Newbie stuff that you did

I started at early Cataclysm, and I thought Haste was a bad thing (Haste makes waste)

Mae your own!


vanilla as a hunter forgot to turn off the pet taunts in dungeons


I played classic vanilla an boy did I learn that lesson.

Put talent points into improved heroic strike as an Arms Warrior.

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I was once a total hunter stereotype. ( I’m unsure if the common term for dumb hunters is allowed on the forums anymore so I’m playing it safe )

I ignored the stats and just focused on armor. If it was higher, well it was clearly an upgrade.


I have said it before in previous threads like this, but it is still my personal favorite.

Back in Jan 05, when I started… I always made sure to log out at Inns or in towns. Not because I knew I would get rested XP but because I thought that when you logged out your character turned into an NPC/vendor that other people could use and I wanted to be helpful.


Rolled a Rogue on a PvP server as my first character. I thought being in stealth would mean I wouldn’t have to fight other players.

Which, in retrospect, should have been the clue that I hate PvP.


Waaay back in the day when I started playing, I knew WoW had two pet Classes, the Warlock and the Hunter. One uses Demons, the other uses beasts.

I rolled a Warlock and played for quite a few levels, then eventually I got the Summon Succubus spell.

My lizard brain deduced that since Warlocks could have a pet lady, then so could Hunters, which meant Harpies were tameable lol

Then I rolled a Hunter to try it out but then I realized that WoW doesn’t work like that lol


Did that in Cata…oops.

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i rolled on agility daggers as a warlock. dont know why.


I used my fishing pole instead of a staff, it did have stats on it.


yep every new hunter fell into this meme


My main is a lock, an yeah, I cared more about stamina then int.

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Rolled need on an item I couldn’t use. It was way before you could trade between group members. Felt like crap after doing that cause I couldn’t even give it to someone who could use it.


Lets see I started late Vanilla early BC and I’d never played a paladin before when i rolled one on Horde. I thought I was doing alright…class fantasy being wielding the holy light… foolish me mistook Holy Pally for Retribution till I got called out on this in like Slave Pens I think. Was told I was playing the spec wrong, dumb me thought the guy was punking me as nobody said a thing about it before then. Ended up realizing when i got dunked on by trash trying to quest…he was right… picked up a mace and shield…still got creamed so said screw Holy and went Prot. Had fun as Prot but ended up going Ret as I just loved the two hander style more


I played a druid in EverQuest. Wanted something similar. This character is my second I made. This was during TBC.

My noob moment was doing a resto build to be a healer. Never doing dungeons, etc. and solo leveling in the world. All the way to max.


I feel this in my soul.

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That happened back in WotLK. I was really young, and I had JUST started raiding, and did not quite understand how stats worked, etc.

I was also very poor and I had an empty gem slot on a piece of gear, and I decided to purchase the cheapest gem, and I ended up with an intellect gem on my hunter. I still giggle when I think about how stupid that was.


Travelled an insane amount while questing, wasting time.

Granted I didn’t have the classic horde levelling route seared into my brain at the time, and it was absolute trash in early Vanilla, but I’d basically go to a place, do a single quest, go back to org, go somewhere else…

The idea of just looking quests up that weren’t in the hubs or not taking every breadcrumb quest immediately did not come to mind for 15 year old me.

classic hunters had an excuse because stats for any gear hunters could use were all over the place, it was awful.

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Levelled to 20 as a hunter in BC by clicking spells from the open spell book.

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