News flash for all the Anti-Random Dungeon Finder Cross Realm gatekeepers

I would love to have RDF at this point. I got my share of manual grouping in vanilla.

I was leveling an alt yesterday and literally no one was available for the dungeon run. We had to run without a healer, thankfully it was one of the low vanilla dungeons and we had a bunch of rets. I would gladly sacrifice the realm community with ability to run dungeons easier. In fact I think Wotlk is so retailized that there’s no community and everyone is very much anonymous. I myself just play because I enjoy the class design.


You’re antisocial because you want a tool that makes it much easier to group with other players? :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :rofl:

Yeah, man. Solo questing is the peak social aspect of WoW.


RDF isn’t for questing you brainless slug xD

INB4 “um AKSHUALLY there are daily dungeon quests”

The choice of troll and stupid is still on the table, although I think it’s safe to us are just shrugging and picturing the “why not both” meme in our heads.


Rdf solves more issues than it creates. The anti-rdf players will still play if its added in.

Even if you made it cross realm the anti-rdf player would still be playing.


Let’s be real… the people who want RDF are the same folks who leave 2 bosses in. They want RDF because it makes it easier to see the other players as NPCs.


Utter and complete garbage.


Big assumption. Every anti-rdf player is a GDKP raider.


and you just lost. whenever you cant debate and have to resort to insults, youve just lost. and people stop caring or paying attention to what you say. and the fact you were debating from a faulty foundation to start with… not good.

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you have absolutely ZERO facts to back your opinion. you know NOTHING about anyone else yet you claim what you say is the real deal? how bout you get real and admit one thing honestly… blizzard could end all of this with ONE simple OFFICIAL poll. gather the data and be transparent about the results. problem solved, conversation over. but most anti rdf argue against said poll FROM WHAT IVE SEEN in the forums. what i cant figure out is why?

unless anti rdf are fully aware the results would be against their wishes, then it makes sense they argue against such a poll.


The angry responses are confirmation. You are the bad people everyone is trying to avoid with RDF. You want to be given groups because you think you deserve people to play with. You don’t.

I know nothing? Well I know you’re a bunch of whiny children that have parents who never told them that they didn’t get everything they want.

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This isn’t a debate. This argument was over months ago. Blizzard made their decision. You won’t get it till at least ICC maybe never.

Yep and clearly blizzard has never made a bad decision. Oh wait… why are we playing classic…


I don’t think that troll is wrong though. We won’t get RDF in Wrath. The Classic team can’t swallow their pride, and they don’t want a conflict with their beloved Mythic dungeons.

I’m convinced it’ll be in Cata. It’s just too ingrained in the game at that point. However, they’ll find some other way to destroy that expansion.


Yeah… good or bad. It’s been made. Hell the writing was on the wall with the Paladin buff. The people asking for a paladin buff were small in comparison to the nonstop whine train that is the RDF crew, but they got their buff quickly.

PS -There’s a lot of irony in using classic as an example here…since you know RDF was one of those mistakes. If you’re mad at reading that… keep in mind that’s what Blizzard thinks.

An absolute garbage take that’s making absolute garbage assumptions.

The game is currently a fully single player experience until you have to get groups to progress any further at max level. It’s a garbage experience.


That’s just a troll, btw. In case you didn’t notice.

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You seem pretty good at putting words in peoples mouths. Again, you are WRONG. What I said was that it was put into play in the patch that was ORIGINALLY released with Wrath Classic. Nowhere did I say at Ulduar release. You’re pretty terrible at this argument thing. Just sayin. Know your facts first before responding to peoples posts. Thanks. Bye.


commenting for logs

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Yes, everyone who disagrees with you is a troll and all the girls who won’t sleep with you are just mean.

The hunter I’m playing right now has gotten hassled to join groups. Maybe be a decent non lazy person and it’ll go better for you.

PS - most people avoid groups lower level because the xp is better questing. It’s not a RDF issue… it’s a 4 bars of xp for a dungeon isn’t worth it ‘issue’.