[NEWS] Shadowlands Preview: Torghast, Tower of the Damned

No. Based on what they have said there is a set number of times you can enter Torghast depending on how much you have done. Apparently there is a way to gain tickets with a maximum they havent stated yet.


Well. That’s fine
 I guess.

I mean to be fair it makes sense and I would prefer this. Its better to make it a set number of times so that A) Its more enjoyable and awesome when you actually get to enter Torghast and B) So that you cant just farm legendaries and have a full set of BIS within two days

My biggest fear with this system is the limited entry. It was confirmed there would be keys like visions, although acquisition of them would be more open-ended. I don’t see the reason to limit the entrance to content like this. Let the rewards be limited if that is the intent, but don’t limit entry.

Torghast was advertised to be akin to a roguelike game, and those games are designed to be highly replayable. Why design something to be replayable and then limit the replayability of it. Look at Hearthstone’s dungeons. There’s no limit to attempts, they can be incredibly fun, and have been a huge success. The only reward is the occasional card back here or there and yet people still play them because they are fun.

Raids are repeatable with only gear locked weekly, M+ is repeatable, Battlegrounds and Arena are repeatable. Let Torghast stand on its own as new content that is repeatable, with a weekly limit on rewards if that’s needed. Let players enjoy the content that your developers are working so hard to create.


I can agree with them allowing you in as many times as you like but walling off rewards for gear and such behind the tickets.

I would just make a cap on how many resources you can gather in a given week/day. If Torghast is fun, in terms of content, I want to be in there as much as possible, personally. Fair points, though.


Will Pandarians get a penalty in the tower since stairs are the fat person’s natural enemy?

I can agree. I think this is another system with Shadowlands they need to be careful about. This and covenants are two systems they need to navigate in order to please the hardcore and casual fans alike. But I do think the ideas that you and Feldaris pointed out are very good counter points

Does the Tarragrue look anything like the Tarrasque (D&D beastie)?


This is exactly where my mind went as well.

My issue with unlimited entry is the same issue I had with AP. Unlimited entries will make you feel like you’re always behind. I enjoy content that you can fail at, it’s what made the Visions interesting.


Thats actually a good point. Another reason I stopped WoW for awhile during BFA is because it felt AWFUL to try to keep up with everyone with AP while also dealing with personal things like College. Felt damn near impossible to every catch up to everyone and Im VERY happy there is no system to replace it in Shadowlands

Warrior Torghast Ability Idea: Let all Warrior Abilities stack Juggernaught from Legion.

Ion said they didn’t want people to be able to spam it for 20 hours straight.

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So I suppose if we take that its probably a raid sized length right? So like 2-3 hours

Oh boy this sound like mementos all over
Time to get some chill music ready if you solo it that or Get a party of trusted allies to help push that tower of dread

All in all looking forward Just worry how how you say “Getting you foot wet” 1st timer be like
I mean visit time in vision I was confuse and thought I Have to go to the sides to open the Main boss door way

I Just hope they have bit of guide or intro to explain how this will work for people just starting this

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I think i have a small niche playstyle, but I love my druid. I Bear/Tree/moonkin all the time. Will this legendary system mess up my chances at getting the legendaries for each of my specs between every tier patch?

It’s effectively infinite, limited by your ability to deal with the scaling and difficulty of challenges as you go along. As you get better items/Soulbinds/Legendaries/friends, you should be able to push harder.


I’m getting some strong Resident Evil Mr. X vibes. This is a good thing!

Do you absolutely have to use Anima Powers? I’m not a large fan of power ups. It would be nice to know that we can actually remain relevant here without having to use them.

This is important for those of us who like to build and use our characters as is with the skillset that goes with our preselected class and not some RNG found on the floor.

Other then that it looks exciting and I can’t wait to try it!

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