[NEWS] Shadowlands Preview: Torghast, Tower of the Damned

Is tier class gear coming back in some shape or form?

They stated they are looking into bringing tier sets back HOWEVER it will not happen during the launch of SL but could happen within the following patches. They also said Tier Sets will be different from before as they didnt like that if you got a full tier set it negated any other gear you could get period

That works for me thank you for that info!

Ideas for Ret Paladin powers whether in torgast/talents/legendaries:
Some clearly only viable/tuneable for torghast

  • Judgement buffs (25% dam from next spender) grant a permanent holy damage increase on the target and stacks

  • Wake of ashes grants 10 secs of wings or adds to your currents wings

  • Crusade stacks are uncapped or doubled

  • Crusade starts at max stacks and has no duration but increasingly loses them over time and will fade when it reaches 0, spending holy power grants stacks

  • Spending holy power in wings adds to wings duration (up to a cap or declining returns if need be)

  • When Judgement buff is consumed it procs the spender that consumed it on the target

  • Wake of ashes lays down consecration in its aoe and/or you leave consecrated ground where you tread

  • Wake of Ashes activates inquisition and/or Seraphim

  • Whilst in wings Holy Avenger is active (holy power cap doubled?)

  • Bubble becomes a 1 minute cd and activates when you would take lethal damage

  • Selfless healer now applies to lay on hands, additionally reducing its cooldown by 25% per stack

  • Lay on Hands deals damage when cast on enemies

  • After an ally dies your wake of ashes cd is refunded and its next use will deal 500% damage (possibly able to slow or stun the Tarragrue)

  • Divine toll now casts Execution sentence on up to 5 targets instead of judgment

  • Divine purpose always procs when a spender hits a target with judgment

I mean, I guess you could? I don’t know why, outside of a silly challenge run, like those guys who do RE4 “No Merchant” runs. You are going to want to be using those powers to push further and get more resources.

Vitality = How many deaths you can endure before the Terragrue starts hunting you. Once the Terragrue kills you (and you can’t kill him). You get kicked out of Torghast.

Im happy that Terragrue kicks ya out of the tower. Its cool and makes it a sweet risk vs reward type of thing whenever you have to decide if you want to go up to the next floor

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I’m prepping for all the eventual “nerf Torghast” posts that will be popping up on GD from all the LFR peeps.


Like I said. I hope Blizz is VERY careful not to upset the balance between casual and more hardcore players. Last thing I personally want is to see Torghast turn from a challenge into the easiest thing on the planet. As someone who likes a challenge it is getting annoying watching Blizz bend over backwards to make the game easier and easier and easier for everyone. There should be things like legendaries that are hard and difficult to get


Kinda wish the have UI to have meter for him on how close or how long until he wake up

I would like a stylists meter but I know that be asking too much given how this will go.

It would be nice but at the same time I kinda like the idea of not knowing which death could trigger the creature. That kinda puts you on edge to be more careful on what you do

I can see them already nerfing it from complaints that it locks important progression behind too hard of a wall and Blizzard is only pandering to no lifers.

Please no. People need to grow up and learn they need to work for some things. Im so sick of nerfs occurring to things simply because some people just dont want to put any work in to get the good stuff. Blizz needs to realize one of the things that led us to where we are now is an overcasualization of the game. They made everything so easy and simple it pretty much nullified any type of sense of accomplishment barring Mythic+ and Mythic Raiding

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How is this ANYTHING like visions? Other than it being flexible content?

I see how it go, It could go old old fashioned /emote “You hear a howl that send Goosebump on you hair to stand on end” or some thing like that

That or do a raid warrning: YOU HEAR A LOUD ROAR, TERRAGRUE WAKENS

I know one: Most ppl don’t notice on chat box when the emote go or get Push over by other text

that or 2nd one will annoy players and ruin surprise

how you would done it? I mean we need to have it Alert but fit lore/immersion feel Right… :thinking:

It would be nice to do a raid warning like you said stating the Terragrue has awoken and is prowling around. That or have the rooms change in color or something like that to give you a heads up danger is on its way

Even WoW says it’s in an Alpha state, that many of the decisions haven’t been finalized yet. Much of every thing datamined is very much subject to be changed, nothing is set in stone, even Blizzard acknowledges that on their preview of this on their website.

That could work… Just now… I don’t know I know music department could help with this Like… oh Like how chase theme start

I was thinking some thing line of when it in the same room with you It theme plays

Best/worst example Mr.x

Good to see that will squash any of those rumors, official now.

Does “highly replayable” mean that there won’t be a key/vessel required to run the tower?

I really enjoy the horrific visions - with the exception of having to be limited to the number of times I can run it, and the fact that I have to do other time-sink based content just to farm a currency to run them.

If this was a Free-to-Play game - ok, I would get it - you gotta get your value from us somehow.

But if we’re paying a subscription - then gating the content behind other grindy/menial content is a bit insulting.

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