Next Allied Races? 8.2? 8.3?

the highest elf i have is my horde bank alt which is a 110 dh. i don’t really like them though and if i could be an orc dh i would race change him. i do have a level 31 belf warlock that i keep deleting and undeleting but idk.

Commit, a part of you clearly wants that 31 Belf lock :wink:

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their caster animations are amazing… but they don’t hunch and they’re not bulky… so it’s hard for me to take him seriously. like i mostly play orc/tauren/dwarf.

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It’s true, but it’s ok we got epic void elves :slight_smile: love the dps racial buff.

please no vulpera please please please

gimme whatever rexxar is since the skeleton is probably just the KT one


Pssst… Tokali… psst… PSST

You… you want some horde favoritism?!

I’m pretty sure that there are no more.

It took them this long for the two “featured expansion” ones.

So I can’t really see more coming with BFA, while a blue said something that sounded like there would be none after BFA.


Get these High Elves out of my stream, REEEEEEEEE!!!

HOW DARE YOU! Why I oughta…

Gilblin already have all that since they are like goblin. Not liking them is one thing but being sure that they wont happen is just silly since they perfectly fit the ‘‘allied race’’ concept.

Vulpera on the other hand would be the only allied race that have not biologic link at all with their original race.


Blizzard specifically said that they named “allied races” so that they wouldn’t need to be subgroups of existing races.

Gilblin is just a slightly different goblin.

Vulpera not only are an interesting take on the goblin model, their model had a lot of work put on it. What purpose would make them near-playable quality if not to be an allied race?

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There’s 3 Race left in the embassies.

Worgen, Tishui Pandaren, and Gnomes for Alliance.
Forsaken, Huojin Pandaren, and Goblins for Horde.

3 Races left.
Question is who for each?
Worgen I predict is Night Elf Worgen, Junker/Mechano Gnomes for Gnomes, I HAVE NO IDEA for Pandaren.
Forsaken could be anything, honestly San’layn is the one that makes the most sense, Goblins is either Vulpera or Gilblins, and again no idea for Pandaren here either.


For april fools they should let us roll a boar. Can only level to level 10 and they can only be warriors. Want to be in their own PVP bracket also. Yea…

Tyrande is in the Alliance embassy too. I know Nightborne are already using the nightelf skeleton but maybe they’re planning something in addition to them. Otherwise why have Tyrande with Genn in the embassy at the same time?

Light based undead make more sense since the precedence set by Calia in the book. Plus this would put the Forsaken model to use as it hasn’t been used for an Allied Race yet and the Blood Elf one already has.

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new allied race: Arthas. just a race of arthases so that the meme youtube video with millions of arthases can finally be made in WoW proper.


Oh yeah, Lightforged Forsaken that’s the more likely one, hope they are Horde.

Given the Nature of the Night Elf Worgen, Tyrande recruiting them makes perfect sense.

^ this. I’m done. It needs to end.

And I highly doubt we’re getting more this expansion. They took forever to get KT done and in the end, it really wasn’t even worth all that time and effort they spent.

I must be the only person on the planet who doesn’t think we’re getting vulpera


I disagree with your opinion.


I feel that they could’ve used the Pandaren rig to accomplish what they did without us having to wait for so long.