Next expansion leak

It’s stupid enough to be Blizzard’s writing, so yeah.

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This is another reason the leak is certainly fake. It doesn’t follow up on many of the expansion’s overarching narratives. No mention of what happens with Magni, the sword in Silithus, Azeroth herself, the dragon aspects gathered in the Chamber, Xalatath, etc. Some of those things might not be resolved in 9.0, but at least some of them will be.


Pretty sure Xal’atath isn’t an old god? Just a spawn of one.

lol and pretty dumb too. Shockingly not everyone follows WoW daily, or reads 4chan/reddit.

I like the idea of the heart of azeroth exploding. As old gods are rarely literal.

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Evidently she was an Old God who was devoured by her brethren, and her spirit was then trapped in the Dagger of the same name. It’s one reason she is less than pleased when discussing her siblings. It also showcases something else. That just because someone is a Old God, does not mean they are automatically tentacled horrors. She possesses a Blood Elf and remakes it into a Void Elf for her avatar.

Isn’t it awesome that there is already a place you can have that?

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I haven’t done her BFA story yet but that’s super interesting.

Feminine old god is nice too. I was hoping for N’zoth to be that but got disappointed. Makes it even more significant that priests wielded her in legion I think. Probably lore-wise the most powerful of all the legion artifacts. Even if she is at diminished capacity. The fact that she was “consumed” by the other old gods and yet persevered actually makes me like her even more… holy crap I just had an epiphany… Didn’t she say “Who would’ve thought the weakest among us would’ve won” or something like that… what if she was talking about herself rather than N’zoth? If we do face N’zoth in the next expansion then she’ll be the last one left and thus the “winner”. Imagine her journey to consume the still living corpses of her “siblings” and becoming more powerful than all of them combined? He extreme patience and perseverance paying off in the end? I mean if she got consumed so easily by her siblings it’d follow logic that she was the weakest link. NOT n’zoth. Holy crap… But would we fight her too? Or is she more pragmatic then her siblings and more neutral than evil?

The old gods were hurled from the void by the void lords in hopes of creating a void titan to use as a vessel into our plane of existence. But what if she wants nothing to do with that? Very interesting… honestly regardless of where she goes I’m actually pretty excited for it. I already loved her in legion.

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When I read the original “leak,” I suddenly find myself thinking I’m trapped in the movie “Animal House” right when Belushi is trying to rally the fraternity brothers after Dean Wormer has pulled their charter and expelled them all from school.

Seige of mulgore…oh god please no. YET another horde city raided.

Your not far off the mark. Do the Naga Attack! Quest in BFA Content.

She actually asks N’zoth to “free her to find her own destiny”, and he does so on the condition that the Dagger the Priests wielded (and Sylvanas now has), remains behind to serve his will. This is also the part that would make me call foul if Sylvanas were to be “redeemed”.

The blade that was known as Xal’atath rests on the ground before you.
Though the consciouness that resided within the dagger is gone, it still resonates with power.

Almost as if the weapon speaks with another voice. Another purpose…

You feel a compulsion to bring this artifact to the warchief.

When you pick up the quest, you also get another whisper from N’zoth.

N’zoth whispers: The fall of night reveals her true face. She will bring only ruin.

And so we bring Xal’atath to Sylvanas. That’s right, we willingly bring the Dagger directly to Sylvanas. She is VERY pleased.

As you present the dagger to Sylvanas, a faint smile curls her lips. For the briefest moment, it seems her eyes darken. A trick of the light, no doubt.

Once again, you have proven yourself a worthy champion, -player-.
This blade is the compass that will guide us to victory.

Nathanos used the Dagger as a literal compass then, and we were attacked in Nazjatar by Queen Azshara. Either Sylvanas sold us out (which is likely since it was the Horde who freed Lady Ashvane, and Ashvane was last seen with Sylvanas). …Or something else happened, because it was a miracle our characters did not drown.

Anywho! After a brief chat, Nathanos walks off like Jason Vorhees into the sea with the Dagger, claiming he has “a mission to fulfill”. We never see the “Lord of Ravens” again in Nazjatar, but later…?

This happens.

So either Sylvanas is Manticore from City of Heroes and playing 4dChess, against Lord Recluse/N’zoth, or she’s sold us out to the Old Gods. I don’t know where it’s all going to go, but I feel like as a character she’s not the kind of character that could achieve a plausible redemption.

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Sarah Kerrigan killed billions of people even after being freed from the limited control she was under and she still got a fairytale ending, ascending to godhood and traveling space with her boyfriend. Blizzard will do whatever they want.

True enough, but I think the difference between Sylvanas and Kerrigan that people constantly gloss over is this. If Sylvanas did all of her acts while she was still under the control of the Lich King? That would be one thing.

But the key difference between Sylvanas and Kerrigan is that in the former’s case, she did all of these things after she had her free will back. You actually see in the materials related to Kerrigan, that she seems pretty repentant, guilt-ridden, and remorseful for her acts after she was finally de-infested, and that is the point that I think she had free will again.

It’s also why I reckon Jim was so pissed off when she willingly re-infested herself. Because from his perspective, it was akin to her embracing her evil nature, owning her atrocities as her own acts; and reclaiming her power for power’s sake. That would piss anyone who’d gone as far as Jim Raynor had for Kerrigan.

The entire matter however is a different beast in Warcraft, in that free will is up front from the get-go. It’s considered to be the thing that differentiates the Forsaken from the Scourge after all.

So while Blizzard absolutely can, and will do whatever they want; that doesn’t mean the players will consider it a palatable or reasonable story. We’re led to believe barring some new lore we don’t have revealed yet that, Sylvanas did Wrathgate, Teledrassil, Silverpine, and Stormheim, all while she was completely within her right mind and possessed of free will.

I think that makes her a far more evil individual than Sarah Kerrigan to be honest.

Hmmm… Interesting.

How’s everybody doing tonight? :sunny:

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A theory I’ve had is she is being mind controlled. which actually would fit with that perfectly. It was N’zoth not Bwonsamdi who told Vol’jin to make Sylvanas Warchief. And N’thoz now using the dagger as an artifact telling the champion to give it to Sylvanas gives credence to her being mind controlled. But that doesn’t work at all with the supposed leak.

Something I just thought of. Is this leak might have some truth to it but it’s misunderstanding some thing. Like It’d make more sense that siege of stormwind was the intro scenario to shadowlands either 8.3 is shadowlands (People thought Argus was going to be the 8.0 expansion) or for 9.0. It could be an actual raid that leads to us dying and then waiting 6-9 months before we can continue the story.

It has been explicitly stated that Sylvanas did NOT do wrathgate and was very against the man who did do wrathgate. He did it in her name, but she did not order it, or condone it.

“Third time dying a virgin” lol you talking about Nathanos?

I realized if I want to play this game, I need to forget about lore. I was okay with Thrall/green Jesus (when i did play in the Metzen period) but Danuser is teaching me that I’ll have to constantly put up with hyperfocus on characters I might not give two craps about. We’re just going to have Sylvanas shoved down our throats until either Christie Golden gets Steve’s job or the next guy decides to make Calia his Waifu.


This doesn’t quite jive with the huge lore reveals at the beginning of BFA.

I don’t remember anything at any point where sylvanas said “Oh actually that was 100% me and I totally stand by that. I lied about it before but now I’m being open and honest. Now Gallywix what do you want to get off your chest?” Gallywix “Found this stuff that goes boom!”