New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

But…but…even though you live it…the Pew Institute on the internet though! The Googles!

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I know I said FF7 dropping the standard riff was kind of disappointing but I did recently borrow a friend’s copy of FF7 Remake and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t grinning when this finally showed up:

Also this track, remake or original, is one hell of a vibe.

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Oh yeah, the music is top notch.

Eh, I’d argue that FF7R did not do very good remixes of FF7 music. Especially the airbuster theme. They took the old riff, slapped a ton of instruments ontop of it and you can hardly recognize the original piece.

FFXIV did a way better job at remixing old FF soundtracks.

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If we gonna talk about Final Fantasy music can we talk about the best track of all times.

Jecht - FFX Extreme Battle Theme (

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I am anything but a Blizzard shill and have been pretty brutal about my criticism of Blizzard’s work for a very long time. I don’t shill, I just say what I think.

So when I say that no game I’ve ever played has more pathetic-seeming man-children than this game, I am not defending Blizzard. I’m just saying what’s true. Look at the forums right now: WAAAAH there are too many girls in our treehouse! WAAAH some of those girls have beards! WAAAH I can’t afford early access no fair! WAAAH I’m bored!

It would be fine if there was legit criticism about specific issues relating to game-play but no. Just a bunch of whining over things one might expect 12 year old boys to be upset about. I mean, it’s bad when the posts on this forum make the fan base a laughing stock because there are so very many loser guys here. And boy do I mean loser guys. Who actually gives a rat’s behind if some women have facial hair, lol? That’s a decidedly WEIRD concern to have.

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Of course if we’re gonna derail with talk about video game music, I have to link my #1 track of all time from the greatest composer Frank Klepacki:

That C&C Remastered Intro brought a tear to my eye hearing “Welcome back, Commander”


No, not that. We got a recent sci fi epic journey about…grain!

And several people with the same backstory. But mere filler. The grain! must be shown more.

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Finally getting around to playing the series, FFX has been my favourite game so far.

Some balance stuff aside, the combat mechanics have the best foundation of the series in my opinion.

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One of the greatest video game soundtracks ever. Game series too. Well…until the newer games.

While talking about music, what do ya’ll think of AI assisted music?

Rise Of the Undead Boy (

This song is clearly about the forsaken right? …right? I can pretend.

This is probably mine.


LOL you guys have one single expansion where women get to be relevant for once and immediately lose your minds. This isn’t even true either, there are still heaps of male characters. There’s a 50/50 gender split in the real world, idk why this is so distressing unless you never go outside

A more obscure title but the soundtrack to One Must Fall 2097 is great. As far as I know the composer only ever did that game then just peace’d out.

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Kinda dishonest don’t you think, pretty sure dragonflight and shadowlands where both fairly woman heavy.


And BFA.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

Legion also had female leaders :thinking:

At least Baine found a comfortable place to chill for two years.

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and to give modern games some love, there is the greatest Disney villain of them all:

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There have been prominent women characters forever. Maiev killed illidan. Tyrande and Jaina were main characters in WC3. Heck, the entire NE faction in WC3 was populated by mostly female warriors. It was very popular. You people always have a short memory.

The difference now is that its lame, and they’re obviously shoving in a huge number of female characters in tropey ways for ideological reasons (or just their ongoing desire to avoid bad press and/or lawsuits due to their office culture).