New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

It’s amazing how triggered you people on that side get by the word weird. And I love it.

Horse Emblem best Emblem.

I’ve been playing through 6 which I didn’t play as a kid and it’s mostly trying my patience with this “let’s see how often we can force you to swap out party members” thing.

Music is still great, though.

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Nobody is triggered, it’s just people such as yourself say it and then interpret any response as being “triggered” or “weird”. It’s projection and a self-defense mechanism, and a meaningless feint because you don’t want to talk about policy or anything substantial.


But when you’re weird and you call other people weird, it’s kind of weird. Weird how that works, isn’t it? Generally, it’s a weird subject.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

If you want, I can point you to some other SNES JRPGs with awesome tracks, but I dunno if I wanna go too far into OT within this thread, but… I grew up with the SNES and played the majority of games that were released over here for it and some of them have ludicrously good music.

The system itself was just the pinnacle of chiptune music and it blows the mind when people say the Genesis had better sound, like, it’s not even close.

Which side? I’m assuming you mean the right? How about your side if we’re making assumptions? Orange man bad for the last decade and all that. The amount of trigger words to the left is much more.



And round and round they go. It’s fun to wind them up.

Found it:

„No… all else is… equal. Equally tedious. Equally disappointing. The world is a tepid bog into which we sink, too weak to thrash as the mud clings to our eyes and fills our throats till we blissfully choke.
But then came the light. Blinding and pure and hot… so very hot. Enough to set my soul aflame. I basked in the afterglow… until the void yawned once more. And then I knew the muck would never claim me again.“

„Never have I understood those around me. Understood their obsessions. Besieged by their banality, the world was a mire of tedium and trivialities…
But in these fleeting moments, there is… a spark. Blinding, brilliant… Gone… too soon…“

While Meteion believes that life is pointless and should end because there is no fixed meaning, Zenos, ironically, realized that life doesn’t have to have a meaning, but you can still live for the individual sparks that make life worth living.
His entire life was filled with emptiness until he finally discovered that one spark for himself that pulled him out of his void, and from then on, he gave everything for it.

I didn’t play a lot of jRPGs as a kid and I’ve been going back and doing that, so suggestions are welcome.

I’m told by just about everybody that Chrono Trigger is what I have to play next.

Being weird is A-Ok, and on that note we need some music.

Weird Science (

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Oddly enough, a lot of the people calling him bad used to be buddy buddy with him and even tried to get him into politics before. Weird how it all turned out, isn’t it? Look up some old Oprah interviews with him. You’ll see what I’m talking about.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

I’ll add another track from a franchise where the SNES game is the best one:

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Round and round the evil orange man lives in your head rent free. Thoughts and prayers.


Using only female leads is bad because it’s not diverse enough without male leads also. That’s the corner you’ve painted yourselves into.

Even your list is mostly male

Bring back our bois!
Bring back the Horde!

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lmao you realize what conservative actually means right…the hillarity of someone argueing with an actual muslim over whether or not their faith is rooted in traditional values is nothing short of hillarious…but i guess being the son of poor pakistani immigrants i need the wealthy elite to educate me on my people and our faith right?


this thread just keeps going and going.

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idk if hes evil, but i don’t think hes fit to run a nation. There is certain qualities I like to see in a leader, and others I do not wish to see in one. Acting like a schoolyard bully is one of those qualities I never want to see the leader of the nation inwhich I live to have. Our leader represents me on the global scale, I rather not have our nation be seen as a bunch of childish bullies. Maybe if the guy grew up a little I’d like him more. Dude can’t even be a good sport and lose with grace.

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