Newcomer here

Greetings fellow gamers,

As the title states I’m a newcomer to WoW. By new I mean I literally made an account yesterday for the first time. Have played OSRS for most of my life and having done almost everything possible ingame I decided to try something new. Currently I’m a level 11 Druid and just finished the tutorial. The reason I’m posting is because I have alot of questions and would rather get tips and advice from a veteran player than Google. I’m not looking for handouts. Simply, advice regarding the UI, which path I should take to level up and such. I just paid for the subscription since I find myself playing this game in the long run and anyone willing to share some tips and tricks with me would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!



This was implemented in the previous expansion, but it still stands in game.

I’d recommend trying there over the forums.

In the event this doesn’t work out for you, try your server’s forums.

Good luck out there.


My suggestion is to take your time.

You’ll be starting your journey in Battle for Azeroth. All new players have to. Get your Mount Training up to 100% (I think that’s at level 20) then just… Stay in Battle for Azeroth areas until level 60 as you cannot Fly there. So no reason to get Flying training (which can be expensive).

While you’re there constantly queue with the Dungeon Finder (it’s the eye on your bottom screen or just press I to bring it up) and you’ll level to 60 fairly quickly. Just follow the Tank (shield next to their face) and you’ll learn things as you go and unlock abilities and talents.

When you get to Dragon Flight things should start fitting into place for you. Note - Don’t worry about Flying Training here either as Dragon Flying is free (New Flying) and you’ll get it in the very first leveling area/zone.

Oh yeah… Check the Auction House (it should be labeled in Stormwind) and get some Bags when you can. You can get very big bags for very cheap and since you’re in BFA and don’t have to worry about Flying training costs then you’ll get more than enough Gold to buy them pretty fast.

I see that you’re a Druid.

As you’re new I suggest going Balance spec as it’s simpler for newer players to play as and get used to. You’re also Ranged so don’t have as many mechanics to deal with as melee character types.


For new players I suggest you start with WoW Classic version and play to max level there. They have new communities building at this point now so its a great way to start WoW the way it was when the game launched or close to it as possible.

Play through to max then move to the BC/Wrath Classic servers where the classic community is now. If you like to socialize and do group content that is where it shines. It is also a lot slower leveling process and a little more difficult. If you like Easy mode and everything handed to you in a hand basket then play WoW retail current version. You can expect in the current game to get over whelmed because they basically took all the expansions and made them fast leveling zones.

It is all about getting you to max level asap so you can Raid with friends if you can find anyone that likes to socialize. If your a hard core raider you will find a place if they like you. If not you will sit on the outside looking in. I really do suggest the original version of the game for a 1st timer. You will get a much better experience that is if time is not important to you.



Sorry I don’t have much advice for you as I am a self-acknowledged ‘noob’ and a lone wolf (I don’t do endgame content and my opinions/enjoyment in WoW is usually contrary to popular opinion), but I wanted to wish you welcome and to say that I hope you find as much fun and adventure in Azeroth as I have over these near 20 years!! :smiley::pray:t2:


My advice is don’t get discouraged by a few bad apples. You will meet these people in game eventually and they will be angry about something.

Just remember these people peak in WoW so they take it too seriously. Just try to laugh it off.

Other than that, just try to have fun and find a good social guild. Welcome to Azeroth!


If you’re on Reddit, check our r/wownoob

This place is okay for helpful hints, but it gets pretty full of complaints and heated debates about silly things.

Wownoob exists for the exact thing you’re after.


Welcome to the world of world of worldcraft! It’s always nice to see new people giving this game a try.
My only advise it to not get discouraged once you become fully aware just how much there is to do in this game. There’s no rush, you don’t have to (and can’t) understand everything immediately, and you can (for the most part) choose your own content while leveling and collecting.
Some people tend to be a bit impatient with new players because they’re so used to WoW, they can’t empathize with how confusing even just knowing how to get from one continent to another can be when you’re new to the game or forget that nothing in game teaches one to use certain abilities (like interrupts) which isn’t a new player’s fault. If you encounter people like that, don’t take their insults to heart. From my experience, they are more of a minority. Happy questing


Welcome! Nice to see the game is still getting some fresh players.

Most people have covered the basics, but as someone who plays Druid a lot, it may be in your interest to start looking at UI add-ons once your’re max level.

Particularly something like Bartender. You can do without, but this can make your life easier and has a lot more options than Blizzard provides in their stock UI.

Druids can be a pain to set up well thanks to all the forms we have, which we need to switch to for various reasons.

Don’t get me wrong, they are a fantastic class and can do just about anything… but if you do find them daunting most other classes/specs don’t have such a steep learning curve to go from good to great. So there’s that option too.

Druid is one of the harder classes to do well with, but are very rewarding when learnt well.


Imo, the server you play on is also important. You might want to take your time to scout which server suits you most.


Ah. A druid. Pretty good first choice.

I’d say Mists of Pandaria zones are still fun for leveling. Best to not rush.

Ah shoot I forgot about that for new players.


I just wanted to thank for all the support my post recieved. I honestly didn’t expect it. There is no way I’ll be able to respond to every single comment in detail so I want to thank each of you on this post. I will carefully read each comment again and see where my next steps should be. I’m very excited to learn whatever is willing to be taught. So again, my most sincerest thanks. Also, I’m not sure if we can share Discords in the forum but if anyone is willing to DM me there so I can get in more depth it would be much appreciated. If not, that is fine as well. Have a blessed day everyone :pray::white_heart:



It depends do you want to do end game content or not that will decide how one levels…

If you want to get into end game content
If this is your first character, you’re going to have to level through BFA and unfortunately. If your DPS queue for dungeons while questing.

If you decided to do a tank or healer. It will be two times faster. Basically spam dungeons.

If you don’t care about end game content
Take your time.


Welcome! /wave

In terms of ui, the edit mode is a great choice.

Recommend addons from Curse Forge:
Dbm addon to help with boss fights
Dbm dungeon pack (has all dungeon call outs it may be under a diff name)
Weak auras helps with spell/ stat tracking
Details damage / healing tracker

These are the big ones and you can get weak aura plug ins from

Hope that helps!


ahhh… the mythical newcomer!

i see you found the New Player forum.
…there are only a handful of players who make a habit of fielding questions in there, so it can be slow.
No question is too noobish.

it’s a nice quiet place to ask noob questions without having to deal with the rabble of General Discussion.

I’d suggest they start with retail, and dabble in classic so they can see what it used to be like, and discover how much the game has improved.

just curious, but what benefit do these have to someone who is leveling?



Weak auras isn’t something I suggest for new players. Too complicated and too much data that they won’t understand.

Honestly they’ll be better off using DBM, GTFO, Bagon, Pawn, scrap, rare finder, all the things, and stuff that makes the game more smooth for them.


You can see what damage you took from where and weak auras can help with abilites with sounds etc along with other misc things.

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doesn’t the combat log do that?
the “what happened to me” tab?

i don’t want to poo-poo on your addons, but it seems like a new player has enough to learn, without throwing a heap of random addons into the mix.

it probably makes more sense to just play the game, and let them discover first-hand what sort of functionality they’d like from addons.
everyone wants something different.

i think the only ones i’m running at the moment are HandyNotes, ATT, and SilverDragon.


/shrug and yes you can but it can be even more difficult to read and if they are doing dungeons while leveling they can use them to help them learn rotation etc.

I just threw it out there. If op wants to dabble in it ok ig not ok. I was just making a suggestion


I just want to warn you that some of the people in the forums can and will be very rude. Please don’t think they are a representative of the player base as a whole.

Now, since you are brand new the game will put you into the Battle for Azeroth expansion to level up your first character. I suggest going through the story and doing the quests. Unfortunately brand new players don’t get a choice for their starting area on their first play through so some of the story is not going to make sense.

You can check the class forum for info on druids, but it may be better to look at online guides or discord channels for more specific questions and tips.

Welcome to Azeroth! I hope you enjoy the game!