Newbie stuff that you did

I made a ton of characters who never got past lvl 5 when I first started playing, but started leveling a Druid first. I wanted to play in kitty form but I talented mostly into balance and resto instead of feral because I didn’t like bear form.

I never upgraded gear or spells so I was using fairy fire, entangle and wrath until enemies got close then I would swap to cat form and do no damage.

I was in a guild but mostly leveled solo except when my friend escorted me to a bunch of flight paths across the two continents so I could get from Teldrassil to SW easier. It was then he pointed out that I was really trash. But he was nice about it.


Not newbie mistake. I took a year break until June. I’ve since been mostly playing my Hunter, but took my Ret Paladin into Emerald Dream to get some new armor. I realized at the end of those days that I’d left on Crusader Aura the whole time.

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Newbie mistakes …as a hunter not knowing to dismiss a pet while jumping off a cliff in a dungeon . Aggro everything . Deleting the whole group pf players . A wipeout .
Not turning the pets Taunt off.
Using a snake :snake: trap that aggro everything .
Hitting need on a weapon that i can not use .

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Not knowing about the auction house, so I vendored quite a lot of light leather to get silvers.

Oh and at first I couldn’t figure out how chat channels worked. I’d figured out party/guild chat, but a zone’s general chat/local defense, and trade I couldn’t. I’d see someone talking in Durotar general chat while sitting there in Razor Hill, and I’d respond in /say, and then get confused/annoyed when they wouldn’t respond back.

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Lvled like 5 different priests on 5 different trial accounts (idk why), until my mother came home with expansion pack. Then the adventure started.

When I first started playing back in mid BC I was just coming off of Runescape and for a time I was leveling like you would in that game and kill NPCs over and over again. Did not think about questing as at least back then Runescape’s quest did not exactly award a decent amount of exp for the amount of time it took to complete even the shortest of ones.

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First time playing in 2005, I drowned

I did on my first main in Vanilla. lol Was an Alliance Warlock and I got the basilisk scale quest where you have to go to Stonetalon Mountains.

So I was exploring after I got there, found Desolace, realized not many people were there so I had mobs to myself, and quested there on every alt I leveled after. XD

It might have been a n00b thing to do, but Desolace still holds a place in my heart. I went and quested there on Classic just for the nostalgia. :sweat_smile:

Leveling up back in BC, I kept trying to scrounge up enough silver to buy upgrade greens off of the auction house as often as possible. I don’t know why I didn’t understand that this was completely unnessary.

At max level I was dirt poor for a long time with even some skills unlearned. I continued to buy crap from the auction house too. :blush:

Also, I was soooo excited about the few blues you get questing around Hellfire once you get to the outlands. I really don’t know why.


Kept running off the bridges in Thunderbluff… repeatedly

Thought standing behind a tree or rock could fully hide myself from gankers


i leveled tailoring on a hunter in classic.

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I chose the Whirlwind Sword instead of the axe. I got laughed at. Repeatedly. Fervently.

Wrath, I was the hunter who didn’t use a bow till I started raiding… no one ever corrected me. Oh, and I left taunt on all. the. time. Sorry.

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I thought you could hide behind trees to avoid mobs.


My favorite memories still are:

Confusing battle pets with class based pets that actually attack mobs. I.E hunter bear pet versus say a butterfly I captured.

Path of frost jumping off ledges into water = fail.

Misplacing my / in chat and a whole lot of Macro code now in Trade chat. Or whispers to the wrong people

Coming from years of Diablo, forgetting I cannot just drop items from inventory onto the ground.

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:


As a noob Id go cave diving and would look through broken down houses for chests because one time in Badlands I got a blue in a chest.

Before LFG Id take my over-lvld warrior and run through Wailing Caverns or Razorfens often for some reason.

I used to restart frequently as a noob. Something about the 1-30 experience was always so fun.

Way back in the day Id RP and walk from Darn to IF to Stormwind with each new toon I made, to start in a different noob zone. ( ex Pretending I was a human in the elflands was pretty fun ). I wish I could get that immersed again.


Mine was starting a main that was rogue instead of shopping around a bit first, lol.
I spent sooooo much time on that rogue, did most of the garrison crap with it. Then I found out I like EVERY other class, even priest and paladin, better than rogue.

I wish someone had told me not to get attached until I had tried most of the classes in game first.

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I would follow the arrow directly to nearby towns instead of following roads, regardless if it took me through monster infested ruins or over mountains.


Warlocks and Hunters not dismissing pets in Gnomergan. The origins of Mythic + pulls. Sometimes you’d wipe, but sometimes you’d manage to pull it off :smiley:


[2 - Trade] Someguy: Sword of Uber Awesome on the AH!
[2 - Trade] Me: Why do you keep gasping in trade chat?