News flash for all the Anti-Random Dungeon Finder Cross Realm gatekeepers

You HAVE to use it if it’s in the game and you know it. Stop spouting off lies to try and trick people into destroying WoW again. No one is going to drop their spot in queue to join your random group that may or may not find a tank, and they certainly don’t want to miss out on their RDF rewards and goodie bags.

Your post is like saying if you don’t like the pollution cars cause, just ride a horse to work. People expect you to use the most efficient option and will exclude you if you don’t.

PS: You’re the one trying to gatekeep everyone out of a good game by adding your RDF nonsense. Also retail has RDF, LFR, and solo queue dungeons/arena. All the solo queuecraft you could ever want.


I freely admit that it would change things for those who are against the implementation of RDF. I am sorry if that would impact your game, same as not having it impacts mine. I have actively called for Blizzard to make some kind of REAL informed decision on this matter based on actual customer response. An official in game poll could easily clear this up and see what the majority of the players want. No matter what the final answer is it could at least stop the bickering and give us a legitimate answer.


Forum posts are anecdotal evidence brother, not fact. Not everyone who plays this game uses the forums. Forums and review websites are primarily disgruntled individuals.

Only blizzard can conduct a formal customer poll.

Yes, that’s why I said official in game poll.


Yea your forum reading trumps blizzards hundreds of thousands of GiGs of user data.

Got it.

I am a WoW subscriber, I have never been asked by Blizzard what I want. I assume you are a subscriber, have they asked you? I don’t want offsite information and other people’s guesswork. I am fine to abide by whichever side this would fall to, I just want a fair assessment.


You do realize this is a re-release. You knew exactly what you were buying Mr “google the evidence”

If you want “player driven change” go play retail.

This is classic brother.

That’s just it “brother”. I want my true classic experience. If you want something bastardized and not original then go play an emulator.


What’s missing you want?

If you say RDF, wait for ICC like original.

I would completely support that if they came out and announced it that way.


Why would that matter? When ICC comes out the games over.

Who cares about another alt. You can have every class leveled to 80 before TOC comes out.

Why are you weirdos so obsessed with RDF.

Why are we the weirdos for asking for something that actually was a part of the game?


Let’s say they release it how it was

What do you plan to do with RDF when it’s released in ICC, the last content patch, 6 months from now?

If it was in the game, and we aren’t playing the game it evolved into. Why would we want our version of the game to devolve into that version?

Riddle me that fatman

Very good question, here is the answer. In another 3 - 4 months Ulduar will start to become stale. That is the time that I would be leveling my new alts and enjoying the game from a new perspective IF there was an easy group finding option. As it is now there is only getting what I want from raid, then logging off for another week until reset.


After Ulduar you would do the Trial of Crusade raid. So once Ulduar gets stale you get a whole new raid! For another 3-4 months.

Then ICC comes out, and RDF.

Are you going to do Icecrown or level an alt? You going to save that alt to play in 6-7 months? Or level it now and enjoy the raids like the rest of us…

There are 7 days in a week. There is not enough current raid material at any point to occupy all 7 of those days. The more people log in the more likely they are to continue logging in. IF RDF was to launch with ICC then I would spend 1-2 days doing the new raid content, then the rest of the week would be playing new characters and looking at the game from a different perspective to prolong the enjoyment before eventually leaving once again.


So you have a whole week to play Alts, but will only do it if you can have an automated dungeon finder.

That problem is entirely your own. No one will miss you if you don’t play. Raid logging doesn’t hurt any of us.

If you refuse to level any other way but dungeons, make the group yourself or stop playing.

None of us care - we already did it.

Raid logging hurts EVERYONE. That just means less people available to run content with. Less people means less groups. Less groups means fewer people log on because they can’t find a group. Which then just makes even less people available. It is the start of a vicious cycle.


What do you mean? How are you finding groups without RDF?!?! hahaha

You aren’t hurting anyone but yourself by raid logging. Missing out on daily badges.

Everyone does the daily heroic for badges - it’s so easy to find a group throughout the day.

You don’t have a supporting argument for RDF, and if you did get what you wanted - it comes out with ICECROWN - you wouldn’t even be able to play your Alts in ICC because they will be 4 raids behind in gear.

RDF was a “get ready for Cata!” Function. It wasn’t meant for WOTLK, hence why it was only available at the VERY END

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