likely. Although the rest is so poorly written I fear it’s an actual leek, as a fan made idea would not be anywhere near as bad sounding as Shadowlands.

You forgot Cataclysm. Still had no restitution over South Shore, Gilneas, Azshara, and Ashenvale, and since Theramore was during Cataclysm, yah.


Why necro a thread from 22 days ago???