New zone what a joke

I’m just not surprised anymore unfortunately.

For a part of the emerald dream to be introduced now and we get this, feels very lackluster.

I’m just now thinking what people will drum up of an excuse - - oh it’s just a patch, then it was, it’s a minor patch… what now :sweat_smile:


Emerald Dream should have been it’s own Expansion honestly.



  1. Dont read the forums if you think it’s tiring
  2. weeks of testing/PTR where things like this were reported and they still went live with the bugs intact? someone’s not doing their jobs
  3. An entire FREAKING day of lost progress for maintenance that took longer than it should (we’re regressing on quality AGAIN even with yet another merger and a supposedly rejuvenated development staff) and …this is still the result?
    Not acceptable for a game with their current pricetags and a sub.

The complaints are valid. Your post is troll.


I will say that I think the zone is fine in terms of content, but I agree with the sentiment of the overall aesthetic of the zone lacking a distinctive otherworldly quality that you would expect from a place with such a storied reputation. It looks nice, but also kind of plain.

The zone is rather pretty/good-looking/vibrant, the art team did excellent work (…as usual)

It does feel somewhat smaller than Zereth Mortis, even with a regular/slow flying mount it doesn’t seem to take me too long to go from point A to point B


you have to start wonderng what is soooo different between the questing in content they like versus content they dont.
I can pin point my hate with extreme accuracy…I hated SL questing because Ion when absolutely insane with the hokey repetitive mechanix on EVERY world trash…that Slow/Root/Stun/Circle of death garbage was nauseating and obviously there just to waste my time, not fit some theme or give the content personality.
That and the systems and currencies.
The quests out in the world were fine as far as questing goes. No better or worse than 8 other expansions worth of world quests.


The music is fantastic, too. I’m skeptical it’s going to stay fresh for very long, with Forbidden Reach and Zaralek Caverns as examples. But we shall see.

I’m disappointed. Emerald Dream relegated to a patch zone that’ll be dead in a couple weeks.


Yeah in theory or lore (if you will) its a whole world. Practically, for the player, its 1 zone.

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I think they let you get everything done way too quickly. They let you get to farm mode way too fast. There has gotta be some middle ground to extend the campaign while making it fun in between.


its just ardenweald v2 and next patch you can run old dungeons again

90 dollars for our new xpac plz


I don’t know if it’s directly related, but this is the first zone my mammoth computer has completely conked out on. Right while I was flying too!

Ugh, that sucks. Maybe it was the frenzy event, where everything gets green and hazy?

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I noticed a huge FR drop in the zone, but I wasn’t experiencing any lag. Could be some outdated addons I guess.

It’s really odd they were at 29fps and normally, even in Val they are hitting above 60 at worse and 145 at best.

We’re only seeing a small part of it, just like we saw a different part in the EN raid and druid order halls. The Dream is a big place. We’ll probably see other parts again someday.

If you were waiting for an entire Emerald Dream expansion, you were waiting in vain. They said long ago that would be too restrictive as a theme for an entire expack.

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That’s odd, I had no noticeable frame-rate drops… I did notice some “server lag” here and there though, but to be fair it could just be due to it literally being day 1 of a new patch (so of course the zone was flooded with players/server requests)

Then it’s just like the realm of death in that it should have been left alone.

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FPS drops may be addon releated… I know Kaliel’s Tracker, Bagnon, Bartender 4, HealBot and ZPerl have not been updated yet.

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Good point, it could have been. Hopefully I’ll see an improvement today.

I updated my graphics driver last week, but I may need to check and see if there’s another update.

It’s a slap in the face!

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