Next expansion leak

22 days is better than 3 months lol seen that happen a few times

I see it as the opposite. My Alliance Hunter feels sorry for my 120 Horde alt Hunter being subject to being in a faction that’s mostly blindly following a narcissistic emo genocidal war criminal.

The best I’ve felt about playing my Horde Hunter during BFA was when I got to choose NOT to support dishonorable Sylvanas.

If this is true, it sounds as though Blizzard is actively trying to kill WoW, as it sounds laughably stupid, and far worse than the Sylvanas idiocy.

Sylvanas’ story should of ended after Arthas died. Her story was over, it could of ended on a high note, fulfilling what began in WC3. Ever since then it has read like an extremely cringy fanfic, which might be tolerable for a minor character, but not when the character is going to be made the main character. I’ve reached the point I dislike her more than Med’an, because at least he was retired, like she should have been for quite some time now.


This sounds pretty lame, if we go to shadowlands, we should be locked to shadowlands for entire expansion, turning a new leaf. Like whole new game. But since they can’t make current content fun, they need to rely on people doing old content too.

Not to mention them pulling “Sylvanas will lead us in Shadowlands”, nah, just kill her off and move on. Anyone following her ever again makes no sense.

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Well we are pretty confident she will be around all of next expansion and probably the main character of it all. They used her for the Blizzcon art advertisement and from what others have claimed this has usually shown a character that ends up being pretty prominent.

She’s also this year’s murloc minipet.

World of Warcraft: Life of Sylvanas Windrunner


Just when you think writing can’t get any worse, they surprise you.

I really hope they aren’t paying their writers much, like bare minimum, it’s horrid.

Well they’re also breaking the Horde too. Plenty of Hordies didn’t sign up to be edgelords and are tired of being “the bad guy”

So this isn’t completely fair: there’s writing at many levels, the writing for Jaina’s arc was really good. The issue i believe, and i could be wrong, is Steve Danuser. I think he’s the one pushing the high level story arcs that no one likes while he keeps pushing his dark lady on the rest of us.

He’s obviously the weak link in WoW writing, either downgrade him to something that has no relations to Sylvanas, or replace altogether.

Sure. The thing that makes me sad is BFA actually had a lot of potential. If they had Anduin attack uc first (and i don’t know, actually had a counter to a weapon 15 years in the making that the alliance was more than aware of 10 years ago), and recruit defectors from the forsaken as he invaded, it would have given a much stronger premise to the burning of Teldrassil by Sylvanas’ hand. It would have shown a lot of character development for Anduin (not being afraid to make the first move, now that he knows Sylvanas is evil from before the storm) sowed more distrust from the night elves (who suffered heavy losses due to his initiation of the war), and given them the chance to show off Sylvanas’ strategy Genius making her come back from a moment of weakness. Also it would have made Horde characters more openly question Saurfang’s dedication to honor during thr burning of Teldrassil if the Alliance started out as the agressors and not feel so bad about it. But unfortunately, they want to write Sylvanas as a mary sue and the Alliance as absolutely incompetent.

Constantly writing the Horde as the bad guy and the Alliance as the reactionary victim stupid kid is getting really old. Seriously the alliance never responds in kind to anything the Horde throws at them.

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The usually don’t though. Garrosh was the bad guy, ordered people under him to do bad things, then the rest of the leaders took him out.

Sylvanas ordered people under her to do bad things, then I suspect in the end it will have all been for some greater good.

It’s never that the Horde are evil, it’s that theres always a rogue element that gives them a story for their xpac. Like Putricide.

Alliance rarely if ever have a story for their xpac. I think “babysit Anduin” was the biggest Alliance story arc.


I’m sorry. Genocide is neverfor the greater good.

If they try to redeem Sylvanas after this, it will be the worst lore choice ever.

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No they won’t redeem her, just like Theramore and Wrathgate, Alliance will just forget anything bad ever happened.


Well, if they do this it would certainly improve BfA’s standing to second worse expansion.

There are a lot of people that can be blamed. Steve Danuser and Alex Afrasiabi are the leads for narrative and world design, there’s Sean Copeland, the guy that’s supposed to make sure everything adheres to established canon but also said in an interview that canon should be ignored, there are all of the content designers that help steer the direction, there’s Ion, who has said that he has the final say in everything, etc.

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A high elf to be more precise. She had blue eyes. I just killed her yesterday.