Next expansion leak

That’s the thing. One of the Devs stated that she apparently did order it and Putress was the fall-guy or something. I forget the specifics, but it was on Twitter a while back. I think it was Afrasiabi who said it, but I’m not 100% sure. I just remember it being a subject of discussion. If anyone has a link I would love to reread it, just so I have the facts right.

Has to be real. There’s too much there to think it isn’t real. It lines up pretty well with the current direction the game is going.

That said, it also seems to be lining up with a huge story disappointment with the OGs. Maybe? Who knows. I guess it could go another way with the world getting a major revamp.

Wasn’t he fired? I would take anything he said with a grain of salt. I don’t take twitter as canon either. If it’s not in the books or in game it’s not canon.

Afrasiabi is the creative director.

Creatively direct it to be said in game.

Okay, but… where’s Thrall in all of this?

Xal’atath isn’t an old god. She’s the talon of Y’shaarj.

Are you so sure? The game leaves it pretty speculative that she was either “part of a Old God” or a Old God the others consumed. Thus far Xal’atath’s words seem to indicate something was done to her by the others, and she refers to herself as an equal to the others, albeit the weakest one.

Edit: Found it.


“I’ve heard these discussions on the internet about ‘she’s going off the rails’, but is she? I’ve been writing Sylvanas personally since 2006, and this is pretty much – the Wrathgate and the Blight and the Forsaken – in character. Those were all under Sylvanas’ orders. What we’re seeing now is an escalation of the plans Sylvanas has, clearly, and we’re in the middle of that.”

-Alex Afrasiabi

That’s really why I find the idea of her being redeemed or Kerrigan’ed as people refer to it, implausible. Sylvanas has known what she was doing and what her game-plan was from the get go, and she enacted it with free-will.

So honestly…? Barring some massive, massive thing in the lore we don’t know, I would trust Alex Afrasiabi’s words as fact and canon, and as legitimate as if Chris Metzen himself said it. Alex has been at this from the beginning, and beside Metzen, he’s the guy I respect most when it comes to the story telling.

This means that Sylvanas Windrunner is by far a worse monster than the Queen of Blades ever was. At least Sarah Kerrigan could claim that the Overmind remade her into the being she was, and she showed genuine contrition and remorse for her acts the minute she was de-infested.

You never see that once with Sylvanas. Honestly, people may hate it but I see Calia as the next Racial leader for the Forsaken. Sylvanas did what many villains before her has done. What she took as a moment of triumph, was likely one of her biggest mistakes. It is not unlike the scenario with Sephiroth and Aerith from Final Fantasy VII when you think about it.

I have 13 shadow priests at 120 so I have a fair amount of experience with the ol’ knaifu and given her voices lines I’m far more convinced she’s part of Y’shaarj than an Old God in her own right given the deference she shows them and the fact that she frequently refers to them as “the Old Gods” which makes no sense if she’s one of them.

No, it never is, it’s always fake, until Blizzard announce stuff.


Wow, why do you have 13 priests?

Deep loneliness.

But that’s just not the case it’s only alluded to that, and at the same time as the Y’shaarj theory is proposed. I played Shadow Priest extensively in Legion as well. Here’s a couple of lines of dialogue she gives, and also what is written in the Priest Hall on the Dagger.

Honestly? While I could be wrong, based on what she says; I think her dialogue sounds more like a weak Old God that was bound into service, and thus holds a grudge against her brethren, rather than a piece of a dead Old God.

Xal’atath is truly ancient, dating back to the time of the Old Gods’ Black Empire. Theories abound as to the nature of its creation, including such outlandish claims that the blade is the remains of a forgotten Old God or even the claw of Y’shaarj itself.

Whatever the truth of its origin, the blade is infused with the Old Gods’ power. Legends state that it can even grant its wielder visions of the Black Empire, though doing so inevitably drives the viewer mad.

Xal’atath refers to the Curse of Flesh as coming from them as a collective group, and also refers to Y’Shaarj in the third person. That’s strange for someone who is supposed to be a piece of said being.

* It is ironic that the weakest of us may be the ultimate victor. C’Thun, Yogg-Saron, Y’Shaarj, and… well. Only one would remain to consume the world, that was always meant to be.

* It was here in ages past that the God of the Deep lost a great battle to the God of Seven Heads.
But as was so often the case even defeat ultimately worked in N’zoth’s favor.

* We may face some of my brethren in this conflict… a prospect that delights me.
Their power will be mine! They will pay for what was done to me long ago.

* The spawn of the Titans infest this area.
Despite our “gift” of the flesh, they (Vry’kul) still worship those false gods.

* I can feel the pulse of your world quickening. Soon, all will be drenched in its life blood.
(Probably relates to Azerite. Heard after defeating Kil’jaeden)

pics or didn’t happen

29. Military tactics are like unto water; for water in its natural course runs away from high places and hastens downwards.

30. So in war, the way is to avoid what is strong and to strike at what is weak.

31. Water shapes its course according to the nature of the ground over which it flows; the soldier works out their victory in relation to the foe whom they are facing.

32. Therefore, just as water retains no constant shape, so in warfare there are no constant conditions.

33. One who can modify their tactics in relation to one’s opponent and thereby succeed in winning, may be called a heaven-born captain. :octopus::sun_behind_large_cloud:

That sounds like him slipping up and forgetting his own lore… Which is pretty sad but not too surprising with bliz.

I think she’s talking about herself… I always thought it was N’zoth but now I am 99.9% convinced she is talking about herself.

To be fair all the Old God boiz do that, they very rarely speak in the first person.

Which makes sense since she’s not literally Y’shaarj.

If she was an Old God the second half of that would make little to no sense.

She can see/predict the future. She knows N’zoth downfall is inevitable. The second part makes sense if she’s an old god ONLY if she is referring to herself being the winner not N’zoth.

That was my thought also. Makes one wonder what she’s gone off to do in the Void.