I suggest obtaining and setting up DBM, WA, and Hekilli to gain a grasp of your class rotation.
as someone mentioned above, go into your interface options and enable “auto loot”.
it’ll loot everything from all the bodies around you
I will definitely do that. Thanks for reminding me. Quick question… Can I upgrade the backpack slots or it’s just default for everyone? Also, is there a bank where I can store my stuff like in OSRS.
Yes. They’re called bags and you can get them on the auction house. Usually around 20-50 gold each for 32 slot bags depending on the server economy.
What you want is 4 Bags and 1 Regent bags.
Don’t bother with the most expensive one as they only give just a couple more bag space.
Yes, you can buy bigger bags from the Auction house or ask someone in chat to donate some. They can be crafted by tailors, the newest biggest bags are expensive, the rest not so much.
Yes the main cities have banks. Ask a guard in the city and they will show you on the map where it is.
Will definitely look into it thanks!
Download classic WoW, create a character on Whitemane server plenty of dungeons and questing to do at a calm pace with plenty of players to do it with. Just ignore the retail players they have a strange hatred of the game that was.
Another question… Can I buy gear (armor and what not) at the auction house as well? Or is most gear dropped from creatures or raids?
You can buy what is called BoE bind on equip gear at the AH. Or potions or materials for crafting. Basically everything but BoP items. Bind on pickup
Yes you can, but at low level I wouldn’t bother as you’ll get gear from questing, dungeons etc.
a lot of people are talking about addons, and recommending that you download a whole bunch of random stuff which THEY use to play the game.
addons are something which are totally based on personal preference, and it’s better to find out for yourself what sort of functionality you want.
when you get to the point where you think “hmm… i wish the game did x thing”, that’s when you look into addons.
learn your way around the “bare bones” version of the game first.
you can, but it’s extremely overpriced.
most gear is purchased by high level players, simply to add the item appearances to their collection.
you can get everything you need by questing.
That’s very interesting. Way different than OSRS in that aspect. So BOE items are bound to the player once equipped. And the others once are bound basically when you touch them. I have alot to learn lol.
Message me ill twink and powerlevel u to 70 then ill carry you through A +20 AND THEN FIRST TO MYTHIC BOSSES.
Dear OP,
Welcome to the game. My biggest recommendation is to ask questions in the new player chat when you’re stuck. There are a lot of guides who are not only willing to answer your questions but who will come help guide you when you’re stuck.
Best of luck and I hope you enjoy the game.
Hey, thank you for the comment. Add me on Discord if you’d like. I don’t know how to send a DM on here.
It’s almost necessary for a new player. It should be built into the game.
If you are interested in experiencing World of Warcraft, I would play WoW Classic. Wrath Classic is another alternative, although it has many changes not in the original Wrath.
However, both Classic Era and Classic Wrath are true to the original WoW experience. The retail game is a far cry from the original.
The Classic druid is one of the best healers in the game. Boomkin (balance) is fun but very mana intensive. Bear tanking is fun, though growl mechanics are clumsy. Cat is also fun, but not quite as effective as a Rogue.
In Classic Wrath, the druid is very well powered up from Classic days and all three specs are very effective and a lot of fun.
Although I have played since 2005, I cannot advise you about retail since I stopped playing retail in 2015. If it weren’t for Classic/Wrath Classic I wouldn’t play at all.
Enjoy the game.
I apologize for the community in advance.
OP: So I’m new…
GD: Play Classic!
GD: Noooo play Retail, it’s best game!
GD: What? Nah fam, Classic way better!
GD: Seriously? Retail better for new players cus…
GD: Nu uh…