News flash for all the Anti-Random Dungeon Finder Cross Realm gatekeepers

Did a Paladin really say that? :rofl:


didnt come out until Halls of Reflection.

i mean, im not neccesarily demanding the addition of cross realm group finders.

But i have to say, every single person here currently telling how an rdf system needs to never come to “wotlk classic” needs to, this instant, create a thread demanding the deletion of “Heroic+” mode. Like instantly.

An “rdf” system actually did exist in wotlk even if it was late wotlk. “heroic+” has NEVER existed in wow in any iteration or variant, not even under a different name. They do not share similarities with “Mythic+” mode which did not exist untill september 2016 (in legion).

So, get posting the “delete H+ NOW” threads or go home. Double standards arent cool and really make you look foolish.


the NoChanges crowd lost.

and so did the entire WoW playerbase, alongside them.

you just couldn’t leave well enough alone.


Good argument dude wow you really got me haha!

You’re saying spamming accomplishes nothing. Like 3 crybaby pallies whined incessantly and the class got buffed.

Guess that flew over your head.


It’s not, at all.


WotLK didn’t have it in Ulduar. Not having it doesn’t make this not WotLK.

Yeah because I was totally one of them spamming… right?
You are not very bright eh?

This bypass is exactly why I wanted it. Obviously you couldnt pick it, you had to be randomly dropped back in. Thats why you queue for specific dungeons first, get locked, then run random for a chance to run again. I wouldn’t be suprised this is exactly why we didnt get it. Gotta time gate everything to limit player power from growing too quickly. At this point there isnt much to be gained from dungeons.

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You don’t know what gatekeeping is.

and you are playing the 3.4.1 patch. it should be in the game. what raids are available is completely different from the patch of the game as a whole.


Imagine being stuck at level 17 because you cant figure out how to quest.

Obviously a retail player as he only knows how to level in a dungeon.

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Argumentum ergo decedo. Nice fallacy.

It’s not, and we’re not. These ‘if’ situations are kinda pointless, unless you’re just intentionally trying to troll the forums.


It’s fine to disagree with a majority of players. Also, there have been hundreds, maybe thousands of threads of people explaining why it bothers them. For someone who calls people “Anti-Random Dungeon Finder Cross Realm gatekeepers”, I’d expect you’re aware.

It’s not in the game.

Also, you could always go back to Retail. :man_shrugging:

If 99.9% of the game’s appeal to you is only dungeon finder, then I’d suggest you simply play Retail, since the content itself only accounts for 0.1% of what you’re looking for in a WoW experience. And you might even enjoy that 0.1% more!

OG Wrath didn’t have dungeon finder until the very last raiding tier in the game. Maybe come back a year from now and this complaint will be vaguely true.



You dont seem to be the smartest. Its the devs having decided that its not going to happen, no one else. Your opinion nor others in any direction does not matter.


[quote="Gnàrr-grobbulus, post:21, topic:1520368, You are faced with data about how after RDF subs dropped, “Massively Singleplayer” became a coined term, and overall satisfaction plummeted.
This is an outright falsehood. It is very easy to look at the published subscription numbers and see that during WotLK with RDF then subs were at the highest peak EVER. They did not begin to fall off until after the release of the next xpac Cataclysm which was not so well received by players.


Imagine not knowing how to quote.

RDF didn’t come out until the very end of WOTLK with the ICC patch you absolute unit of a clown.

Try attributing the success to a real data point. Like marketing off the success of Vanilla/TBC - ya know… when they actually made a good game.

Cata had as many players as wrath until the very end (10-12 million players) which is roughly 12x the players we have for this Frankenstein recreation.

Learn to read a bar graph you idiot.


Wrong again. A little google search can help you avoid parroting wrong information. RDF was part of patch 3.3 release December 8, 2009. WotLK xpac launched 11 13, 2008. Cataclysm xpac launched 12 7, 2010. Wotlk xpac ran 390 days without RDf and then 364 days with RDF before Cata launch.
WoW reached the peak of its subscriptions in the 2nd half of 2010. AFTER the implementation of RDF.


Reading what you type is making my brain cells commit Sepeku.

RDF didn’t make people stay or quit in cataclysm. Wrath had 10 million subs and ended with 12 million players anticipating the reoccurring “new xpac” hype train (like what has always happened). Cata started with 12 million and dropped to 10 million.

You two idiots are pulling out RDF as if it’s the singular variable to make or break this garage game, as if it’s in a vacuume and there are no other variables whatsoever.

You and that other idiot are arguing about nothing, over a variable that isn’t even a factor

Simply because a lot of people are doing something, doesn’t make it a good thing. There are more FAT people than healthy people, does that mean being fat is a good thing? No it doesn’t you clown, just because people played wrath in large numbers doesn’t mean it was good.

100% chance this breakdown is going to fly right over your smooth brain.


When you can’t use facts then use insults. I present easily verified data. Do with it what you will.


I used facts and insults because you’re an idiot.

It’s cool, I know you don’t have a rebuttal because there isn’t one.

P.S. try not to have a nuanced discussion when your second language is English. No one understand WTF you’re talking about.

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