[News] Shadowlands: Adventure Awaits in the New Starting Experience

You still need to level to the required level to choose one of those classes

With all the leveling changes when Shadowlands drops will BFA be required to hit lv50 upon reaching Shadowlands content? Or are the leveling thresholds different in relation to previous expansions?


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Probably the same here. I have ALWAYS (Caps intentional) enjoyed leveling far more than anything else in WoW.

I think the starting area should have some sort of minor quests involving each profession to introduce players to using them. Such as a quest to set up a small camp; the start of which players are told to ‘choose how you’ll pitch in’ as a means of picking professions.

Each profession could then complete small tasks to collectively contribute toward the camp. For example the gathering professions could start by collecting some resources which would then be used to construct the camp. a.i stockpiling herbs/ore, while using leather to construct tents

Tailors could create bandages to heal wounded from the previous expedition. They could also create nets which the camp uses to catch animals, later used for cooking alongside some fishing reagents gathered separately. While tailors themselves make their first bag, or perhaps a robe with stats that are a little better than other items in the zone.

Players could do a cooking quest to create some kind of cauldron in the middle of the camp, or in a mess hall style tent, which awards a well fed buff when used by players.

Engineers could create a dynamite stockpile in the camp which all players could use to acquire a small stack or an extra action button. The dynamite could also be used to break certain walls around the zone to unlock some little hidden areas with some kind of special enemy or reward behind it. Maybe even to unlock a shortcut. While engineers themselves have access to some kind of small mechanical guardian which follows them around while they’re on the island.

Alchemists could have a quest to make a small potion stock for the camp that players can use to obtain a flask, or some healing potions, maybe a potion specific to their resource. They could also have a quest to add some kind of concoction to the camp’s cauldron/mess hall table in order to increase the buff the food provides when players click it for a short while. Similar to how you create a utility hub in mechagon, except it requires 1 person with the profession to do the quest a single time then it’s good for like an hour. Alchemists themselves could create their first battle elixir, which could give their attacks a chance to breathe fire on their enemies, similar to goblin gumbo.

Enchanters could create a stockpile of enchants that give players some sort of minor weapon enhancement similar to beast slaying, but maybe it’s ogre slaying and it just gives a mini primary stat bonus and a small weapon glow when fighting ogres. Enchanters themselves could have an enchanted weapon guardian, similar to the engineering one, except maybe more focused on damage rather than tanking.

Jewelcrafters could make protective amulets. Or perhaps even a gem for a scriptedly socketed piece of gear, sort of like how all sockets should be, while jewelcrafters themselves could have a shiny ring which attracts the attention of one of the other camp members, who it’s abundantly clear will only follow you around because they think you’re loaded. Perhaps a goblin or a gnome. They could be a healer type guardian who occasionally protects you with a shield and shouts things like “DON’T TOUCH MY ROCK!- I mean- My friend!”

Leather workers could of course make armour kits for the camp, while the leather workers themselves could make a pair of boots which make them run faster while in that zone. Or maybe a hat which can be thrown like a boomerang.

Blacksmiths could make sharpening stones for the camp, or weapon ornaments which let you smack the target with the hilt of your weapon to stun them for 0.1 seconds. Essentially an interrupt. While blacksmiths themselves could have an extra button battering ram which lets you start combat by charging in a line and knocking down enemies you pass through.

Scribes could create a stack or book of runes which players can place on the ground to have various effects when stepped on, similar to the trap runes in the underground mogu structures. Runes could be lightning traps that stun, fire traps that burn, wind traps that knock enemies high into the air, variations of elemental runes such as a fire rune which instead increases your haste and sets you on fire, lightning runes which increase your critical strike chance drastically etc etc. While scribes themselves would have a tome which allows them to document details about an enemy, granting them increased damage against that particular type of enemy for a while. Or maybe they create drawings which come to life as temporary, but more powerful guardians. Sort of like the super beast scroll from naruto.

All of these things may seem as though collectively they would be overwhelming to new players, but in reality you’re only doing your profession’s quests, and everything else is just a crate or a stack of papers in a camp which puts an item in your inventory the first time you click it. And as these items are only for the starting zone, it’s unnecessary to spend a great deal of time explaining them, or even explain them at all. Players may even discover other profession’s benefits for the first time when leveling their second character with different professions and curiously clicking the crate which their last character’s profession used for a their associated quest.


Cannot wait to test it out!

This is a great way for new players to be introduced to the wonder World of Warcraft. Now if Blizzard really wants to attract new players to WoW they should should make the new starting zone free to play.

This whole thing sounds like a complete copy of EverQuest 2 Isle of Refuge.

Been there
 seen that

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When the level squish was first announced I was VERY skeptical. However all of the details on the new leveling experience I have read since then has made me actually look forward to this change. Having first picked up the game only about two years ago myself, it can be difficult to pick up and unfortunately new players learn pretty quickly not to bother asking too many questions of other people. This new starting experience is going to bring new people into the game and help them learn the ropes so much more easily.

Love the ideal of trying all of it out before picking a place to call home
 Easy travel also factors into this for me, meaning the lay out of each home city.

This so much, this. I read all the info and was dismayed that what I wanted to use would not match the covenant I wanted to be a part of. Also got the feeling there would not be any way to change later should I change my mind and want to try something else. its worse than having multiple warlocks, one for each spec just so I could use what is available that works differently, based upon the event at hand.

Currently we can swap specs and gear, which works. We also can swap up our talents on the fly, if we have a tomb with us. But to be stuck in the spec you want in a covenant choice you wish to change out of, just sucks eggs.

If Bliz wants to make our selections count they need to make sure we actually have access to the different choices within all specs available to that class and covenants, without being pigeon-holed where we become useless. Its counterproductive to their announcement of unlocking skills going forward, if we have only part of our toolbox available but missing an ingredient needed from the other half of the toolbox. In effect this restriction will make that character useless in different events.

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I really need to know what’s happen to heirlooms with the leveling changes.
I’m I just wasting gold upgrading them now?

We’ve made a slight update regarding the starting levels for Allied races, Death Knights and Demon Hunters as follows:

“Players with Allied race characters will begin at level 10. Non-Allied race Death Knights, and Demon Hunters will automatically begin at level 8 and play through their own starting experience before moving on around level 10.”


Isn’t WoW ftp until level 20? Maybe that’ll get reduced in Shadowlands but

The updated leveling will be a welcome improvement.

A lot of players would like to get talent trees back. Is this in the works? Are we continuing with the current system? Trees a great way to allow players to feel their characters get more stronk as the levels pile on.

This first batch of invitations will mainly go out to long-time WoW players with active accounts in good standing,

How’re there Ogron on Azeroth (According to the screenshot) when they’re originally only seen on Draenor?

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They came with the Mag’har when they were ported back to our reality. That’s also why we have the goren that Kaz lends you for that one assault WQ in Zuldazar.

Wait, I’m confused. Every player with Allied Race will start at level 10 and non-Allied races at 8? So no one starts at level 1?

Allied race PCs will begin at level 10 in the same way they currently begin at level 20.

Non-Allied Race Death Knights and all Demon Hunters will begin at level 8, in the same way that they currently begin at an advanced level.

All other races and classes will begin at level 1, in the same way they currently do.

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