[News] Shadowlands: Adventure Awaits in the New Starting Experience

This is not the thread, this is a thread for the beginning leveling zone not for the covenant stuff so leave it out of this.


To many, many players, actually.

Wait hold on
isn’t Ogron race were wiped out in our time line?

Forget making starter equipment green quality with no stats, just let us mog whites, and so both cover mogging on new toons right away AND add a fair number of new mogs to the library in the process. I’d like to go to the armor vendors in Stormwind and just grab a few complete sets you can’t get in green quality form. Is that so much to ask for? And the Pandaren starting zone gear - nothing else like it in the game. Shame for it to all go to waste.

For the thread topic itself though, I have two questions:

    1. Does this mean we can have more than one demon hunter per realm?
    1. Is the wording just poor, or are our races seriously locked to their starter zones, as in, Nelfs can not opt to leave Teldrassil ASAP and go to Elwynn to start their journey instead?
  • 2.5. Will new Nelfs technically be pre-tree burning Nelfs and thus “saved” by Chromie? That’d be a nifty little twist.
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Blizzard, this is incredible. Anything you can do to help make it easier for me to play with my friends is awesome.

Now, I can roll up a new character of any race, and instantly play with my buddy without having to take a zeppelin from TB to Org? That might not seem like a lot, but it’s huge.

Seriously, thank you. I can’t wait to try it out!

That being said
 I hope you will consider removing even MORE of the barriers keeping me from playing with my friends. Make game and character services cheaper, or free. Things like Faction changes and server transfers --automated services that are performed by computers, not humans-- have no business being as expensive as they are.
If you can get rid of these barriers, or at least lower them, more people will be able to play together with their friends.

Keep up the good work.


55 character currently needed

Cant wait to try it out. Do you think beta invites will be by email?

Seriously if you don’t like it, don’t pay attention to it. You shouldn’t let it ruin your day. It’s really not your job to try to police other people.

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“Sir, this is a Wendy’s.”

Use the correct thread please.

New starting zone sounds pretty cool.


And I like how the covenants are currently planned so I cancel you out. Take it else where.

This zone looks good which is why I’m not leveling any planned alts right now. I have to wait for this.

Looks good. Happy with almost everything so far except players power being tied to covenants.

Can you please detail how current character level will translate in the new level squish? With this change you’re saying 58 and 98 are the same as level 20. What will my 78 Rogue become? My 113 DK?


Looks pretty cool! Can’t wait to try it out.

It is necessary noise. Getting Covenants right is critical for the Shadowlands, and WoW as a whole.

Heck it’s even important for new players! They’re not going to know what to do in regards to Covenants which they should pick. They don’t know about endgame and the different sorts of multi-target and single-target fights, so their experience of Shadowlands will also be greatly put down.

For non DK/DH chars, I’m guessing they’ll multiply your level by ~0.416.

This looks like fun. The idea of something like this being added, and the leveling experience being improved overall, was discussed a lot at the end of Legion and the beginning of BfA, so I’m glad that the devs decided to focus on it.

Not that I really need more max level characters, and many longtime players probably don’t, but it’s still fun to roll a new character occasionally, there are allied race achievements and heritage armors to obtain, and it’s good for the game to have a better starting experience.

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This new intro experience sounds great. A lot of the starting zones vary wildly with leveling speed, gear, and quest quality. Elwynn or bust, basically, because none of the other starter zones reward either as good gear, give as many rares, or have as many quests packed so close together.

Think this was a much needed change!

Are the new Allied Race DK’s starting in the WoTLK DK area or the dumbed down single quest Shadowlands DK starting area, which is honestly a disappointment and should be scrapped entirely or fleshed out.

They are suggesting that there will be a learning component for new players and players new to their class. Making it challenging for the best geared and most experienced players would mean that new players would be unable to level.

What does “engaging but not hard” mean to you? Didn’t you previously post in an earlier thread that leveling should be hard and time-consuming?

I’m interested in knowing the conversion as well.

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