Newbie stuff that you did

I remeber as a undead hunter buying gray items.

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I jumped in the water … and swam to Desolace, trying find an easier zone.


When I 1st started, I thought intellect was how smart you wanted your character to be so I tried to give them as much intellect as possible.

Not good on a feral druid.

Then I didn’t understand why after weeks of play there was this opaque outline of my character naked in the upper corner of my screen.
I had no idea you had to repair your gear.

I used to attack mobs with my staff when I ran out of mana on my fire mage and everything was on cd.
I died a lot.

I used to choose blacksmithing all the time because it had the small effect attached to it that made your character tougher.

I didn’t read anything about the game except the basic story line and just jumped in, did a bunch of stuff and learned the hard way.

It was very fun.


Why on earth would you go to Desolace?

Yeah I wasn’t a “oh I get intellect on my gear to buff arcane shot!” hunter ( I"m still unsure if the Int stat ever did anything like that )

My focus was on just the armor stat lol

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I didnt know you could change keybinds until wrath, so from all of vanilla and bc i clicked every spell that wasn’t bound to 1-5 (because my hands are too small to comfortably reach 6).

There are a few spells that I still click on reflex even though they are bound to buttons on my mouse, like intimidating shout on warrior.

When i started playing in 09 i didn’t know pets could level up so every time i found a higher level beast i could tame i abandoned the one i was carrying and tamed a new one. In retrospect, i kinda liked having a new pet every other level, it gave the game some dynamism.
This was back in wrath when pets earned XP and leveled up along with you.

Basic stuff: needed on greens, whether I could use them or not; intellect stacking as a Feral Druid. In BC, I switched from Mutilate to Combat Swords, cuz that was the new hotness for a bit for raiding.

Problem was, I traded in epic Kara daggers for blue honor swords. Did not go over well with the raid guild.

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Played a mage and refused to play anything but fire, my method was just hard casting pyroblast to kill every single mob and it took forever

And then I found out some mobs were immune to fire damage, so I never did those quests cuz I didn’t wanna cast frostbolt cuz I was fire


Running to cities. Looking at pets. Playing with guild tabard customization. :robot::hammer:

My first 80 (cata) was a raenie mage 111111-2-11112-1112

I made a lot of dungeon mistakes which wasn’t helped by the fact that I was queued as a tank or a healer. People would say all sorts of stuff after each of these screw ups. Mostly this happened in mop some in wod, I was only a kid at the time, so it almost made me stop playing the game. I just laugh at how terrible I used to be now though.

I remember falling off the tree as a night elf and falling into the ocean as a blood elf and both times deleting the character because I couldn’t find my way back.

Stupid stuff like that. Everyone starts somewhere though, and you never know who’s behind the keyboard, so I try to at least be friendly.

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The reason I hated haste (and I’m still not 100% sure I was wrong) is that I thought that as a new player I was not as fast on hitting keys and making fast decisions as other players and that would make haste less of an advantage then a stat that was not affected by my own slowness. If that makes any sense.

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Different reasons but I get it.

I was married to a harpy for a few years. They can’t be tamed.


I was so new that I thought that when you died it was game over. So, I’d start a new character. I had a bunch dead at level five or eight, even seventeen when I thought that something had to be wrong, the dead characters were not going away.

I thought that the zone before Darnassus was the only zone and that the capital was the end of the game. I thought that it was a fun game. And then I took my first flight on a gryphon and I could see far and how big it was.

I remember jumping into one of the boats that never moved, and I couldn’t jump back out. I did have a one-hour hearth, so I sat for a while until I realized that the people walking around were not players but in-game guys. So, I was less embarrassed.

I remember when I made it to Iron Forge for the first time and a whole bunch of players were there. A female character jumped up on the mailbox, took off her gear and began dancing and asking for gold. I was startled and astonished.

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I completely removed Fire Ball from my bars because I couldn’t understand why you wouldn’t just press Scorch all the time. Castable on the move. Shorter cast time. Still generated Heating Up! procs. Made sense to me.

I never talented into Living Bomb because I thought it was a suicide mechanic where I’d blow myself up.

My first character was a Paladin, I talented more into Holy but played it as a DPS.
I would actively sell Greens for Vendor Whites, purely because the Whites would have more Armor value and I liked the idea of having lots of Armor (again, as a DPS)

In vanilla, put literally all of my points into fury (started as a warrior before moving to lock), i didn’t like the first rows of the other specs so i just kept putting all of my points into fury.

Also, i keyboard turned/clicked initially too, that’s what the game teaches you when you first start so i didn’t know any better, that lasted until i tried PvP for the first time and people were jumping through me incessantly and spamming /lol. After that i looked up the best ways to break the bad habits the game gave me :slightly_smiling_face:

Wrath of the Lich King brand new saw someone pugging in trade for Naxx. I said I was interested. I couldn’t have been level twenty yet. Got invited and then removed from the group.

First dungeon was Dead Mines. I was told to stay behind the bear, I thought it was the hunter’s pet. Was I shocked when they shapeshifted to a night elf to heal after a big pull.

Finally, the big Murlock camp west of Eastvale Logging Village, ran right up to get the dog tags. Big mistake.

Was questing with some friends and found out the hard way what Divine Intervention did.