[News] Shadowlands: Adventure Awaits in the New Starting Experience

The way I read it, new characters that aren’t allied races, DKs, or DHs, start at level 1, and can either do the new starter zone, or their old one (No confirmation yet afaik if you can do say the NE one as a human).
If you pick a DK or DH, you start at level 8, and play through their starting zone, which will end you at around level 10.
And then

Are you actually confused? Do you really think that’s what they mean?

Just checking. I have a toon at 117. I should get him to 120, or else I’ll be locked into BFA content for new toons once Shadowlands launches?

Really looking forward to this. Only thing that really bums me out is that Allied races will start at 10, and I will not be able to experience the new areas with them. You all should make an option for people to start them at level one if the choose. The not starting at level one is a big reason I wont play DH, and makes me really not like DK. I don’t feel any connection to them by starting off half way through the journey. I know many others are all about getting to max level asap, but personally I feel max level/ end game is the most boring aspect of playing. /shrug


I don’t have much of a problem with DH and DK starting at 8, however I’m with you on the allied race thing. I would really like to be able to start at level 1 with them as an option.

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Always sad when other MMOs do this, as it removes the uniqueness of the races and replayability to funnel everyone through the same exact starter zone with the same exact story for every single character.

At least this system allows the options of returning to the other starter zones. Just…please learn from the railroad that was BFA content. Don’t force people through the same long questline on every character for needed unlocks. That gets incredibly annoying and boring.

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For Veteran Players

If you’re a veteran player or you’ve leveled a character before, you can choose to opt out of the starting experience and begin instead at level 1 in the starting area for your race. Upon reaching level 10, you can either continue into Battle for Azeroth or speak with Chromie to choose the expansion that you’d like to continue leveling in before you enter Shadowlands at level 50. Players with Allied race characters will begin at level 10. Non-Allied race Death Knights and Demon Hunters will automatically begin at level 8 and play through their own starting experience before moving on around level 10.

Thank you for this. I was very worried I’d get super bored of the same starting zone after a few characters.

As an altaholic with 24 level 120s, I’m really excited for these changes.

It’s not supposed to be “half as long”, just that every level has a reward.

I actually like that the abilities are locked to specific covenants so that your choices matter instead of just having access to everything.

honestly they learned nothing, instead of neck leveling being a limiting factor now it will be covenants, blizz lacks any concept of foresight

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I agree to a certain extent. If they can make things roughly balanced, I’m okay with it. I think Ion had a great point that having to factor in abilities to the choice process does make this an RPG.

It’s just concerning due to the many different gamemodes and how different abilities are tuned to said modes (i.e. raiding, M+, PvP, Torghast, etc.)

Now THAT’s a version that I would love to play!

The Death Knights and Demon Hunters will start at level 8, not 10. It will be Allied races that start out at 10.

I actually do not like any of this homogenized content. I agree with the people who are saying this does not give a new player a racial identity. You are making the game into the most simple and boring it can be. Losing all the flavor of the game and giving new players a decidedly generic experience. Sorry, Blizzard. I am not buying the new expansion.


Regardless of Right or Wrong Thread, someone please tell me with a direct answer:
What is going to happen to my unused 110 & 120 boosts?

These are paid items, and with all this I read of max levels being 60 soon, these items are still being sold and would amount to bait and switch scam to an unaware player. A free month for each would not be enough compensation in my opinion, 3 months maybe as it would take that long to level and do quest lines for someone not in front of this thing 5 hours+ per day.

Seriously? You couldn’t just create a topic to ask?
your 120 will be a level 50 boost.
Your 110 most likely a level 40 boost.

Not going to happen

Is the “Mini Dungeon” required to progress?
I know not ALL people are richard-heads but hey, Ive been kicked from a Lvl 15 Ragefire chasm dungeon because I didnt have enough Heirlooms. :confused:

With Demon Hunters starting at a lower level, will we be able to have more than one per account?

What I’d love to see, more than a new start zone, is a graphical upgrade to all the old zones. For example, imagine Silvermoon City looking like Suramar except blood elf style. Mmm, yeah! Now that’s how you impress new players.

Are the Allied Races being given their own starting zones/questlines?