Thank you so much for this tip! I was going crazy trying to move with my mouse and my keys at the same time. I play alot of Overwatch so I’m used to using the WASD alot for all of my movement. Those two keys were very annoying. I’ll look into the settings in a bit. I binded some spells to my mouse but I haven’t really dug deep into the settings yet. Honestly there is just so much to digest I don’t even know where to start. I’d like to edit my UI if that’s possible.
We’re not exactly the most friendly bunch in this game. At least not in group content. Get ready for some League of Legends level of expectations.
With League, even in lower ratings (Leveling up to do the “real” end-game) players are crude. It’s the same with WoW. It’ll happen less often but with how the gearing system is against you, you’ll see it for sure.
In short, I recommend avoiding group content unless you find a guild or friendly players. Enjoy the quest content, join a nice guild, keep yourself on the track of playing with decent people so we can start getting rid of all this negativity.
Thank you so much! I actually have so many questions I truly don’t know where to begin lol.
Welcome to the game, Phixxion. Have fun & post again if you have more questions.
My only suggestion is just start wherever you want and go from there.
It’ll be overwelming for a few days, but you’ll settle in quick enough and can begin to enjoy the game aspect more.
Just come in here and ask, you’ll get answers, take your time, it’s always busy, so you won’t wait long.
You got this!
Druid excellent choice btw!
Very much appreciated. Thank you so much
Thanks again, it’s much appreciated. Yeah, I chose druid because they seemed very versatile in my opinion. I went the Resto Druid route for now since I’ve always been more of the “support role” in every game I’ve played were that
Here are some sites that can help you on your WoW journey if have not already been posted.
Guides and News for WoW, Diablo, Heroes of the Storm, and more - Icy Veins (
Wowhead: You see what we did there.
Warcraft Mounts: A field guide to mounts in the World of Warcraft.
If you want to roll a hunter someday.
Petopia: A complete guide to hunter pets in the World of Warcraft. (
Welcome to WoW.
For PvE I advise you to get DBM (deadly boss mods) and GTFO add-ons from curseforge. There are other add-ons that do the same things, but these two are pretty standard.
Then I’d also advise you to get a bag organizer, such as Bagnon, because your bags become pretty confusing rather quickly, and possibly something like Pawn that tells you if gear is an upgrade for you or not.
TomTom is also an add-on that’s very useful and pretty much expected even though Blizzard (relatively recently) implemented their own location sharing thingy in game.
PS: know your primary stat, because the gear with higher ilvl but Agility instead of Intellect is not what you want to go with if Int is your primary.
I would start a character on classic era. It’s a great way to learn WoW and how it all began. Don’t do retail to start.
Pardon my ignorance but I’ve never played WoW before and wouldn’t know how to go about downloading classic. Is it just called WoW Classic or something?
classic is a throwback to the “original” version of the game.
it gives you a chance to see what the game was like originally… with fun stuff like:
having to walk until level 40.
running out of quests and having to grind mobs to level.
not being able to do group quests because there’s nobody around.
accidentally stepping into an area with mobs which are “skull” level to you, and decimate you.
having to use online resources to research every quest because the quest text is too vague.
…then having to use another online resource to find out how to get to the location on the other continent.
running out of bag space and trying to decide what to destroy so you can loot things.
walking around looking like a hobo-clown because you can’t modify the appearance of your armor.
etc etc
The scaracsm is strong with this one, eh? Lol
you can take a look here:
ignore the realms that say “full” as they arent really, and you can choose if you want high pop or low pop depending on what you’re looking to do.
in general, this site is very helpful but can be very overwhelming
you can also join
for extra help too!
I really don’t recommend Classic for newcomers. It’s missing a lot of the QoL changes and systems added later on and looks… dated, as it is classic.
You won’t feel the nostalgia of going through it and will find it much harder to get into social circles and it’ll be pretty lonely.
I recommend staying away from WoW =-x.
classic has its own appeal, but the current retail version of the game is so much more user friendly.
I already started my adventure and what I’m assuming is what you guys call Retail. So I’m probably going to stay on here for now. Been watching alot of YouTube videos since there is alot and I don’t even know where to begin lol.
Yes, the main WoW game is Retail which you’re on.
I suggest enjoy and play the game the way you like but respect others this way you can make friends (some of them would last nearly a life time) . Search for a guild full of like mind people could help you guide you through this adventure on Azeroth.